More history: Freud, Heidegger, religion/wars, antisemitism, & wuhan from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues:

The international psychoanalytic website is brimming with more historical material as it pertains to psychoanalytic thinking and development as the events were happening, be it their influence on Heidegger, Freud, Lacan and others, and on our theory – as in child development.
Spurred on by recurrent war efforts, this material is timely once again. Please note that I have attempted to avoid posing announcements of events which I had listed in the past few weeks, to avoid repetition.

My choices this week are:

1) For a detailed and personal documentary on how our own life experiences affect our work as psychoanalysts please read “Steven Kuchuck sits down with Tracy Morgan of the podcast New Books in Psychoanalysis” in the Audio/Video Category.
Click Here to Read This Article

2) 2 posts in books are a must read – on Freud by Robert Fletcher and on Heidegger by Peter E. Gordon.
Click Here to Read This Article on Freud
Click Here to Read This Article on Heidegger

3) I was pleased (though saddened by the content) to read the post on Psychiatry’s Underground Economy – a fact that most of us have known for a couple of decades or more. Pleased that it is now in the open and unhappy that none of our organizations have been able to stop the tide of evidence based medicine and the rise of the control of the insurance companies.
Please read the article carefully in the General News Category and write your comments.
Click Here to Read This Article

4) I quote a paragraph from The article:: The Politics of Unreason and the Boogey-Man of “Cultural Marxism” On the CHRYSALIS in the General News Category. It captures what often seems like the political insanity of our times. Please read!

“Anyway you look it, the phrase ‘cultural Marxism’ (or “socialistic multiculturalism”) is the same many-headed Hydra, and it belongs to mythological and magical thinking, not to reason. It conflates what are, as perceived by reactionary conservatives, many different existential threat conveniently into one threat—Islam, Marxism, Liberalism, Feminism, Environmentalism, etc. In fact, anything that is ‘not me.’ That is not only extremely narcissistic thinking, it is also the essence of a totalitarian delusion.”

Click Here to Read This Article
5) Do your children or grandchildren attend pre-K with the hope of giving them an academic advantage? Read N. Szajnberg, MD’s comment and the study report in General News.
Click Here to Read This Article

6) Please note several posts about S. Freud in the General News and the Book Categories.
Click Here to Read This Article on How Sigmund Freud Wanted to Die
Click Here to Read This Article on Are We Saying Goodbye to Sigmund Freud
Click Here to Read This Article on Freud and the Scence of Trauma

7) Yet another article on “religious violence” writes what a 13 year old patient of mine told his class about religion (god) being the cause of all wars. It also resonates with the posts on antisemitism, sprinkled throughout this week’s fare. See in General News.
Click Here to Read This Article The Myth of Religious Violence
Click Here to Read This Article Europe’s Anti-Semitism

8) And of course the movies tell it all: Read about the Iraqi Odyssey and about the Miners shot down: 2012 Marikana massacre.
Click Here to Read This Article about the Iraqi Odyssey
Click Here to Read This Article on the Marikana Massacre

9) Please read the moving paper by Arlene Richards on her teaching in Wuhan, and the papers on the Origins of Disorganized Attachment and Internal Working Models, as well as a post on Karl and Will Menninger in the Papers Category – all exceedingly fascinating.
Click Here to Read This Article by Arlene Kramer Richards on Wuhan
Click Here to Read This Article on Papers by Beattrice Beebe
Click Here to Read This Article on Karl and Will Menninger


Below is the Table of Contents for the week
A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Defense Mechanisms and Implicit Emotion Regulation in Children with Tim Rice at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday October 15, 2014 8 p.m.
Defense Mechanisms and Implicit Emotion Regulation in Children: A comparison of a psychodynamic construct with one from contemporary neuroscience with Tim Rice, MD Free and open to the public
RSVP HERE or visit

The growing interest in neuroscience in the centrality of emotion regulation, and particularly in a recent subfield termed …
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II. Ethics in Clinical Practice: The Foundation of Trust at NYPSI
Scientific Meeting
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 8 *** 10:00 PM
Ethics in Clinical Practice: The Foundation of Trust
Stephen Behnke, Rita Clark, Robert Michels, & Robert Grayson (moderator)
visit to register …

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III. Psychoanalytic Principles of Child Development with David Sawyer, M.D. & Ronald Rawitt, M.D at NYPSI

Extension Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Psychoanalytic Principles of Child Development David Sawyer, M.D. & Ronald Rawitt, M.D.
Mondays, 7 *** 8 pm, October 20 *** November 17, 2014, 5 Classes, Fee: $150
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IV. Open House for Prospective Candidates: ***What Happens in a Psychoanalysis?*** at NYPSI

Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Open House for Prospective CandidatesL ***What Happens in a Psychoanalysis?***
Thursday, October 16, 2014
7:15 pm Refreshments
7:45 pm Presentation
RSVP ***

To read more please go to: _________________________________________________
V. Fumbling in the Dark

a) Fumbling in the Dark by J. Todd in DeanDIVISION/Review on June 5, 2014.
b) October APA Division 39 InSight on this website.

To a) & b) please go to: _________________________________________________
VI. October APA Division 39 InSight

Master Calendar:

1) Division Program Meetings
a) 2015 Spring Meeting: San Francisco, CA April 22-28 (Drs. Ehrensaft and Heineman)
b) 2015 APA Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 6-9
c) 2016 Spring Meeting: Atlanta, GA: April 6-10
d) 2016 APA Meeting: Denver, CO: August 4-7
e) 2017 Spring Meeting: New York, NY: April 25-30 ***.

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VI. Introducing Lacan: On the Three Registers at Apr**s-Coup
Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 8:00 pm *** 9:30 pm

This seminar, which requires prior familiarity with Freud***s basic texts, is intended as an introduction to Jacques Lacan***s theory of the Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary as structuring human subjectivity. ***

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VII. Transference and Countertransference with Arnold Richards at MITTP


Arnold Richards*** presentation will be based on two papers, one on transference and one on countertransference. Dr. Richards presented these papers in Wuhan, China, originally. You may read the papers in advance. They will be emailed to you upon your registration for the workshop***.

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VIII. ***The Other Current*** by Priscilla Roth at CFS

The Third Rita Frankiel Memorial Lecture
***The Other Current*** by Priscilla Roth
Friday November 7, 2014 7:00-9:00pm
Mt Sinai Medical Center, Hatch Auditorium, Madison Ave @ 100th St
The title of Priscilla Roth***s paper comes from Freud***s discussion of disavowal and refers also to John Steiner***s development of this concept in his description of psychic retreats. It also recalls the Meeting of the Rivers of the Amazon, where the Rio Negro and the Rio Bianco flow side by side without mixing for some time, until, at a certain point, traces of the one can be detected in the other***..
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IX. IPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend with David Bell

IPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend
November 21-23, 2014
Knowledge as Construction, Knowledge as Experience: Reflections on Psychic Change
The focus of the weekend will be to underline how different theoretical persuasions lead to differences in therapeutic aim, therapeutic action, and therapeutic technique.

Conference Co-Sponsored by the Contemporary Freudian Society (CFS) and the International Psychoanalytic Studies Organization (IPSO). This event is supported by an IPA CAPSA Grant with the aim of stimulating debate on different psychoanalytical theoretical and cultural perspectives and understandings, to enhance knowledge of both the details of ***.

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X. YIVO News and Events

What does YIVO want for its birthday? Your ideas!

We***ll tell you a secret. In 2015, YIVO turns 90. Yes, it***s a big birthday, and we***re proud of our work through the years, including some of the exciting things we***ve been working on in just this last year: The Vilna Project, Letters to Afar, the YIVO Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland, and of course our Uriel Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture, along with two terrific public programming seasons. ***..

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B. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

XI. Steven Kuchuck sits down with Tracy Morgan of the podcast New Books in Psychoanalysis

Steven Kuchuck sits down with Tracy Morgan of the podcast New Books in Psychoanalysis to Discuss ***Clinical Implications of the
Psychoanalyst***s Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional*** edited by Steven Kuchuck on the Linked in Relational Perspective Book Series website***..

To read more please go to _______________________________________________
XII. A Doctor Unlocks Mysteries Of The Brain By Talking And Watching
by Jon Hamilton on the WBUR website on September 29, 2014.
Dr. Allan Ropper speaks with residents and fellows as they do rounds at the neuroscience intensive care unit at Brigham and Women***s Hospital in Boston. (photo M. Scott Brauer for NPR)

To read more please go to _______________________________________________
C. In the BOOKS Category:

XIII. Heidegger in Black

a) Heidegger in Black by Peter E. Gordon in The New York Review of Books in the October 9, 2014.

b) Heidegger and Nazism on this website.

c): National Socialism, World Jewry, and the History of Being: Heidegger***s Black Notebooks on this website.

d) Richard Rorty on Martin Heidegger on this website.

e) Why Does it Matter if Heidegger was Anti-Semitic? on this website.
To read a),b),c) & d) please go to
XIV. Freud and the Scene of Trauma

Review of Freud and the Scene of Trauma by John Fletcher Reviewed by Jamie Katz on The New Books in Psychoanalysis website on September 29, 2014.

To read please go to
XV. Shrinking History: On Freud and the Failure of Psychohistory
Review of Shrinking History: On Freud and the Failure of Psychohistory by David E. Stannard , Reviewed by by Cosma Shalizi in The Bactra Review: Occasional and eclectic book reviews.

To read please go to
XVI. YIVO From Islamic State to Kiev: Apocalyptic Fantasy and American Power
by Brian D***Agostino in Psychohistory News: Newsletter of the International Psychohistorical Association Volume 33, Number 4 *** Fall 2014.

To read please go to
XVII. Double Agent: The impossible life

Review of Becoming Freud: the making of a psychoanalyst By Adam Phillips, Reviewed by Aveek Sen in the The Telegraph, Calucta, India on September 26, 2014.

a) Sigmund Freud Tried Thwarting Biographers. That Didn***t Stop Adam Phillips on this website.

b) Review of: ***Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst,*** by Adam Phillips on this website.

To read a), & b) please go to
D. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVIII. The Benefits of ***Binocularity***

By Erik Parens in The New York Times on September 28, 2014.
To read more please go to ______________________________________________________
E. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:
XIX. Psychiatry***s Underground Economy

By Michael H. Levinson, MD in the Psychiatric Times on October 01, 2014.
To read more please go to ________________________________________
XX. The Politics of Unreason and the Boogey-Man of ***Cultural Marxism***
on The Chrysalis on August 3, 2011.

To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXI. Welcoming Myself Back to My Journalistic Roots

I got my start in a contentious corner of the Jewish press. It***s good to be here again. By Paul Berman on the Tablet website on September 30, 2014.

To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXII. Hirohito: String Puller, Not Puppet

By Herbert P. Bix in The New York Times on on Septmber. 29, 2014.
To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXIII. Vanderbilt study of Effects of Pre-K: No effects after 1-2 years.
This careful study of over 700 children shows that pre-K shows no sustained academic improvement. This recent study confirms earlier studies. A summary from the Executive summary appears here and the link to the full report below.
N. Szajnberg, MD

****** we found that the effects of TN***VPK on the WJ achievement measures observed at the end of the pre***k year had greatly diminished by the end of the kindergarten year and the differences between participants and nonparticipants were no longer statistically significant. The only exception was a marginally significant difference on Passage Comprehension with nonparticipants showing higher scores at the end of the kindergarten year than TN***VPK participants. Similarly, at the end of first grade, there were no statistically significant differences between TN***VPK participants and nonparticipants on the WJ ***.
To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXIV. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is an American Hero

She***s staying put***and has some choice words for young feminists. An interview By Jeffrey Rosen on The New Republic Website on September 28, 2014.

To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXV. Israel grapples with diagnosing attention deficit disorder in children
By Ido Efrati on the Haaretz Website on September 28, 2015.
An Israeli classroom. / Photo by Nir Kafri

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XXVI. How Sigmund Freud Wanted to Die

by Lewis Cohen on The Atlantic website on September 23, 2014.
To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXVII. The myth of religious violence

by Karen Armstrong on The Guardian website on September 25, 2014.
To read more please go to ________________________________________

XXVIII. NYSPA Lead Plaintiff in Class Action Lawsuit Against United Healthcare and Affiliates

by Meiram Bendat on the New York State Psychiatric Association website.
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XXIX. Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

by Jerold S. Auerbach on the Algemeiner website on September 23, 2014.
FDR. Photo: Frank O. Salisbury.

To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXX. From Islamic State to Kiev: Apocalyptic Fantasy and American Power
by Brian D***Agostino in Psychohistory News: Newsletter of the International Psychohistorical Association Volume 33, Number 4 *** Fall 2014.

To read more please go to ________________________________________
XXXI. How Freud almost fell victim to repression and denial
The master had to contend with multiple identities as a scientist, therapist, essayist, Jew and cosmopolitan. They almost kept him from fleeing the Nazis By David Bargal and Aner Govrin on the Haaretz Website on September 27, 2014.

Sigmund Freud: He knew all about Jewish history. Photo by Eran Wolkowski
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XXXII. Jewish Communist expats in East Germany recall heady 1950s
For Victor Grossman and Michael Hamburger, the annual Victims of Fascism Day is of equal importance to Holocaust Remembrance Day BY Micki Weinberg on the Time of Isreal Website on September 27, 2014.
American expat Victor Grossman as a young man in East Germany, early 1950s (photo credit: Courtesy)

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XXXIII. The Barbarians Within Our Gates: Arab civilization has collapsed.
It won***t recover in my lifetime. By Hisham Melhem on the Politico Magazine website on September 18, 2014.

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XXXIV. New study lists top psychologists of modern era

by Fariss Samarrai on the Medical Xpress website on September 26, 2014.
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XXXV. Are we saying goodbye to Sigmund Freud and the guru-shrink?
Freudian terms pepper everyday discourse yet the 75th anniversary of his death went almost unremarked. Are we forgetting the founder of psychoanalysis? by John Dugdale in The Guardian on September 26, 2014.
Sigmund Freud with a sculpture of himself. Photograph: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis

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F. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXVI. Iraqi Odyssey and other pictures of the modern world
Toronto International Film Festival 2014***Part 4: Iraqi Odyssey and other pictures of the modern world By David Walsh on the World Socialist Web Site on October 2, 2014.

Iraq Odyssey(photo)

to read more please go to
XXXVII. Miners Shot Down: Documentary about the 2012 Marikana massacre
By Derek Bell and Martin Kreickenbaum on the World Socialist Web Site on October 1, 2014.

Lonmin employees gather on a hill called Wonderkop at Marikana(photo)
to read more please go to
G. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXVIII. Wuhan: The Beginning of an End by Arlene Kramer Richards
a) Chinese version of this presentation in Chinese.

b) I have just finished teaching in a a three year program in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Wuhan, China. The following is a brief summery of what this meant to me and how I see the meaning of this program for psychotherapy for me, my fellow teachers and our Chinese students..

(Photo)Arlene Kramer Richards
Opening ceremony, farewell session, Wuhan Psychotherapy program September 2014

The Beginning of an End

We have come to the start of an ending of a wonderful experience. For me this training has been the adventure of a lifetime. I have cherished learning a culture that seemed almost new to me. I have come to care deeply for my fellow teachers, For the wonderful
administrators who take such great care in organizing our program, for the students in this program, for the ***.

to read a) and b) please go to

XXXIX. Three Papers by Beatrice Beebe and her Coauthors
On the Origins of Disorganized Attachment and Internal Working Models: Paper I. A Dyadic Systems Approach by Beatrice Beebe Ph.D., Frank Lachmann Ph.D., Sara Markese Ph.D. & Lorraine Bahrick Ph.D.
This paper originally appeared as Beatrice Beebe Ph.D. a , Frank Lachmann Ph.D. b , Sara Markese Ph.D. a & Lorraine Bahrick Ph.D. (2012) On the Origins of Disorganized Attachment and Internal Working Models: Paper I. A Dyadic Systems Approach. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 22:253***272 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.. . .

to read more please go to

XL. The Great Discovery of Karl and Will Menninger

a) by Daniel V. Leander, MEd, MTh on the ACT Heals website.
b) The Freudians Come to Kansas Menninger, Freud and the Emigre Psychoanalysts by J.E. Carney on the KSHS website.

c) Letter from Karl Menninger, M.D. to Thomas Szasz in Reading Notes, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 53, No. 4, July 1989, pp. 350-352. October 6, 1988 on the Thomas website..
(photo)Karl and Will Menninger

to read a), b) & c) please go to

XLI. Philosophy Thursday: Charles Peirce

a) Review with Peirce, Semiotics, And Psychoanalysis by John Muller and Joseph Brent, Reviewed By Louis Rothschild on the Division 39 website.

b) Charles Sanders Peirce on the Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy on June 22, 2001 revised on August 3, 2010.

c) Charles Sanders Peirce***s website.

To read a),b),& c) please go to ___________________________________________
I. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:
XLII. Photography Friday: Julie Jung

Cold Spring, New York by Julie Jung

If you would like to have your photography considered for***s Photography Friday, send your jpegs to Joel Seligmann, the Photography Editor

to read and view please go to

XLIII. Psychology Sunday: Albert Bandura

a) Albert Bandura on Wikipedia.

b) Albert Bandura (biography) on the Walker Wilson Blog Website.
c) Social Learning Theory and Developmental Psychology: The Legacies of Robert Searles and Albert Bandura. by Joan E. Grusec.

This article originally appeared as: Grusec, Joan E. (1992). Social Learning Theory and Developmental Psychology: The Legacies of Robert Searles and Albert Bandura. Developmental Psychology 28(5): 776-786 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.
To read a),b),& c) please go to ___________________________________________
K. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:
XLIV. Study Links Anxiety Drugs to Alzheimer***s Disease

By Paula Span in The New York Times on September 24, 2014.
To read more please go to ___________________________________________
XLV. I want to be your neuroscience experiment

TDCS electrically stimulates the brain; it is being hailed as a miracle treatment and attracting a community of DIYers by Elijah Wolfson on September 27, 2014.

TDCS has been found to be effective in boosting learning capabilities and treating symptoms of many health disorders. Science Photo Library / Alamy

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L. In the SOCIOLOGY MONDAY Category:
XLVI. Sociology and Anthropology Monday: Seymour Martin Lipset (1922-2006)
Martin Lipset was another one of those brilliant undergraduate students whose debating skills in particular and critical acumen more generally were honed at the Alcove One of the cafeteria of the City College of New York in the late thirties and early forties. The unifying factor of those 30-50 City students who congregated at Alcove One was not ideological purity (although they were all people of the left of varying and indeed conflicting stripes) but rather their strident opposition to Stalinism. Lipset came to Alcove One as a kind of Trotskyist but left the party after his first year at City. In an autobiographical essay published in 1996 Lipset suggests that his life work as a sociologist, more narrowly, as a political sociologist, had been motivated by three questions which he posed while an
undergraduate student at City and as a graduate student in the Department of Sociology at Columbia University under the supervision of Robert K. Merton and Philip Selznick. ***.

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M. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XLVII. Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with . . .Eric R. Kandel at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Friday, November 21, 2014, 7:30 pm
$25 General Admission, $20 Mt. Sinai employees with valid ID, $15 for NYPSI members, $10 Students with valid ID
For Tickets, click HERE or visit
Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with . . .Eric R. Kandel . . .
To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


XLVIII. Writers Wednesday: Marcel Proust

a) Proust and the Love of Longing by Arlene Kramer Richards and Lucille Spira on this website.

b) Citizen Proust: On Politics and Race by Barbara Probst Solomon on this website.

c) MIT neuroscientists explain ***Proustian effect*** of small details attached to big memories on this website.

Too read a),b) & c) please go to
Though this has been an extensive list of posts which I hope you will be able to read in some detail, I am particularly impressed with the content this week and urge you all to share your views on the website. The scope of the international psychoanalytic website is in my opinion a universal gift to all analysts, mental health professionals as well as many other individuals world wide in related disciplines and professions from writers to historians. We are fortunate to have access to this potpourri of posts every week.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde