Is Violence History?

TheBetterAngelsPinkerClick Here to Read:  Is Violence History? Review of Better Angels of Our Nature Why Violence Has Declinedby Stephen Pinker, Reviewed by Peter Singer in The New York Times on October 6, 2011.

Ken and Brian have brought up the question of violence in modern times. It seems to me that we might consider Steven Pinker’s book in which he claims that violence has dramatically decreased. I am of two minds about his thesis, and I’d like to hear what others on the Listserve think. It seemsto me that Pinker has some powerful arguments. On the other hand, it is hard to say anything positive about the Twentieth Century in the light of the two World Wars, the atrocities of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, and the horrendous tragedies in Africa. I am attaching the NY Times review of Pinker’s book, as it gives a summary of the book without any critical comments. Maybe some of your have read the book, as I haven’t, and you have some thoughtful commentary.

–Jim Anderson