Philosophy Thursday: John Stuart Mill


Click Here to Read: John Stuart Mill on Wikipeda.

Click Here to Read: John Stuart Mill on the Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Click Here to Read:  John Stuart Mill as a social science founder on the Understanding Philosopjy website on August 31, 2009.

Click Here to Read: John Stuart Mill’s relationships, his “mental crisis,” and the writing of The Subjection of women by Şule Özler, Ph.D. and Pys.D on UClA website.

Click Here to Read: Mill’s Moral and Political Philosophy on the Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Click Here to Read: J.S. Mill’s Test for Higher Pleasure* Troy Booher (University of Utah) on the Studies in the History of Ethics Website on December, 2007.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Philosophy Thursday on this website.