Writer’s Wednesday: Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Click Here To Read: Fyodor Dostoyevsky on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: When Dickens met Dostoevsky by Eric Naiman in the Times Literary Supplement on April 10, 2013.

Click Here to Read: Dostoevsky and psychoanalysis – psychiatry in 19th-century literature by Ruth Yvonne Pavlovic and Alexandar Mido Pavlovic on the BJPsych Website on March 1, 2012.

Click Here to Read:  Dostoevsky and Freud: Exploring the Relationship Between Psyche and Civilization on the Washington University Website.

Click Here to Read: Sigmund Freud and the Case of the Underground Man by Susan C. Fischman on the University of Toronto website.

Click Here to Read: “Doubling, Dividing and Interchanging of the Self”: The ‘Uncanny’ Subjectivity in Dostoevsky’s The Double by Michelle Zvedeniuk
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Linguistics and Literature Vol. 10, N
o2, 2012, pp. 109 – 124.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts from Writers Wednesday on this website.