Nelson Mandela, Winnicott, vs. Despair & Hatred from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

It is perhaps fitting that on a day that the whole world mourns the passing of Nelson Mandela, we should be reading the posts on our international psychoanalytic website. Clearly we are trying to reach the whole world and, though this is not explicitly stated in the “goals” of psychoanalysis, we are obviously trying to make the world a better more mature, accepting, egalitarian place in the true humanistic sense. Curiously, as the holidays approach as well it occurs to me that even in wartime, both sides generally ceasefire on Christmas Day.

Before I list my choices for this week I would like to remind you to please consider a donation to Though it is a labor of love on everyone’s part, there are still costs and labor associated with it.

Note that I have tried not to repeat some of the Announcements post. For me the Video/Audio, Book & Movies Categories have it this week. My choices are:

1) Although this posting comes too late, I hope some of you attended what was most likely a very stimulating evening today: ” Poetry and Savoir-faire with Daniel Heller-Roazen at Apr*s-Coup PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION.
Click Here to Read This Article

2) *Three Studies of Lucian Freud* made history as the most expensive artwork ever to be sold at auction. Please see who bought it.
Click Here to Read This Article

3) Please view and listen to the video of the remarkable life of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), as well as read the Message from Mandela: *Invictus* and the Other Diplomacy: Mandela and the power of alternative diplomacy.
Click Here to Read This Article

4) Listen to the wonderful recordings of Donald Winnicott’s talks on BBC about child raising and motherhood.
Click Here to Read This Article

5) Dr. Richard Rubens’ paper on The Tragic Sense of Life brings the essence of psychoanalytic search to light in a stellar way – please read.
Click Here to Read This Article

6) I would love to hear Dr. Szajnberg read from his book “Sheba and Solomon’s Return: Ethiopian Children in Israel” at his book party this Sunday. Try to attend.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) Kerry Kelly and Jack Novick are in the forefront of bringing psychoanalytic understanding to the world with their book “Emotional Muscle: Strong Parents Strong Children” now translated into several languages. Please read the review!
Click Here to Read This Article

8) Please compare the Life of Nelson Mandela with the comments by David Brooks in the NYT on yesterday, 12/5/13, The Irony of Despair” in the Editorials category and the “Science of Hatred” in the General News!!
Click Here to Read This Article on the Irony of Despair
Click Here to Read This Article on the Science of Hatred

9) History seems to not become truly public until almost a 100 years ago. Please read: The Collaboration: Hollywood*s Pact with Hitler
Click Here to Read This Article


Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. Clinical Working Parties

North American Working Parties Steering Committees
Clinical Working Parties Funded by the IPA
Saturday March 8 and Sunday March 9, 2014

Sites: New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and Private Psychoanalytic Offices in New York City

Co-Sponsored by the Contemporary Freudian Society and the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society
Cost: $196
($146 for Initiating Psychoanalysis)
($130 for Candidate Only Specificity group)
Deadline to register is January 20, 2014. Sorry, no refunds
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II. Cosmetic Neurology: the antithesis of psychoanalysis with Anjan Chatterjee at NYPSI

Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Saturday, December 14, 2013, 10 am * 12 pm
Anjan Chatterjee, M.D. , University of Pennsylvania will present on Cosmetic Neurology: the antithesis of psychoanalysis
Discussant: Eric Marcus, M.D.

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III. When Long-Term Therapy is Not Long Enough with Douglas Ingram at MITPP

Saturday, DECEMBER 7, 2013
Presenter: DOUGLAS H. INGRAM, M.D. (more*)

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IV. Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with . . . Andrew Solomon at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Friday, December 13, 2013, 7:30.

$25 for general admission; $15 for NYPSI members; $10 for NYPSI trainees, residents, & students with valid ID

For tickets, click HERE or visit

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VI. CAPA Needs Help

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VII. The Complexity of Human Bonds: Its Impact on Treatment with AAPCSW
American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work
The Complexity of Human Bonds: Its Impact on Treatment
Saturday, April 5, 2014
8:45 * 9:30 am Registration and Breakfast
9:30 * 1:30 pm Panel Presentation and Discussion

The Allen-Stevenson School
132 East 78 Street (bet. Lex. & Park), New York, NY
Michael H. Stone
Personality Disorders: The Treatable and the Untreatable

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VIII. Call for Papers: The Art of Listening: Psychoanalytic Transformations at AAPCSW

March 12-15, 2015 Durham, North Carolina
CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline March 15, 2014

The Art of Listening: Psychoanalytic Transformations
As contemporary psychotherapy has become inundated with approaches offering a quick fix, the act of listening, the *art of listening* in healing psychic pain has lost its once exalted status. Psychoanalytic clinicians believe that deep and sustained transformations occur in an environment in which the individual feels both seen and heard. In this conference, we wish to emphasize that

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IX. Poetry and Savoir-faire with Daniel Heller-Roazen at Apr*s-Coup
Friday, December 6, 2013
6:30 pm * 9:00 pm

*Poetry and Savoir-faire: Questions and Answers from Saussure and Jakobson,* Foundations of Psychoanalysis
Daniel Heller-Roazen

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X. CAPA Dim Sum Lunch on January 18, 2013

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XI. Donations to has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders * and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work].
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B. In the ART Category:

XII. The secret buyer of Bacon*s $142M triptych is *

* By Emily Smith in The New York Post on November 19, 2013.
Photo: Christie*s Images Ltd/Handout via Reuters

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XIII. A Portrait Painted in Heavy Strokes

*Breakfast With Lucian,* by Geordie Greig, Reviewed By Dwight Garner in The New York Times n November 21, 2013.

Stephan Agostini/Agence France-Presse * Getty Images

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

XIX. Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

The Life of Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013 by Jigar Mehta Video on The New York Times on December 5th, 2013.

To view & listen please go to _____________________________________________________

XX. From Donald Winnicott to the Naughty Step * BBC Radio (4 maggio 2013) .
To listen please go to _____________________________________________________

XXI. Interview with Lewis Aron and Karen Starr

Author*s of A Psychotherapy for the People: Towards a Progressive Psychoanalysis by Tracy Morgan on New Books in Psychoanalysis website on November 29, 2013.

To view please go to _____________________________________________________

XXII. Why Psychiatrists Don*t Do Psychotherapy

with Eric Plakun on YouTube.

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D. In the BOOKS Category:

XXIII. Psychoanalysis and the Tragic Sense of Life

by Richard L. Rubens, Ph.D. on the Colubia University website.
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XXIV. Book Party for Nathan Szajnberg

Nathan M. Szajnberg, MD, will read from his book, *Sheba and Solomon*s Return: Ethiopian Children in Israel* in the Alfred, 161 West 61st St. on the 2nd Floor, Sunday, Dec 8, at 10:00AM. Brunch we will be served.
Dr Szajnberg is a physician and psychoanalyst who has worked among the Sioux, African-American and Hispanic communities in the United States. A graduate of the University of Chicago, he was the Freud Professor of Psychoanalysis at the Hebrew University when he worked among the Ethiopian/Israeli families. This is his fourth book.

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XXV. Jewish is delighted to announce its Twelfth Issue!
Welcome to this fabulous Chanukah issue of Jewish Fiction .net! In honour of the holiday we bring you a story about Judith, because in the Middle Ages the Chanukah heroes we celebrated were not only the Maccabees, but also Judith, who saved the Israelites through her bravery.

In addition, you*ll find here 15 first-rate works of fiction (originally written in Polish, French, Hebrew, and English), and set in China, Germany, Scotland, Poland, ancient Israel, modern Israel, the United States, and on an emigrants*

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XXVI. Working With Parents Makes Therapy Work

Kerry and Jack Novick* s *Working With Parents Makes Therapy Work,* is now translated into Hungarian, as it has been translated into German, Italian and Finnish. For a review of the Novick*s Emotional Muscle: Click Here

This demonstrates the interest in psychoanalysis in other countries. N. Szajnberg, MD
Managing Editor

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XXVII. One Way and Another: New and Selected Essays by Adam Phillips
Reviewed by Daniel Cohen on the Guardian website on Novmber 30. 2013.
Adam Phillips*s literary approach to psychoanalysis is as addictive as it is insightful. Phillips thinks we make too much of happiness; he is a champion of frustration.* Photograph: Antonio Olmos

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XXVIII. Freud and Volkan: Psychoanalysis, group identities, and archeology
by Ian Russell on the website.

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XXIX. Brainwashed: Neuroscience vs neurobollocks

by Cory Doctorow on the Boing Boing website on November 28, 2013.
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XXX. When Sartre Met Freud

by Scott Krane in the Times of Israel on APRIL 15, 2013

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E. In the CHINA Category:

XXXI. Jeffrey Stern in China: On Intersubjectivity (in 4 Parts)
Jefferey Stern lectured in Wuhan China on the theory of
intersubjectvity and psychoanalysis. (Recorded September 17, 2013 at Wuhan Hospital for Psychotherapy and Wuhan Mental Health Center, affiliated with Tongji Medical School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.)

a) Part 1.

b) Part 2.

c) Part 3.

d) Part 4.

To view a) to d) please go to _____________________________________________________

F. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XXXII. The Irony of Despair

By David Brooks in The New York Times on December 5, 2013.
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G. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXXIII. Psychodynamic Therapy 101

An interview with Dr. Jonathan Shedler on his Psychologically Minded blog on the Psychology Today blog s on November 22, 2013.

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XXXIV. Actor Richard Dreyfuss on Manic Depression
Nuts Is Normal* Oscar winner Richard Dreyfuss* latest role: Raising awareness of the seriousness of depression and mood disorders in men By Janet Kim, MPH on the Everyday Health website on December 2, 2013.

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XXXV. Psychoanalysis on the Wikipedia website

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XXXVI. The Ways of Lust

By Paul Bloom in The New York Times on November 29, 2013.

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XXXVII. The Science of Hatred

What makes humans capable of horrific violence? Why do we deny atrocities in the face of overwhelming evidence? A small group of psychologists say they are moving toward answers. Is anyone listening? By Tom Bartlett, with photos by Tarik Samarah and Matt Lutton on the Chronical of Higher Education website.

Massacre victims are buried outside Srebrenica, 2003. TARIK SAMARAH