From Stalin & Trotsky to Chaplin, Jihadi Death Cult, EHR and No Big Bang(?) from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues:

I had intended to send this out to you on Valentine’s Day but yet again the unmerciful weather and the 3rd or so Noreaster of the last 2 weeks has made it difficult. Fortunately it is a long weekend and you may have time to read the rich material on the international psychoanalytic website this week. The posts continue to reflect the societal concerns and thus are relevant not just to us in the USA but globally. I therefore urge you again to write your comments on the website as you read

As usual, my choices for this week will be followed by the entire list of contents below.

1) I apologize if you missed the ” Savoir Faire and the Frame of the Cure-Part-II with Paola mile at Apres Coup ” but please read about it at least at:
Click Here to Read This Article 

2.) Please read an excellent review of immunization concerns by Jerome Groopman in the NYT review of Books:
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3) The Books section generally encompasses most of human psychology This week there are so many ranging from Stalin, WWII, the cold war to Guantanamo, that i will not go thru them all and will mention a couple:

a)Though I consider myself an avid reader, I learned this week about a writer whose name I had never heard: Yevgeny Zamyatin. Please read about him and his book.
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c) As follow-up on the plenary speech at the recent APsaA meetings,glance at the Review of Sex Versus Survival: The Life and Ideas of Sabina Spielrein,
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d) the psychological implications of “Could Stalin have been stopped?” ( could be asked about Hitler and others)
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4) Worried about EHR? You should be.
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5) The General News, like the BOOKS category, contains numerous posts relevant to historical events, written with a psychoanalytic slant. Please comment!- they range from the murder of Trotsky to the last trial of Nazi perpetrators and the suicide bombings. e.g. Sadomasochism and the Jihadi Death Cult.
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6) A throw back to post WWII is this clip from the film THE GREAT DICTATOR where as a child in Prague, I thought this was a news real and that I was listening to Hitler.
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7) Please note the post re Northwestern University Professor David E. Tolchinsky’s Debut Play to Premiere in NYC.
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8) So.. the Universe may not have a beginning after all:
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Below is the Table of Contents for the week:

A. In the A DANGEROUS METHOD Category:

I. Savoir-faire and the Frame of the Cure, Part II with Paola Mieli at Apr**s-Coup

Apr**s-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents
Savoir-faire and the Frame of the Cure, Part II
Paola Mieli

Friday, February 13, 2015, 6:30 pm *** 8:30 pm

The School of Visual Arts
136 West 21st Street, Room 408, New York, NY

Clinical understanding and the direction of the cure in psychoanalysis differ from those of all other clinical practices. Based on selected readings of Freud***s and Lacan***s texts, this seminar addresses the specificity of clinical analysis and its aim, and reflect on savoir-faire in the transference.
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A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

II. Sublimination at the End of Analysis with Erik Porge at Apr**s-Coup
Friday, February 20, 2015, 6:30 pm***9:00 pm
Saturday, February 21, 2015, 10:30 am***2:00 pm


Lacan***s homage to Marguerite Duras for her novel Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein extends his theory of the letter through the question of sublimation. We will re-situate sublimation in relation to the drives, especially the invocatory drive, and explore what becomes of sublimation after the end of analysis, and the implication of this for the paternal function.

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III. The Mind in Conflict with Ian Buckingham at NYPSI

Extension Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesdays, 8:30 *** 10:00 pm, March 4 *** May 6, 2015

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C. In the ART Category:

IV. A Walk Through the Gallery ***Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs*** at the Museum of Modern Art

CLOSING SOON A Walk Through the Gallery ***Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs*** at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in The New York Times on February 6, 2015.

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D. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

V. The Moscow Male Jewish Cappella, Commemoration ceremony in Terezin
27th January, 2015 posted by Alexander Tsaliuk on YouTube.
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E. In the BOOKS Category:

VI. There***s No Way Out of It!

Review of On Immunity: An Inoculation by Eula Biss and Bad Faith: When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine by Paul A. Offit, M.D., Reviewed by Jerome Groopman in The New York Review of Books in the March 5, 2015 issue.

Collection of the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, State Art Museum of Florida, Florida State University Peter Paul Rubens: Achilles Dipped into the River Styx, circa 1630***1635

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VII. Yevgeny Zamyatin***s We: A dystopian novel for the 21st century
by Michael Brendan Dougherty on the website on March 18, 2014.
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VIII. The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis
Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial by Lynn Chancer and John Andrews, Reviewed by Jerry Lembcke and Ellis Jones on the New Books in Psychoanalysis Website on February 12, 2015.

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IX. Sex Versus Survival: The Life and Ideas of Sabina Spielrein
by John Launer, Reviewed by Janet Sayers on The Heart of Education Debate on Feburary 12, 2015.

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X. Could Stalin Have Been Stopped?

Review of Roosevelt***s Lost Alliances: How Personal Politics Helped Start the Cold War by Istv**n De**k, Reviewed by Frank Costigliol in the New York Review of Books in the March 21, 2013 issue.

Photo: Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone/Getty Images; Joseph Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Tehran Conference, 1943

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XI. Sadistic Jewish Hitler Scholar Abuses Girl in Jerusalem
Israeli novelist Gail Hareven dives fearlessly into the the moral quagmires of abuse, vengeance, and the legacy of the Holocaust By Adam Kirsch on The Tablet Website on February 11, 2015.

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XII. Ben Stiller Producing Gary Shteyngart Adaptation Shteyngart***s 2010 novel Super Sad True Love Story to become TV series
a) By Gabriela Geselowitz on the Tablet Magazine website on February 10, 2015.
b) Writer***s Wednesday: Gary Shteyngart on this website.
To read a) & b) please go to

XIII. A lost sense of belonging in no man***s land: The imaginary Jew
by Alain Finkielkraut, trs Kevin O***Neill & David Suchoff, Reviewed by Alberto Manguel on the Independent website on September 18, 1994.
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XIV. Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes: The Fear of Feeling Real by Richard A. Chefetz, M.D.

This book is Rich***s effort to show people what the psychodynamic treatment of the dissociative disorders is really like. Using highly detailed case vignettes as well as extensive case discussions that sometimes span several chapters and include verbatim dialogue, the minds of both patient and clinician becomes visible as the difficult work of treating trauma and dissociation is spelled out. Problems like repetition of self-destructive behavior,

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XV. The Brain***s Way of Healing: Stories of Remarkable Recoveries and Discoveries by Norman Doidge

a) review Can Parkinson***s be cured by walking, or blindness by ***higher judo***? These cures and their emphasis on the patient***s willpower and moral fibre are, at best, bizarre by Jonathan R**e on the Guardian Website on January 23, 2014.

b) Repairing the brain: Why we***re living in an age of neuroscience by Clint Michaels in the Independent on February 9, 2015.

Doing away with dogma *** Norman Doidge extends his coverage to cures that might seem to border on hocus-pocus. Photograph: Felix Clay
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XVI. The twentieth century was lived in vain

Leonardo Padura***s The Man Who Loved Dogs By Sandy English on the World Socialist Web Site on February 7, 2015.

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XVII. Trumbo in Limbo

The blacklisted Dalton Trumbo was as political as he was prolific. But he didn***t blame those who, unlike him, ***named names By Edward Kosner in The Wall Street Journal on Feb. 6, 2015.

Dalton Trumbo refusing to tell the House Committee on Un-American Activities whether he was a Communist, 1947. PHOTO: CORBIS IMAGES
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XVIII. Guant**namo Diary: A book that needs to be read

By Tom Carter on The World Socialist Web Site on February 6, 2015.
photo: Mohamedou Ould Slahi

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XIX. The Anthem hack is VERY BAD***but there are even more technology, policy, and legal problems we must fight to fix

Statement by Deborah Peel about the Anthem Hack and Medical Insurance Issues.
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XX. Stressed by Money? Get on the Couch

Get on the Couch by Paul Sullivan in The New York Times on February 9, 2015.
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XXI. Madam C.E.O., Get Me a Coffee

Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant on Women Doing ***Office Housework*** By Adam Grant and Sheryl Sandberg in The New York Times on February 6, 2015.

photo: Gaetan Bally/Keystone for The New York Times

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XXII. The Lure of the Gold Coast

Wealthy Chinese Buyers Head to New York***s Suburbs By Julie Satow in The New York Times on February 6, 2015.

photo: A house at the Estates at Green Fields in Old Brookville, N.Y., a development designed with Chinese buyers in mind. Indeed, the house above was snapped up by a Chinese buyer. CreditKathy Kmonicek for The New York Times

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G. In the CHINA Category:

XXIII. Two Tiny Jurassic Mammal Species Unearthed in China
on the NBC News Website.

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H. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XXIV. Breaking Up With My Meds

By Diana Spechler in The New York Times on February 12, 2015.
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XXV. After a Guilty Plea, a Prison Term and a Movie, a Sex Abuse Case Returns
by Jesse Wegman in The New York Times on February 9. 2015.
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I. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXVI. Trotsky***s murder remembered by grandson, 72 years on
Esteban Volkov recalls returning from school to find Stalin***s assassins had struck in the family***s Mexico City home by Jo Tuckman on the Guardian Website on August 19, 2012,

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XXVII. Psychology of an Anti-Hero

More and more TV shows are being led by a damaged character, from Sherlock to Breaking Bad. Writer Matt Dawson explores the reasons behind the rise of these anti-heroes by Matt Dawson on the Redbrick Website on February 12, 2015.

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XXVIII. Newtown Panel***s Report Aims to Improve Safety
by Marc Santora in The New York Times on February 12, 2015.
The town of Sandy Hook, Conn. The state commission report discussed school building design, but cautioned against turning schools into fortresses.

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XXIX. Remembering Dresden: 70 Years After the Firebombing
by Alan Taylor in The Atlantic Monthly on February 12, 2015.
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XXX. Sadomasochism and the Jihadi Death Cult

A psychoanalytic look at why people throw themselves into campaigns of murder and suicide By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin on The Tablet website on February 11, 2015.

Anwar Tarawneh, the wife of Jordanian pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh, takes part in a rally calling for the release of her captive husband in Amman on Feb. 3, 2015. (Khalil Mazraawi/AFP/Getty Images)
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XXXI. Seeking a ***Beautiful Death***

By Jane E. Brody in The New York Times on February 9, 2015.
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Antidepressant Superstition: How doctors and patients get fooled by antidepressants

by Jonathan Shedler PhD in his Psychologically Minded blog on the Psychology Today blogs on February 10, 2015.

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XXXII. Letter from Berlin: The Last Trial

A great-grandmother, Auschwitz, and the arc of justice by Elizabeth Kolbert in The New Yorker in the February 16, 2015 issue.
Franziska Maass***s message to her children: ***I think a lot about you. I am very lonely.***CREDIT COURTESY MARLENE KOLBERT

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XXXIII. French Prime Minister Manual Valls on the ***intolerable rise of anti-Semitism in France.***

Anti-Defamation League on YouTube.

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XXXIV. Was Brian Williams a Victim of False Memory?

By Tara Parker-Pope in The New York Times on February 9, 2015.
Brian Williams, anchor of ***NBC Nightly News,*** with American troops at Camp Liberty in Baghdad, Iraq, in March 2007. He has temporarily stepped down from his newscast responsibilities.Credit Photo by Jeff Riggins/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

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XXXV. Exporting trauma: can the talking cure do more harm than good?
When disaster strikes aid agencies are increasingly focusing on mental health as well as food and shelter. But without cultural understanding, pushing western treatment can do damage. Cue the rise of the humanitarian anthropologist *** by Anna Leach on the Guardian Website on February 5, 2015.

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XXXVI. Insurance and Its Discontents

By Darcy Lockman in The New York Times on February 10, 2015.
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XXXVII. German television series Tannbach and German postwar history
By Sybille Fuchs on the World Socialist Web Site on February 8, 2015.

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XXXVIII. Israelis Gather To Revive Yiddish Language In The Holy Land
by Eliyahu Berkowitz on the JPUpdates website on February 8. 2-15.
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XXXIX. Grammys 2015: Transcript of Bob Dylan***s MusiCares Person of Year speech
a) by Randall Roberts on the Los Angeles Times Music Blog on February 7, 2014.
b) Bob Dylan, Extending the Line BY David Remick on The New Yorker blog in February 08. 2015.

Former President Jimmy Carter introduces Bob Dylan as the 2015 MusiCares Person of the Year with Neil Portnow, president of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, during the MusiCares concert at the Convention Center. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
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XL. When a black German woman discovered her grandfather was the Nazi villain of ***Schindler***s List***

An odd series of events led Jennifer Teege to discover that her grandfather was none other than the notorious Nazi Amon Goeth. By Avner Shapira on the Haaretz Website on February 6, 2015.
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J. In the MOVIES Category:

XLI. The Greatest Speech Ever Made: Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator
on Cryptic on Facebook.

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XLII. ***Fifty Shades of Grey*** screams for psychiatric help
By Peter D. Kramer in The Washington Post February 12, 2015.
Dakota Johnson plays Anastasia in the film adaptation of the erotic novel ***Fifty Shades of Grey,*** by EL James. (Michael Buckner/Getty Images for Chrysalis)

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XLIII. The Case for Hollywood History

by Francine Prose in The New York Review of Books on February 10, 2015.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Robert Taylor as Ivanhoe and Elizabeth Taylor as Rebecca in Richard Thorpe***s Ivanhoe, 1952

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XLIV. Leviathan: A latter-day Job

by Dorota Niemitz and David Walsh on the World Socialist Web Site on February 6, 2015.

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K. In the MOVIES MONDAY Category:

XLV. Movies Monday: Hard to Be a God

a) Hard to Be a God on Wikipedia.

b) Hard to Be a God (2014) Trailer #2, english subtitles by Arthur Mardeev on YouTube.

c) The Dark Master of Russian Film, Review of Hard to Be a God by Aleksei German Reviewed by Gabriel Winslow-Yost in The New York Review of Books on January 31, 2015.

d) Hard to Be a God: Brilliant Russian Film Imagines Humanity Without a Renaissance By Calum Marsh in The Village Voice on February 26, 2014.

to read a),b),c) & d) please go to

L. In the PAPERS Category:

XLVI. The Mass Psychology of Fascism

By Wilhelm Reich with English translation by Theodore P. Wolfe on the Relatedness.

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XLVII. Philosophy Thursday: Emmnuel Levinas

a) Emmanuel Levinas on Wikipedia.

b) Emmanuel Levinas in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
c) Introducing Levinas to Undergraduate Philosophers by Anthony F. Beavers
d) Emmanuel Levinas: A 20th-century philosopher whose Jewish sensibility influenced his encounter with Western thought and ethics By Benjamin A.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to ___________________________________________

N. In the PLAYS Category:

XLVIII. Northwestern University Professor David E. Tolchinsky***s Debut Play to Premiere in NYC

Northwestern University Professor David E. Tolchinsky***s Debut Play to Premiere in NYC on the Broadway World Chicago Website on February 5, 2015.

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IXL Psychology Sunday: Stanley Milgram

a) Stanley Milgram on Wikipedia.

b) The Milgram Experiment on Wikipedia.

c) Now That You Know, How Do You Feel? The Milgram Experiment and Psychologization by Jan De Vos.

To read a),b) & c) please go to _____________________________________________

P. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

L. NASA: by The US Faces a ***Mega-Drought*** Not Seen in 1,000 Years
By Jordan Valinsky on the Science.mic website on February 13, 2015
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LI. Darwin Day: February 12, 2015

Evolution: Darwin Day 2015 *** Virtual Issual on the Wiley Online Library Website.
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LII. The Trip Treatment: Research into psychedelics, shut down for decades, is now yielding exciting results

By Mechael Pollan in The New Yorker in the Gebruary 9, 2015 issue.
Psilocybin may be useful in treating anxiety, addiction, and depression, and in studying the neurobiology of mystical experience. CREDIT ILLUSTRATION BY STEPHEN DOYLE

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LIII. Mars Rover Finds Stronger Potential for Life

By Marc Kaufman in The New York Times on December 8, 2014.
A panoramic view of the surface of Mars from the Curiosity rover. Mount Sharp can be seen in the distance. CreditNASA

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LIV. The Attention Machine

by Taylor Beck in The Atlantic Monthly on February 9 2015.
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LV. No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning
by Lisa Zyga on the Website on February 9, 2015.
This is an artist***s concept of the metric expansion of space, where space (including hypothetical non-observable portions of the universe) is represented at each time by the circular sections. Note on the left the dramatic…

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Q. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

LVI. Psychology Sunday: Philip Zimbardo

a) Philip Zimbardo on Wikipedia.

b) The psychology of evil, Ted Talk by Philip Zimbardo.

c) The psychology of time, Ted Talk by Philip Zimbardo.

d) The demise of guys?, Ted Talk by Philip Zimbardo.

e) The Menace Within: What happened in the basement of the psych building 40 years ago shocked the world. How do the guards, prisoners and researchers in the Stanford Prison Experiment feel about it now? By Romesh Ratnesar in The Stanford University Magazine in the July August 2011 issue.

To read a) to d) please go to ____________________________________

LVII. How Drunk Is Too Drunk to Have Sex?

Universities are struggling to determine when intoxicated sex becomes sexual assault By Amanda Hess on the Slate Website on February 11, 2015.

Illustration by Charlie Powell

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LVIII. Writer***s Wednesday: Gary Shteyngart

a) Gary Shteyngart on the Wikipedia.

b) ***Finally, proof that 12 years of psychoanalysis paid off for someone*** Reviews of Little Failure by Gary Shtengart on this website.
c) Why Gary Shteyngart Remains His Own Best Creation, Review of Gary Shteyngart***s Little Failure in the Jewish Daily Forward on this website.

To read a),b) & c) please go to

Although this may seem like an exhaustive number of posts, please chose those that appeal to you – there are many to please all interests.
I look forward to your comments as to our colleagues globally. Enjoy!
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde

Alexandra K. Rolde, M.D.