WORKSHOP: Analytic Therapy of Psychoses, Guy Dana at Après-Coup


Analytic Therapy of Psychoses: Guy Dana
Saturday, March 14, 2015 10:30 am–2:00 pm
The School of Visual Arts 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY

Psychotics suffer from a jouissance trapped in language’s ‘underpinnings.’ We can best work with them in an institutional framework, diverting trapped jouissance into speech acts and forms of address: constructing a social bond and a narrative, creating perspective, shifting the subject from one place to another as in a signifying chain.

Suggested Readings: Freud, “On Psychotherapy” (1904). Lacan, “On a Question Prior to Any Possible Treatment of Psychosis” (1955/56), Écrits. Sandor Ferenczi, “The Science Which Lulls and the Science Which Awakens” (1924).

Guy Dana is a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist practicing in Paris. He directs the psychiatric services of the Hospital of Longjumeau. A member and a former president of the Cercle Freudien and a co-founder of Convergencia, he is the author of many articles on psychoanalysis and psychiatry and of the book Quelle politique pour la folie? Le suspense de Freud (2010).

Attendance fee: $50; for students with ID: $20
Attendance is free for members of Après-Coup as well as for the
faculty and students of the School of Visual Arts.

Please ask at the desk for the room number.
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