Aggression, evil, OCD, loss, neuroscience & “evidence” by Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

School year and work year having begun after the summer hiatus, I hope that you will continue to devote some time on the weekend to read the posts on our international psychoanalysis website. The world news brimming with aggression and hostility, let us try to obtain some answers and ask some questions as to why this is happening. I have chosen a few items of interest but please browse through the whole site and comment on the posts of your choice.
My recommendations are:

1) I suggest reading the Sept. APA Division 39 InSight im the announcements – does “Who Do We Want to Be? sound familiar?
Click Here to Read This Article 

2) Mourning seems to be a theme lately – in unison with the world. See “A patient faces death: An analyst grieves with Judy L. Kantrowitz at NYPSI.”
Click Here to Read This Article 

3) Yet more on effectiveness of what we do: View the Audio A Case for Psychoanalysis: Exploring the Scientific Evidence.
Click Here to Read This Article 

4) The BOOKS again:

a)Apropos evil – “Listening to Eichmann in Jerusalem, Arendt saw an ***inability to think.*** Listening to Eichmann before Jerusalem, Ms. Stangneth sees a master manipulator skilled at turning reason, that weapon of the enemy, against itself.”
Please read the review of a surprising book Eichman Before Jerusalem by Bettina Stangneth.
Click Here to Read This Article 

b) closer to home: read the review of Hysterical:Anna Freud’s Story by Rebecca Coffey.
Click Here to Read This Article

4) More on aggression: read about MD suicides and sexual assault prevention.
Click Here to Read This Article on MD Suicides
Click Here to Read This Articel on Sexual Assault

5) Breaking the silence on the Killing of the disabled by the Nazis, the invasion o Poland and ISIS: The psychology of Our Fears cover more ground on aggression in the general News category.
Click Here to Read This Article  on the Invasion of Poland
Click Here to Read This Artlcle on the Psychology of our Fears

6) The Paper category reveals two interesting papers worth reading carefully. In the first Marc Strauss discusses in detail in the European Journal of Psychoanalysis the complexity of Obsessional Neurosis now (lumped under OCD) and points out the individuality of each case, in the second Preter & Klein underscores in detail the neurophysiological results of early childhood loss and the connection to adult panic states.
Click Here to Read This Article Female Obsessional Neurosis
Click Here to read This Article by Peter and Klein

7) The artists and writers always capture the flavor of the times. As in “Books”, the Photography Category this week contains

a) a moving photo taken by a New York conflict mediator, Sethu Nair
Click Here to View this Photo

b) an unforgettable photo of German soldiers marching into Poland – I recall seeing a similar “parade”on the main street in Prague in 1939.
Click Here to Read This Article 

8) a) It may be that neuroscience will come to the rescue of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in a most unexpected way. If you read the interesting posts in the Science News Category

Click Here to Read This Article

a)you will discover that serotonin is not related to depression after all,
Click Here to Read This Article 

b) and that the “basic assumption of neuroscience, the platform that supports all the talk about information, neuronal signals, art in the cortex-literally the whole shebang-is wobbly.
Everyone is assuming that the brain produces the mind in the first place. Knocking down this assumption isn’t likely to be funded by the federal government the way it is funneling $100 million into the Brain Activity Map. The only proof that the brain=mind assumption is wrong comes from philosophy, which most scientists, including brain scientists, dismiss out of hand.”
Click Here to Read This Article 


Click Here to Read This Article

c) Also in this section I was pleased to learn that the original neuroscientists who did research on autism now fear that it is over-diagnosed – a concern I have had about some of the children who come to me with that diagnosis made by others.

 Click Here to Read This Article 

Below is the list of contents for the week
A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Reading group with Lillian Ferrari at Apr**s-Coup

Apr**s-Coup Psychoanalytic Association
Thursday September 11th, 8:30pm-10:00pm
Conducted by Lillian Ferrari, this group will continue to read in connection with Paola Mieli***s seminar on ***Savoir-faire and the Frame of the Cure.***
MEETING SCHEDULE: Every three Thursdays, 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm, beginning September 11, 2014.
For meeting place and bibliography, please contact Lillian Ferrari at (212) 242-1217.
ATTENDANCE FEE: Attendance is free.

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II. A patient faces death: An analyst grieves with Judy L. Kantrowitz at NYPSI
Freud Anniversary Lecture
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 8 PM: The 59th Freud Anniversary Lecture: A patient faces death: An analyst grieves
Judy L. Kantrowitz, Ph.D.

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III. David Lynch***s Mulholland Drive starring Naomi Watts at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Thursday, September 18, 2014, 7 pm
David Lynch***s Mulholland Drive starring Naomi Watts
Screening followed by a discussion with Dr. Will Braun
Purchase tickets HERE or visit …

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Save the Date!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
8:00 *** 10:00pm

Collation to follow

This one act play, written by Julie Jaffee Nagel is a conversation between Mozart and Freud discussing Freud***s disclaimers about music and Mozart***s counterclaim that he could only express himself through music. These two icons engage in a lively discussion about their feelings regarding music and psychoanalysis. Specifically we learn about Mozart and some of the dynamics that contributed to his great piano Sonata, K 310 in A Minor. Following Freud and Mozart***s discussion, the entire Sonata will be performed by Louis Nagel. ***.
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V. Fall Parenting Series at WCSPP

Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence
In Psychoanalytic Scholarship and Service

The Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy is pleased to present its

at the
White Plains Public Library
100 Martine Ave., White Plains, NY 10601
Four Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Room B
OCTOBER 1 ***.

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VI. ***Master Clinicians at Work*** Allan Frosch at IPTAR
***Master Clinicians at Work***

Friday, September 19, 2014

Allan Frosch, Ph.D.

***Monsters and Angels *** Curses and Blessings: The Analyst***s Subjective Construction of the Clinical Situation***

In this presentation I explore the notion that a critical dimension of analytic work is the capacity for analyst and patient alike to experience the emotional intensity of the regressive transference *** countertransference scenario and to struggle ***.

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VII. A Mighty Girl

a) A Mighty Girl on Facebook.

b) The Myth of Mighty Woman Conference on
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VIII. September APA Division 39 InSight

From The Editor:

President***s Column
Who Do We Want to Be? ******

To read more please go to: _________________________________________________
IX. Referrals of couples at WCSPP

Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence In Psychoanalytic Scholarship and Service LOOKING FOR HIGH-QUALITY, LOW-COST COUPLES TREATMENT?

The Psychotherapy Service of the Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy is now accepting referrals of couples!

WCSPP has a 40-year reputation for quality training in psychoanalysis and related disciplines, and the unsurpassed level of service that our affiliated clinicians provide to their communities******
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B. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

X. Three Videos from New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
a) Women in the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, 1911-1961; Scientific Meeting on March 11, 2014 at NYPSI A panel discussion moderated by Nellie Thomson PhD on Vimeo.

b) Siblings: What they do with us, to us, for us, and against us; ***Dialogues on****** event on March 12, 2014 aseries of discussions with leading child development experts at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute. Dr. Philip Herschenfeld led this evening***s exploration of the many dimensions of sibling relationships on Vimeo.
c) Strife & Excellence: Turning Points in the History of The New York Psychoanalytic Institute on this website.

To view a),b) & c)please go to
XI. Strife & Excellence: Turning Points in the History of The New York Psychoanalytic Institute

Panel at NYPSI on Vimeo on May 6, 2014.

To view please go to _________________________________________________
XII. Watch Lucky***s Waiting for Godot Speech in Yiddish

By Jesse Green on the website on Septermber 2, 2014,
To view please go to _________________________________________________
XIII. A Case for Psychoanalysis: Exploring the Scientific Evidence
by John Thor Cornelius on YouTube on February 5, 2014.

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C. In the BOOKS Category:

XIV. Book Portrays Eichmann as Evil, but Not Banal

By Jennifer Schuessler in The New York Times on September 2, 2014,
To read more please go to
XV. Carrying the Burden of Longevity

Guiding a Husband and a Mother Through Alzheimer***s at the Same Times By Jane Gross in The New York Times on September 1, 2014.

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XVI. Daddy***s Girl? Rebecca Coffey on Sigmund Freud***s daughter
Review of Hysterical: Anna Freud***s Story by Rebecca Coffey, Reviewed By Joan Lipkin on the Windy City Media Group website on August 28, 2014.

To read more please go to

D. In the CHINA Category:

XVII. Mao***s Sarcophagus and Other Constructions In ***The Dog,*** Jack Livings Writes of a Modernizing China By Michiko Kakutani in The New York Times on July 30, 2014.

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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVIII. Why Do Doctors Commit Suicide?
By Pranay Sinha in The New York Times on September 4, 2014.
To read please go to __________________________________________
XIX. How Can Men Help Prevent Sexual Assault?
By Aanna Altman in The News York Times on September 2, 2014.
to read please go to __________________________________________
F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XX. A Message to the Last Single Lady in the San Francisco
in the San Francisco by Tiffany McLain on the Psyched Magazine website on September 4, 2014/

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XXI. Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy?

Click Here to Read: Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy? By Roni Caryn Rabin in The New York Times on September 1, 2014.
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XXII. Monument Seeks to End Silence on Killings of the Disabled by the Nazis
By Melissa Eddy In The New York Times n September. 2, 2014.
In a view through its centerpiece blue glass wall, a monument in Berlin to some 300,000 mentally ill and intellectually disabled people put to death by the Nazis.CreditMarkus Schreiber/Associated Press
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XXIII. Invasion of Poland, Fall 1939

on the Holocaust Encyclopedia website.

German troops parade through Warsaw after the invasion of Poland. Warsaw, Poland, September 28-30, 1939.*** National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md
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XXIV. ISIS: The Psychology of Our Fears

by Max Dorfman on the Huffington Post Website on August 30, 2014.

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G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXV. David Lynch***s Mulholland Drive starring Naomi Watts at NYPSI NEW YORK PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY & INSTITUTE:
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Thursday, September 18, 2014, 7 pm
David Lynch***s Mulholland Drive starring Naomi Watts
Screening followed by a discussion with Dr. Will Braun
Purchase tickets HERE or visit .

To read more please go to
H. In the MUSIC Category:

XXVI. Willie Nelson***s Band of Brothers: A songwriter returns
By Hiram Lee on The World Socialist Web Site on September 2, 2014.
To read please go to _________________________________________________
I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXVII. On the Female Obsessional Neurosis

by Marc Strauss in the European Journal of Psychoanalysis.
To read more please go to
XXVIII. Early Childhood Loss and Later Panic: Preter and Klein
N. Szajnberg, MD
Bowlby was a careful observer. His entire volume on Loss spoke to the power of early childhood adversity and later life. More recently, a pediatric nephrologist at Kaiser in collaboration with others has shown that early childhood adversities, including loss, results in later adulthood medical ailments (Filetti et al); and Szajnberg and Massie followed Brodie***s cohort at thirty years to demonstrate this clinically.
Yet, Preter and Klein, citing the work of others, have shown pharmacological evidence of what appears to be a lifelong disorder in opiodergic systems due to childhood loss.

Here is the careful study:
Lifelong opioidergic vulnerability through early life separation: A recent extension of the false suffocation alarm theory of panic disorder. by Maurice Preter MD and Donald F. Klein, MD, DSc: on the Reseach Gate Website on April 16, 2014.

To read more please go to
XXIX. Psychology Sunday: Max Wertheimer

a) Max Wertheimer on Wikipedia.
b) Max Wertheimer Biography on the Website.

c) Other Posts Psychology Sunday at This Website.

To read a),b) & c) please go to

XXX. Philosophy Thursday: Aristotle

a) Aristotle on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophty website.
b) Aristotle***s Psychology on the Explorable website.

c) Sublimation and Symbolization: An Aristotelian Psychoanalysis: On Antoine Vergote***s ***La psychanalyse a l*****preuve de la sublimation*** (Paris, Cerf, 1997) by Rudolf Bernet *** K.U. Leuven on the Ethical Perspectives website.

d) Other posts from Philosophy Thursday on this website.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to ___________________________________________
K. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXXI. Photography Friday: Sethu Nair

***Fallen Offerings*** by Sethu Nair. Sethu is mediator offering conflict coaching and mediation services in New York City.

If you would like to have your photography considered for***s Photography Friday, send your jpegs to Joel Seligmann, the Photography Editor

To read and view please go to
XXXII. World War II: 75th Anniversary

a) World War II: 75th Anniversary on the CNN Website.

b) World War II Erupts: Color Photos From the Invasion of Poland, 1939 on the Life Magazine website.
To read and view a),& b) please go to

L. In the POETRY Category:

XXXIII. Poetry Monday: September 1, 2014

Photo Eugene Mahon

Welcome back from vacation, everyone, and Happy Labor Day! Given what has been happening to labor lately, there***s too much to say about that here, so it will have to be left to the editorial pages. Meanwhile, here is our September poet, Eugene Mahon.

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M. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXIV. Real About Brain Science *** A Challenge to the Current Model
by Deepak Chopra on the SFGate website on September 1, 2014,
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XXXV. What If Everything We Know About Treating Depression Is Wrong?
By Cliff Weathers on the AlterNet website on September 1, 2014.
Photo Credit: Michael Kowalski/Shutterstock

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XXXVI. Neuroscientists Make Huge Strides Toward Solving the Mysteries of the Teenage Brain

by Robert Montenegro on the Big Think website on August 29, 2014.
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XXXVII. Meet the mother and father of cognitive neuroscience
Independently and almost single-handedly, husband and wife Uta and Chris Frith have transformed the way we view autism and schizophrenia on the by Mo Costandi on Guardian website on Mo Costandi***s Neurophilosophy blog.

Uta and Chris Frith at their home in northwest London. Photograph: Mo Costandi
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N. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXXVIII. The 21 Best Reviewed Movies on Netflix

on the Stumble Upon Website.

To read please go to _______________________________________________

XXXIX. Neurons in human skin perform advanced calculations
on the Medical Xpress website on September 1, 2014.

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XL. YIVO News and Events

YIVO in California

YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent will be speaking at several programs at Let***s Never Forget: The Night and Hope of Arnost Lustig, on September 6, 2014 in Auburn, California. For more about this event, click here.

This Week in Yedies: News from YIVO

Max Weinreich in Copenhagen
by Bent Bl**dnikow

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Whether you are into politics, neuroscience or philosophy, this week there is something for everyone, and I hope that you enjoy the posts and learn from them as much as I did. Please leave your comments on the website.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde