History repeats itself, Autism, lying and character from Sasha Rolde on IP.net

Dear Colleagues.

Holidays and school vacation weeks give one the opportunity to read and lift one’s head to see what is going on in the world.

Having just read a gripping novel about Central Europe between 1938 and 1945 I am adding it to my report this week as it is the eve of the Holocaust Remembrance day. The book is “The Invisible Bridge” by Julie Orringer. Well worth reading.

With that preamble, news about Russian military gathering on the border of Ukraine brings to mind watching Hitler’s army gathering on the borders of the European countries in the 1930s, and of course many other armies invading other countries throughout centuries. Never say “Never Again”. I will try not say this to the high school students to whom I will speak about the Holocaust tomorrow but…

The human being does not seem to change much in its intent over time, only in the means. Hence our psychoanalytic website trying to make sense of why we do what we do. I hope that you will comment on what you read; hopefully we can have some impact on the rest of the world.
Before I begin, let me ask you again to consider donating to InternationalPsychoanalysis.net – it’s been with us since 2007 and we would like for it to continue!

My choices this week are:

1) Please try to attend the NYPSI meeting with Sudek, Janacek, Huvaldy, and Me with Adele Tutter on May 7/14 – wish I could be there
Click Here to Read This Article

2) The podcast on Autism is worth listening to – increasing problem seen by many of us in practice.
Click Here to Read This Article

3) Nathan Szajnberg is giving us yet another book – please read the review of his new book about Ethiopian children
Click Here to Read This Article

4) Lying to children and character formation is outlined well in the article by Kerry Malawista MSW, Ph.D. Please read.
Click Here to Read This Article

5) the article on hope by Simon Critchley in the NYT is thought provoking for analysts. Please comment!
Click Here to Read This Article

6) The General News Category has a number of article on man’s inhumanity to man from Frazier Glenn Miller’s Racist Homophobia to the French TV documentary: Shoah by Shooting – SS Death Squads in Ukraine.
Click Here to Read This Article on Frazier Glenn Miller 

Click Here to Read This Article on the French TV documentary

7) Two posts on brain circuits involve in Emotions are encouraging. 

Click Here to Read the first article on brain circuits
Click Here to Read the second article on brain circuits


Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the A DANGEROUS METHOD Category:

I. Sudek, Janek, Huvaldy, and Me with Adele Tutter at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, May 7, 2014, 8 *** 10 p.m.

Sudek, Jan****ek, Huvaldy, and Me with Adele Tutter, M.D., Ph.D.
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B.. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

II. Incorporation of psychoanalytic treatment into the world of evidence-based care with Barbara Milrod at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 8 *** 10:00 PM

The Kupferstein Memorial Award Committee of the
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
presents its 2nd Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award for
Innovation in Psychoanalysis

Barbara Milrod, M.D. who will speak on
Incorporation of psychoanalytic treatment into the world of evidence-based care

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III. Informal Gathering at WCSPP

Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence In Psychoanalytic Scholarship and Service
Are you interested in Post-Graduate training in: Psychoanalysis, Adult Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Couples Psychotherapy, Supervision
Please join us on Friday, May 9, 2014 7:00 p.m.
For an informal wine and cheese gathering to discuss training opportunities with current candidates and recent graduates.
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IV. The Question of Psychoanalytic Technique with Alain Vanier at Apr**s-Coup
Friday, May 2, 2014, 6:30 pm *** 9:00 pm

Psychoanalysis with ALAIN VANIER

Given Freud***s insistence on psychoanalytic technique, how are we to understand Lacan***s rejection of that term, and the various alternatives he suggests for it: ethics, savoir-faire, etc.?
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Saturday, May 3, 2014
10:30am *** 2:00pm


If, as Maud Mannoni said, ***psychoanalysis with children is psychoanalysis,*** it nonetheless calls for distinct tools: toys and drawings, no couch, and parents at least partially present in sessions. Given this different savoir-faire, should Lacanian child analysts still speak of ***technique,*** though Lacan abandoned the term?
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VI. Open Forum: Thinking About the Brain in Everyday Clinical Work at NYPSI
Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Saturday, May 3, 2014, 10 am *** 12 pm
Open Forum: Thinking About the Brain in Everyday Clinical Work Graciana Lapetina, Larry Sandberg, Robert Scharf, & Maggie Zellner (moderator)
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VII. Listening to the Unconscious: Analysts at Work Open House at AIP
329 East 62nd Street ** New York, NY 10065
(212) 838-8044 ** aipkh@aol.com

We invite you to meet our Faculty and Students at our
Listening to the Unconscious: Analysts at Work
Saturday, May 3, 2014 12:00 PM *** 2:00 PM

How can we discern a patient***s unconscious conflicts?
What are the different ways we can listen to the material in a session?
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22-25 July 2015, Boston Seaport & World Trade Center, MA, USA Changing World: the shape and use of psychoanalytic tools today
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce that proposals for the following activitIes are now invited for the 2015 Boston Congress:
*** Individual Papers
*** Panel Presentations
*** Small Discussion Groups

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C. In the ART Category:

IX. Lucian Freud: Eyes Wide Open
Sunday, April 27th, 2014

Biography review: ***Lucian Freud: Eyes Wide Open,*** by Phoebe Hoban by Kirkus Reviews on the GuideLives Books website on April 26, 2014,
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D. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

X. Autism Podcast Series

The Autism podcast series (hosted by Dr Laura Crane) aims to showcase the latest research published in Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice in a way that is accessible, easy to understand and has real world relevance. The podcasts are aimed at a broad audience, including academics, researchers, students, clinicians, journalists, policy makers, individuals with autism and their families, and anyone interested in autism spectrum disorders. All articles related to podcasts are freely available to download.
Autism Matters Podcast Number 13: Paul Shattuck and Anne Roux discuss issues surrounding employment support and the barriers that people with autism face when looking for or attempting to retain a job.
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XI. Earth Kitt on the Couch 1957

Earth Kitt on the Couch 1957 on YouTube.

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E. In the BOOKS Category:

XII. This Is Your Brain on Great Literature

by Amir D. Aczel on the Time Magazine website on April 26, 2014.
Photo: Petworth, West Sussex, England. An female old age pensioner looks through a selection of second hand books at a bookshop shop sale.Copyright Homer Sykes.

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XIII. Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst***s Life Experience
Review of: Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst***s Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional by Steven Kuchuck Reviewed by Tracy Morgan on The New Books in Psychoanalysis website on April 26, 2014.

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XIV. YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation

May 15, 2014

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014 | 7pm
Cecile Kuznitz, Bard College; Samuel Kassow, Trinity College; Simon Rabinovitch, Boston University; Steven Zipperstein, Moderator, Stanford University and Kronhill Scholar at YIVO
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XV. Rhyme, reason and a dream of Freud

Review of What You Want Or, The Pursuit of Happiness By Constantine Phipps, Reviewed by Andrew Barron on The London Evening Standard website on April 26, 2014.

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XVI. Letter From The Archive: Chang-Rae Lee

Posted By Erin Overbey on The New Yorker website on April 25, 2014.
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XVII. ***Your Inner Fish*** *** An engaging look at our vertebrate ancestry
By Walter Gilberti on the World Socialist Web Site on April 22, 2014.
Photo: Peter Holland, left, and Neil Shubin hunt off the Florida coast for amphioxus, a wormlike creature used to study the origins of basic human features. [PBS Television]

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XVIII. Sheba and Solomon***s Return by Nathan Szajnberg

Brief Review of Sheba & Solomon***s Return by Nathan Szajnberg, Reviewed by Ahron Freidberg

In the social sciences there tends to be an underlying tension between two distinct approaches to knowing: The nomothetic, which is based in an effort to find laws that explain objective phenomenon, and the idiographic, which is based on understanding the unique, contextual and subjective meaning of a thing. In Sheba & Solomon***s Return: Ethiopian Children in

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F. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XIX. Lying to Your Kids

by Kerry L. Malawista, MSW, Ph.D. on the Huffington Post website on April 23, 2014.

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XX. Abandon (Nearly) All Hope

By Simon Critchley in The New York Times on April 19, 2014.
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G. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXI. The Psychology of Frazier Glenn Miller***s Racist Homophobia
by Charlotte Lytton on the Daily Beast website on April 24, 2014.
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XXII. The Secret World of Drug-Addict Doctors

by Kent Sepkowitz on the Daily Beast website on April 2014, 2014.
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XXIII. Jews and the Ukrainian Revolution 2014 at YIVO

What Now?

THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 | 7pm

a) Join Josef Zissels, leader of Ukraine***s Jewish community, and scholar David Fishman, to discuss Ukraine***s new political reality, the recent incident in Donetsk, and what Jews and minorities can expect in the new Ukraine.

b)Read YIVO***s interview with David Fishman about Josef Zissels and events in Ukraine.

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XXIV. The International Psychohistorical Association

The International Psychohistorical Association website.

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XXV. America***s Recidivism Nightmare

A new government study shows a disturbing trend for the prison population by Caitlin Dickson on the Daily Beast website on April 22, 2014.

photo: Kevork Djansezian/Getty

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XXVI. Earth Day 2014: How It Became a Global Environmental Event
by John Roach in National Geographic on April 21, 2014.

photo:Aflac employees pick through garbage bags in search of recyclable plastic, aluminum, and cardboard for Earth Day 2013. PHOTOGRAPH BY AFLAC VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS

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XXVII. French TV documentary: ***Shoah by Shooting***SS Death Squads in Ukraine
By Clara Weiss on the World Socialist Web Site on April 22, 2014.
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H. In the MOVIES Category:

XXVIII. Aronofsky***s ***Noah*** combines psychology with epic cinema
By Alexander Diminianoon on the Movieplot website on April 6th, 2014.

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I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXIX. Rudolf Ekstein***s Concerning the Life Cycle of Transitional Objects

Occasionally, an essay appears that is designed to enchant, to strike an emotional chord, to stimulate thinking, to make surprising linkages, while simultaneously serving as an exercise in
self-analysis. This late essay by Rudolf Ekstein (1912-2005) does all this and more. As the title suggests..

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XXX. Philosophy Thursday: David Hume

a) David Hume on Wikipedia.

b) David Hume on The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
c) David Hume Philosophy / Metaphysics of David Hume (1711 *** 76) Explaining philosopher David Hume***s Problem of Causation,Necessary Connection and Skepticism with the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) by Geoff Haselhurst on the Space and Motion.com website.

To read a),b) & c) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _______________________________________________
K. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXI. Neuroscientists discover brain circuits involved in emotion
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XXXII. Neuroscientists discover brain circuits involved in Emotion
on the MedicalPress.com website on April 22, 2014.

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XXXIII. Brain Control in a Flash of Light

Brain Control in a Flash of Light By James Gorman in The New York Times on April 21, 2014.

A fiber optic system developed by Karl Deisseroth that can trigger activity within the brain of a free-moving mouse. INBAL GOSHEN AND KARL DEISSEROTH

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XXXIV. Earth-sized planet in a star***s habitable zone confirmed
By Bryan Dyne On The World Socialist web Site on April 21, 2014.
A diagram comparing the scale of the Kepler-186 system to our own Solar System. The green region is each star***s habitable zone. [Credit: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-CalTech]
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XXXV. The Problematic Rise of Big Neuro

Big claims are being made for neuroscience. But what results can we realistically expect? by Hilary Rose on the iai news website on April 21, 2014.
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L. In the SOCIOLOGY MONDAY Category:

XXXVI. Sociology and Anthropology Monday: Lawrence Krader

Lawrence Krader (1919-1998)

Lawrence Krader was born in New York City and died in Berlin, Germany. He was known in Anthropology as one of the world***s leading experts on the peoples of Soviet Central Asia, having both written a leading textbook on the subject and leading many expeditions to that part of the …

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M. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXXVII. Why English Doesn***t Borrow Much From Chinese

by Te-Ping Chen in The Wall Street Journal on April 21, 2014.
Ketchup: One of the few English loaner words that has its origins in Chinese. Getty Images

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Coming to the end of this week’s posts, I hope that you enjoyed the reading and also left your impressions on the website to share with our colleagues globally.

Respectfully submitted by
Sasha Rolde