Psychoanalysts and soldiers, impact of adolescence, hidden documentary… from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

back from the APsaA meetings, I return to report on this week’s international psychoanalytic website’s activity. When you log into the website this weekend, I suggest that you scan the previous week’s posts as I did not have time to cover it in this mailing.

1) Please read the excellent review by Nathan Szajnberg, M.D. of Jonathan Shay, MD, PhD,”s Odysseus in America and Achilles in Vietmam, Dr. Shay was awarded honorary membership in APsaA for his contributions to understanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in veterans.
Click Here to Read this Article

2) Can you support this website? If so, please try to contribute generously – the voluntary staff is working very hard but would like to bring you the best quality of posts possible and maintenance of the website is not without cost.
Click Here to Read this Article

3) Let me urge those of you who had the opportunity to hear Dr. Theodore Jacobs discuss the impact of adolescence on adult personality to comment on the website. Many of us, myself included, would have liked to hear him.
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4) A surprise to psychoanalysts? Read : “What Happens When the Poor Receive a Stipend?” Evidently money matters.
Click Here to Read this Article

5) Please read more on health care costs and specialists’ income in the General News Category.
Click Here to Read this Article

6) Alfred Hitchcock’s Holocaust documentary of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 was held back for “political reasons” and will only now be retrospectively seen. Please read more.
Click Here to Read this Article

6) Martin Bergmann’s comments as well as Jamieson Webster’s Reflections on the Future of Psychoanalysis in the Papers Category are both a must read.
Click Here to Read this Article by Martin Bergmann
Click Here to Read this Article by Jamieson Website

7) Please view the photo slide show from the APsaA meetings in NYC.
Click Here to Read this Article

8) I was moved by this week’s poem by Mali Mann – please read.
Click Here to Read this Article
Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Neurology and Freud with Vilayanur S. Ramachandran at NYPSI
Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Saturday, February 1, 2014, 11 am (note time change)

VILAYANUR S. RAMACHANDRAN, MD, PhD University of California, San Diego will receive THE ARNOLD PFEFFER PRIZE FOR 2013
and will present on NEUROLOGY AND FREUD ***..

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II. Architecture professor honored for contribution to medical field
Dr. Stephen Sonnenberg, adjunct professor for the School of Architecture and the Plan II Honors program, is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the American Psychoanalytic Association last Friday. Sonnenberg***s desire to help people in addition to his love of humanities was the inspiration for his research in psychoanalysis***The Texan Daily Website on January 22, 2014.

Photo Credit: Claire Trammel | Daily Texan Staff.

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III. A Roundtable On Silence & Open House at IPTAR

Recruitment Event
Sunday Salon at IPTAR: A Roundtable On Silence in the psychoanalytic encounter with Sheldon Bach Ph.D., Andrew Druck Ph.D. Mary Libbey Ph.D. & Bruce Reis Ph.D.
Sunday February 23rd, 2014

Address: 140 West 97th Street (between Amsterdam and Columbus) 4:00-*****6:00 followed by ***..

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IV. Donations to has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders *** and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work]. ***.
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V. Explore Art In Depth in Florence

The Sixth International Symposium on Psychoanalysis and Art
a) Article on this conference.

b) Art/Object: The Artist, The Object,The Patron and the Audience May 15-17, 2014

Held in the Salone Magliabechiano of the Uffizi Gallery and other***..
To read a) & view b) please go to _____________________________________________________

VI. Yedies fun YIVO / News from YIVO

Spring Yiddish Classes
Spring Yiddish classes are here! Brush up on your grammar, tackle the Yiddish writers of the first world war, or read the Forverts. Read more***

Congratulations to National Jewish Book Award Winners
YIVO congratulates the winners of the 2013 National Jewish Book Award, especially our colleagues: Read more*** ***.

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VII. Working Parties of the IPA

North American Working Parties Steering Committees

Working Parties of the IPA

Saturday March 8 and Sunday March 9, 2014


New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and Private
Psychoanalytic Offices in NYC

Co-Sponsored by the Contemporary Freudian Society

and the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society ***..

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VIII. From the Chair to the Couch: Training at NYPSI

Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

From the Chair to the Couch: Training at NYPSI

A Series of Case Discussions
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

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IX. Advances in Understanding Resilience and Treating Traumatic Stress at Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Department of Psychiatry
You are Invited to the:
2nd Annual Innovations in Psychiatry Symposium:
Advances in Understanding Resilience and Treating Traumatic Stress
We hope you can join us at the 2nd Annual Innovations in Psychiatry Symposium, held in Goldwurm Auditorium at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai on Friday, February 7, 2014. The program, entitled Advances in Understanding Resilience and Treating Traumatic Stress, will feature presentations from leading experts including Steven M. Southwick, (more***)

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X. The Adolescent Neurosis in Fact and Fiction with Theodore Jacobs at MITPP

Saturday, JANUARY 25, 2014 , Presenter: THEODORE JACOBS, M.D.
Dr. Theodore Jacobs will discuss and read from his novel The Year of Durocher and his paper ***The Adolescent Neurosis*** to illustrate the subject of his presentation: the enduring impact of adolescence on the adult personality and, specifically, the contributions of the various stages of adolescence to symptom formation and character development. Many***.

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XI. UT Professor Honored By American Psychoanalytic Association
on the University of Texas Austin website on January 17, 2014.
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B. In the ART Category:

XII. Re-Commissioning Paradise

a) by Katherine Morais on the on the Penta Blog on January 24, 2014.
b) Lorenzo Ghiberti***s restored Gates of Paradise. Credit: Katherine Morais
To read a) & view b) please go to _____________________________________________________

XIII. Sigmund Freud***s Sicko Grandson

Sigmund Freud***s Sicko Grandson: Cruel Lover, Terrible Father, One Hell of a Painter. Two new biographical studies and dual exhibits in Vienna plumb the psychodrama of the great Lucian Freud By Vladislav Davidzon on the Tablet website on January 23, 2014.

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XIV. Seattle Glass Art

by Ellie Winninghoff on the Penta Daily Barron***s website on December 30, 2013.
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XV. Size Matters: This Century***s Hugest Phallic Symbol

by yTrey Pence on The Richeson website on November 27, 2013.
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XVI. The Precious Frick Library

By Teresa Riva in Barrons blog website on January 16, 2014.
The Frick Art Reference Library is open to the public and invaluable to collectors and historians pursuing research. Credit: Michael Bodycomb/The Frick Collection.

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XVII. Dr. Joseph Valks *** Using Neurological Processes and Computer Art to Model Global Warming

a) on the Psychology Tomorrow Magazine Blog.


To read a) & view b) please go to _____________________________________________________

C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

XVIII. Philosophy Thursday: Peter Frederick Strawson

a) P. F. Strawson on Wikipedia.

b) Peter Frederick Strawson on the Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy website on September 16, 2009.

c) Gareth Evans and P. F. Strawson , Language and Creativity (1 of 6) on the Philosophical Installations website.

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XIX. Klein-Winnicott Dialectic
the Object Relations View. Part 10 of the educational series on YouTube.
Published on Aug 19, 2012
Dr. Susan Kavaler-Adler discusses so- ***.

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D. In the BOOKS Category:

XX. The Prisoner of Stress: What does anxiety mean?

By Louis Menan, Review of My Age of Anxiety by Scott Stossel. in the New Yorker on January 27. 2014.

Scott Stossel has tried almost every treatment available for his anxiety, from drugs to yoga. Nothing has worked. Illustration by Miguel Gallardo.

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XXI. Grandpa White***s Diary: a Jewish immigrant in 19th Century America
Paperback *** January 10, 2014 by Henry M. Seiden on the website.

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XXII. Mix Soldiers and Analysts: What Can Come of This? by Nathan Szajnberg
Service Members and Veterans Initiative (SVI), a committee founded by past American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) President, Prudy Gourguechon, MD and chaired by Harold Kudler, M.D., has two foci: war***s impact on families and children and long term treatment for war injuries. ***.

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XXIII. Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst***s Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional

a) Description and Reviews of Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst***s Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional by Steven Kuchuck.

b) The Table of Contents of this Book.

c) The Introduction to this Book. ***

To read a),b),& c) please go to _____________________________________________________

XXIV. Review of: The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud

edited by Arnold D. Richards, reviewed by Les Fleischer.

This article originally appeared as: Fleischer L. (FalL 2013). Review of The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud, edited by Arnold D. Richards. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis 21: 373-376 and appears here with all requisite rights and permission.

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E. In the EDITORIALS category:

XXV. What Happens When the Poor Receive a Stipend?

By Moises Velasquez-Manoff in The New York Times on January 18, 2014.
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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXVI. Pigging Out: What ***Radically Unkosher*** Jewish Foodies Like
a) by Michael Pollan Are Missing By Jonathan Schorsch on the USC Anneberg RD magazine on January 21, 2014.

b) Locusts, Giraffes and the Meaning of Kashrut on this website.
To read a) & b) please go to _____________________________________________________

XXVII. Architecture professor honored for contribution to medical field
Dr. Stephen Sonnenberg, adjunct professor for the School of Architecture and the Plan II Honors program, is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the American Psychoanalytic Association last Friday. Sonnenberg***s desire to help people in addition to his love of humanities was the inspiration for his research in psychoanalysis***The Texan Daily Website on January 22, 2014.

Photo Credit: Claire Trammel | Daily Texan Staff.

To read more please go to _____________________________________________________

XXVIII. US psychology body declines to rebuke member in Guant**namo torture case

Complaint dropped against John Leso, involved in brutal interrogation of suspected 9/11 hijacker Mohammed al-Qahtani *** APA: ***We cannot proceed with formal charges*** By Soencer Ackerman on the The wesbsite on January 20, 2014.]

Mohammed al-Qahtani was twice charged by the Pentagon in 2008 with war crimes related to 9/11. Photograph: motesjj

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XXIX. Tales From Both Sides of the Couch: First Sessions

by Kerry L. Malawista, M.S.W., Ph.D. on her Wearing My Tutu to Analysis blog on the Psychology Today blogs on September 8, 2013.
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XXX. On the Occasion of Heinz Hartmann***s Seventieth Birthday
(November 9, 1964) by Heinz Kohut, MD.

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XXXI. Patients*** Costs Skyrocket; Specialists*** Incomes Soar
By Elisabeth Rosenthal in The New York Times on January 18, 2014.
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G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXII. Unseen Alfred Hitchcock Holocaust documentary ***Memory of the Camps*** to be released

By Ben Child in The Guardian on January 10, 2014.

The ***disturbing*** film, made in 1945 and withheld, was restored by the Imperial War Museum

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H. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXIII. In response to my 100th birthday by Martin Bergmann
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XXXIV. On the Question of the Future of Psychoanalysis

ome Reflections on Jacques Lacan by Jamieson Webster in the European Journal of Psychoanalysis Issue 1 2014.

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XXXV. Division/Review Issue 9,

of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association.

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I. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXXVI. APsaA Winter Meetings Photos

Slideshow of pictures from the American Psychoanalytic Associations Winter Meetings at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City on January 15 to 19, 2014.

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J. In the POETRY Category:

XXXVII. Poem by Mali Mann

Biographical Note on Mali Mann

***When you come back, bring your potted flowers***
Mali Mann

Your potted flowers on the porch whisper in the air;

if you come back, your flowers greet me at the door,

your paintings on the wall.

Speak to me of living days. ***.

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The above posts give a us a lot to think about this weeks – historically, politically, psychoanalytically and of course emotionally. Please share your thoughts on the website.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde