Halloween, ambivalence,the Holocaust, therapy changes the brain from Sasha Rolde on IP.net

Dear Colleagues:

When I was growing up this day was a relifious holiday and was called “All Souls Day” . I don’t recall it being scary or threatening as in “trick”. It is interesting to me that the day, like so many things in the world, has morphed into a scary occurrence despite the effort to “give treats” exemplifying the ubiquitous ambivalence and the love/hate human condition.

I turn to the international psychoanalytic website this week to give you a sampling of my own choices as well as the entire menu. I see the above in many of the posts and hope that you will comment. N.B. As in the past, I have NOT included previous announcements, so please check them all.

My choices this week are:

1) Please note the new thriving addition to IP.net, namely the IPBook.net
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2) I am moved by Nobel Prize winner Kandel’s comment on the relationship between psychology/neurology and art. Please read:
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3) In the Books category of course, I tend to find the uncomfortable, unsettling truths at times. Much has been written about the Nazi perpetrators psychology. in the new book by Robert Jay Lifton reviewed in the commentary I was struck by the following :
“the so-called ***euthanasia program*** of 1939***the secret killing by assorted means (including phenol injections, gassing, and starvation) of mentally and physically infirm children and adults. Before this program was officially halted in 1941, in the face of great popular protest, it had claimed over 100,000 victims. Most shocking and telling was the cavalier acceptance of these programs by the overwhelming majority of the German medical community. Doctors, whether Nazified or not, understood the need to do away with ***life unworthy of life.***

This refers to the practice in the general german society, not to the concentration camp murders. My discomfort arose from the fact that this attitude is not too far away from “who should get chemotherapy, who is likely to get a transplant, to current mandate that doctors talk to patients about end of life care (from what I hear from my patients sometimes done in the coldest possible way by the doctor typing in his computer and asking the patient about their views on dying, all the time with his back to them), etc. A slippery slope?
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4) The other 2 books should also not be missed:
a) The Body Speaks *** by David Rosenfeld
Click Here to Read This Article

b) 100 Years of the IPA, Edited by Peter Loewenberg and Nellie L. Thompson:
Click Here to Read This Article
5) There are 12 posts in the General News Category, so I will not list them in my choices here, but will only point out how they all speak in different ways to human ambivalence in all we do. Please browse throughout them
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6) Ries Vanderpol, M.D. was a supervisor of mine at McLean Hospital, and a colleague for many years. He was one of the nicest, kindest and compassionate psychoanalyst I had known in Boston. He came from a traumatic Holocaust history in Holland. Please read his obituary:
Click Here to Read This Article
Click Here to Read The Obituaries Cateogry
7) A research paper and PET scans suggest/reveal that psychodynamic therapy and the therapeutic alliance may change brain function and treat major depression after all.
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Below is the Table of Contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Fifty Shrinks at the Corner Bookstore



To read more and to order please go to:
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/announcements/ _________________________________________________

II. Presentations with Jay Frankel at CFS


***Ferenczi, Yesterday and Today*** with Jay Frankel Wednesday, February 4, 2015 8:00 to 10:00pm,
Location: TBA

S**ndor Ferenczi was Freud’s intimate friend, colleague, and collaborator, and also a radical, independent thinker. His profoundly democratic sensibility, his insistence on providing analytic treatment to the most difficult patients, and *** most important *** his revolutionary conceptions in areas ranging from trauma, to object relations, to the intersubjective nature of the analytic relationship, and his developing new treatment methods based on these discoveries, ultimately estranged him from his mentor and, for decades, from the psychoanalytic world. But in the long run, his groundbreaking ideas and

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http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/announcements/ _________________________________________________

III. The Chairs at CMP

A production of the play, The Chairs on Friday, November 7, 2014 *** 7:30-9:30 PM at CMPS, 16 West 10th Street, New York City.
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http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/announcements/ _________________________________________________

B. In the ART Category:

IV. Nobel Prize winner Kandel speaks on art and psychology
by Mindy Rosengarten on the Student Life website on October 30, 2014.
Eric Kandel, a Nobel Prize-winning neuropsychiatrist, talks in Anheuser-Busch Hall on Tuesday night. Kandel spoke to a packed, standing-room-only crowd about the influences of psychological theories on the creation and enjoyment of art.

To read more please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/art/ _________________________________________________

C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

V. Night Terrors Panel at NYPSI

with Christine Anzieu, MD & Anna Balas, MD at New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute on YouTube on August 25, 2014.

To view please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/audio/ _______________________________________________

VI. The Psychoanalytic Mode Of Thought Presentation at NYPSI
The Psychoanalytic Mode Of Thought And It***s Application To The Non-Normative Analysis Of Sexuality And Gender at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society on YouTube.

To view please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/audio/ _______________________________________________

D. In the BOOKS Category:

VII. The Body Speaks: Body Image Delusions and Hypochondria By David Rosenfeld
Book Review: Karnac, 2014.Reviewed by Nathan Szajnberg, MD
Courage comes to mind when reading these case histories. Courage in the sense of the

word***s origin, coeur, of the heart. ***Pierre***, a six foot four psychotic twenty-year old with a violent history, enters for a first session and stands near Dr. Rosenfeld. He becomes increasingly agitated. Shortly thereafter, as Pierre left angrily, he punched the door, broke the lock. Rosenfeld ran down the stairs to help him. Pierre is in and out of hospital. We listen to Rosenfeld persistence and perceptiveness to return this fellow to sanity. And we learn the theoretical framework that Rosenfeld found helpful to work with such patients psychoanalytically.

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VIII. 100 Years of the IPA, Edited by Peter Loewenberg and Nellie L. Thompson
Review of 100 Years of the IPA, Edited by Peter Loewenberg and Nellie L. Thompson (Karnac/IPA books, 2011) By Nathan Szajnberg, MD
This book***s a must-have, gotta-read, for your bookshelf at least for psychoanalysts or historians of ideas or New Yorker readers and fans of Janet Malcolm.
Loewenberg and Thompson are two scholarly historians and
psychoanalysts. After four years of recruiting, writing, editing with 56 contributors from 41 countries and societies, this book could have been a hodge-podge. It isn***t; Loewenberg and Thompson pull it off. Their angle is to grab by the horns Derrida***s derisive bull *** that there is practically no ***homo psychoanalyticus*** in Africa, Asia or the South Seas *** and rassle it to the ground by studying the history of psychoanalytic geography, the variations with culture (or
consistencies across cultures). And, in this book, they answer Derrida

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IX. The Nazi Doctors

Review: The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton, Reviewed by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen in Commentary Magazine on December 2, 1986.
To read please go to

E. IN the BUSINESS & FINANCE Category:

X. A Chronicler of Warnings Denied

Naomi Oreskes Imagines the Future History of Climate Change by Claudia Dreifus in The New York Times on October 27, 2014.

Naomi Oreskes says that those fighting action on climate change are not focusing on science, but on economics.

To read more please go to
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/10/28/science/naomi-oreskes-imagines-the-future-history-of-climate-change.html?_r=1 ______________________________________________________

F. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XI. Fathers, Sons and the Presidency

by Frank Bruni in The New York Times on October 25, 2014.

To read please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/editorials/ _______________________________________________________

G. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XII. Breaking the taboo: It***s time to talk about mental health
By Sue Baker, on the CNN website on October 10, 2014.

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XIII. When Freud met God

by Mark Vernon on The Tablet website on October 30, 2014.

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XIV. My Mother***s Psychotherapy *** and Mine

By Said Sayrafiezadeh in The New York Times on October 25, 2014.
To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XV. Old Demons, New Debates: Anti-Semitism in the West

edited by Professor David I. Kertzer on the YIVO Institute website.
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http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XVI. When All Is Said and Done in France*** French Jews will move to Israel
by Robert S. Wistrich on the Mosaic Website.

Photo: Police officers chase rioters in the Paris suburb of Sarcelles on July 20. Several Jewish-owned stores were burned. Pierre Andrieu/AFP/Getty Images.

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http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XVII. Human Trafficking: A psychoanalytic and socio-historical view
by Adrienne Harris on the Public Seminar website on October 27th, 2014.
photo: ***Baggage,*** Kenya ** Brett Jordan | Flickr

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XVIII. Interview with Tatiana Smilga-Poluyan, daughter of leading Soviet Left Oppositionist

By Clara Weiss on the World Socialist Web Site on October 27, 2014.
photo: Ivar Smilga

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XIX. Ebola Anxiety and Mental Terrorism

by Julie Jaffee Nagel on her website.

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XX. Some of psychology***s most influential studies were also completely unethical

by Susannah Locke on the Vox website on October 24, 2014.

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http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

XXI. My Father, the Everyman of Holocaust Survivors

He rarely spoke about what he endured as an individual. What mattered, I recently realized, was what he***d experienced with others By Robert Rosenberg on the Tablet Website on October 24, 2014.

Jews in the ****d** ghetto rounded up for deportation to Auschwitz during the summer of 1944. (Photograph by Henryk Ross. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Benjamin Meed.)

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XXII. A Psychiatrist Who Survived The Holocaust Explains Why Meaningfulness Matters More Than Happiness

by Emaily Esfahani Smith in The Atlantic on Ocotber 22, 2014.
Photo: ReutersViktor Frankl, the renowned Viennese psychiatrist and author of ***Man***s Search for Meaning.***

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XXIII. Finding a Middle Ground Between Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry
By Allen Frances, MD in the Psychiatric Times on October 21, 2014.
To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/general-news/ ________________________________________

H. In the MOVIES Category:

XXIV.Odysseus in Modern Cinema by Adele Tutter IPA

Odysseus in Modern Cinema Adele Tutter (American Psychoanalytic Association) A study on ***the ageless story of a young man***s solo quest***. This essay reviews: Grizzly Man, directed by Werner Herzog, 2005 | Into the Wild, directed by Sean Penn, 2007 | Man on Wire, directed by James Marsh, 2008 | 127 Hours, directed by Danny Boyle, 2010.

to read more please go to

XXV. Bion***s A Memoir of the Future *** the unfinished movie
on YouTube.

to view please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/movies/ __________________________________________

I. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XXVI. Maurice (Ries) Vanderpol 1922-2014

Maurice (Ries) Vanderpol Obituary in the Boston Globe.

I am sorry to inform you of the death of Maurice (Ries) Vanderpol on October 19 at the age of 92. Dr. Vanderpol was an admired psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and an important voice over the decades for those who demonstrated courage and compassion during the Holocaust.
Dr. Vanderpol was born in Amsterdam. In 1942, during the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam, he went into hiding, together with his brother and mother, until 1945. In 1946, he immigrated to the United States. Having begun medical school in the Netherlands, he entered Boston University Medical School where he went on to complete his medical education. ***..

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/obituaries/ ____________________________________________


XXVII. Psychology Sunday: Beatrice Beebe

a) The Origins of 12 Month Attachment: A Microanalysis of 4 month Mother-Infant Interaction

This article originally appeared as: Beebe, Beatrice , Jaffe, Joseph , Markese, Sara , Buck, Karen , Chen, Henian , Cohen, Patricia , Bahrick, Lorraine , Andrews, Howard and Feldstein, Stanley(2010) ***The origins of 12-month attachment: A microanalysis of 4 month mother-infant interaction. Attachment & Human Development 12: 1, 3 *** 141 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.
b) Mother-Infant Research Informs Mother-Infant Treatment by Beatrice Beebe.
To read a),and b) please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/psychsunday/ ____________________________________________

K. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXVIII. Role of pill-taking, expectation and therapeutic alliance in the placebo response in clinical trials for major depression
by Andrew F. Leuchter, Aimee M. Hunter, Molly Tartter and Ian A. Cook on the BJRPsych website.

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/science-news/ ___________________________________________

XXIX. PET scans reveal how psychodynamic therapy for depression may change brain function

on the Science Daily website on October 27, 2014.

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/science-news/ ___________________________________________

L. In the SOCIOLOGY MONDAY Category:

XXX. Sociology and Anthropology Monday
William I. (Isaac) Thomas (13 August 1863 *** 5 December 1947) and Florian W. (Witold) Znaniecki (15 January 1882 *** 23 March 1958)
It is fitting that Thomas and Znaniecki be treated together since their collaborative work The Polish Present in Europe and America represents the first major in-depth study of emigration and the establishment of an immigrant population in the United States. A classic of sociology, its methodology was largely dependent on the data provided by the emigrants themselves in the form of letters, diaries and other autobiographies, newspaper reports, etc. in which the subjective experiences are treated as series data for an objective study.

W. I. Thomas studied English and Classics at the University of Tennessee and continued his studies in classics and ***.

b)Other posts on Sociology and Anthropology Monday on this website.
to read a) and b) please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/sociology-monday/ ______________________________________________

M. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXXI. The Referential Process: Theory, Measurements, and Applications with Drs. Wilma Bucci and Bernard Maskit at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 8 p.m.
The Referential Process: Theory, Measurements, and Applications with Drs. Wilma Bucci and Bernard Maskit (more***)

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/uncategorized/ _______________________________________________________

XXXII. Virtual Psychoanalytic Museum *** Grand Opening

You are invited to enter the Virtual Psychoanalytic Museum. Enjoy visiting the current museum galleries organized around ***Time and Space***, ***Body***, and the film, ***Lars and the Real Girl***. There are wonderful exhibitions in each gallery with narratives, videos, and artwork. Just start and follow your interests. Have fun.

Director: Nancy Goodman
Curators: Paula Ellman, Marilyn Meyers, and Batya Monder

Publisher: IPBooks, Arnold Richards

Web Designer: Devra Hall Levy

To read more please go to
http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/category/uncategorized/ _______________________________________________________

The dense reading this week should leave you with a great deal of thought about the human condition and lead you as it did me to contemplate the posts with our psychoanalytic lens. Please leave your comments on the website as you read.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde