Three psychology interns discuss their dissertations with Alison Ferst, Aimee Radom, & Rebecca Stone at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 8 – 10 p.m.
Three psychology interns discuss their dissertations
Alison Ferst, Aimee Radom, & Rebecca Stone
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This works in progress seminar will be devoted to presentations by three psychology interns who will discuss their dissertations and research.

Dr. Ferst will present on “Metaphor and Subjective Experience
in a published Psychoanalytic Treatment.”

Dr. Radom will present on “Do Religious Conservatives and Religious Liberals Think Differently? An Exploration of Differences in Cognitive and Personality Styles.”

Dr. Stone will present on “The Breast Feeding Mother as Subject:
A Psychoanalytic Study of Toni Morrison’s Beloved.”

Alison Ferst, MA, MPhil is currently the Clinical Psychology and Substance Abuse Consultant and Clinician at Hunter College High School, providing clinical support and education to students and families. Additionally, she is a member of the clinical team at PerDev (Perceptual Development), providing comprehensive assessment and treatment, helping children and adults overcome barriers to learning by discovering their perceptual development gaps. Ms. Ferst is completing her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at The City College of New York, The CUNY Graduate Center. She completed her pre-doctoral internship at The New York Psychoanalytic Institute and at Mount Sinai School of Medicine on the adult inpatient unit, and worked with parents and young children at the Pacella Parent Child Center. Prior to returning to school to train in Clinical Psychology, Alison worked for over 11 years with women, children and families living with HIV and AIDS at Gay Men’s Health Crisis, and for 3 years as the Director of Institutional Relations at Children’s Hope Foundation.

Aimee Radom, PhD has been part of the NYPSI community for the past five years as a psychology intern and post-doctoral fellow. She has a masters degree in Theological Studies and a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology and Religion from Boston University. She has continued her work in ideology and personality as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute for the Bio-Cultural Study of Religion, where she worked on the Spectrums Project–an empirical investigation of religious ideology. She is currently in private practice on the UWS.

Rebecca Stone, PhD graduated in 2014 with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Derner Institute at Adelphi University. She is a post-doctoral fellow at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.

All are welcome.

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