YIVO News and Events


Abraham Sutzkever: The Power in Poetry
Wednesday, September 10 | 7:00pm

The Annual Naomi Prawer Kadar Memorial Lecture
Ruth Wisse, Professor Emerita, Harvard University


The Yiddish poet Abraham Sutzkever came of age in Vilna in the 1920s and 30s when Yiddish poetry was the favored creative outlet of its Jewish youth. For him, poetry-but only if good enough-was more than self-expression, more than beauty and truth: the power of rhyme was the endurance manifest in nature and in the Jewish people. “That is poetry. / Touch it so lightly that you don’t leave a fingerprint.” In this talk, acclaimed literary scholar Ruth Wisse puts Sutzkever’s poetry to his own test. Professor David Roskies delivers introductory remarks. Sponsored by the Naomi Prawer Kadar Foundation, Inc. Read more…

View a slideshow of Abraham Sutzkever photographs and documents in this week’s Yedies: News from YIVO.


גאָלדע און אירע טעכטער׃
די סאָװעטישע ייִדישע פֿרױען אין דער צײַט פֿון סטאַלינען
Golde and Her Daughters:
Soviet Jewish Women Under Stalin
Monday, September 15 | 6:30pm

Lecture | This program is in Yiddish.
Elissa Bemporad, Queens College, CUNY
Purchase tickets

װאָס זײַנען געװען די איבערלעבונגען פֿון ייִדישע פֿרױען אונטער סטאַלינען? װי זײַנען זײ געװען אַנדערש פֿון זײערע רוסישע, װײַסרושיסע, און אוקראַיִנישע מיטצײַטלערס? עליסאַ בן-פּורתּ (קװינס קאָלעדזש) באַטראַכט די יחיד-במינודיקע שטריכן פֿון דעם סאָװעטיזאַציע-פּראָצעס בײַ ייִדישע פֿרױען און דעם קולטורקאַמף אַרום סטאַלינס פּרוּװ צו צעשטערן רעליגיעזע טראַדיציעס און שאַפֿן אַ ״נײַע סאָװעטישע ייִדישע פֿרױ.״
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More from Yedies: News from YIVO

Leyenzal: Interview with Isaac Bleaman

In 2013, Isaac Bleaman launched Leyenzal (Reading Room), a website that commissions original biweekly Yiddish-language video lectures about Yiddish literature, which can be downloaded for free along with the texts being discussed. Read more…

Today News, Tomorrow History (1965)

In this episode, originally heard on March 7, 1965, YIVO historian and archivist Zosa Szajkowski talks about the importance of collecting news of current events: “How what is news today is tomorrow’s history.” Read more…

Unless otherwise mentioned events take place at the
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research | 15 West 16th Street
New York | NY | 10011
