Early Registration: Who is My Mother, Who is My Father, Who am I? Conference

Early Registration available until September 15th.

Regular and IPA Members: $150.00

Candidates $75.00

The conference is sponsored by The Committee on Women in Psychoanalysis, which is a committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Our committee has sponsored meetings in Portugal, Italy, Spain, England, Mexico, Brazil, Scandinavia and Argentina. as well as France and Germany. This is our second meeting in the United States, the first being in Atlanta. Our aims are to give modern feminist thinking a place in psychoanalysis and to give psychoanalytic thinking a place in the feminist world. This New York Conference gives attendees the opportunity to join a community of parents who have children of a race other than their own and parents who have children of mixed racial heritage and those considering such options a chance to hear from people who have been adopted by people of another race and those of mixed heritage about what their experience means to them. This is a unique opportunity to consider the effects of our thinking on how we raise our children and on how to counsel parents raising children in the new world that they live in now. Come and be a part of the future of parenting. We look forward to welcoming you.

Conference: Who is My Mother, Who is My Father, Who am I?
October 26-28, 2007
At the New York Psychoanalytic Society
247 East 82nd Street
New York, NY 10028


Friday October 26
2 pm Registration
4pm Opening Session
Chair: Arlene Kramer Richards
Giovanna Ambrosio
Maria Theresa Flores

5pm Plenary Session
Chair: Giovanna Ambrosio
Presenter: Sandra Walker
Movie: Thunderheart

7pm Welcome Cocktail
New York Psychoanalytic Society

Saturday October 27
8: 30 2nd Plenary Session
Chair Eleanor Schuker
Presenter: Ravinder Barn
Cross Racial Adoption
Discussants: Elsa First, Jessica Radin

10am Coffee Break

10:30-12 Discussion From the Floor

12-2 Lunch

2-3 Chair: Judy Setton-Markus
Presenter: Rosalba Bueno-Osawa
The Cross Racial Biological Child and the Cross Racial Adopted Child
A Psychoanalyst’s Perspective

3:15-5 Clinical Workshops

Linda Mayes and others
8pm Dinner

Sunday October 28th

9:00 am: Discussion
Chair: Arlene Kramer Richards
Questions Raised in Clinical Workshops and Atelier

11:Coffee Break
11:30 Closing Remarks Arlene Kramer Richards Giovanna Ambrosio
12:15 Farewell Lunch

The Commitee on Women in Psychoanalysis is a branch of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Our committee has sponsored meetings in Portugal, Italy, Spain, England, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina as well as France and Germany. Our aim is to give modern feminist thinking a place in psychoanalysis. We are using The New York conference gives attendees the opportunity to join with a community of others who have adopted children of another race, been adoptedby parents of another race and those considering such adoptions to learn from each other and to learn from experts who counsel adoptees and adoptive parents. It is useful for parents of different races in dealing with their mixed race children. Come and be part of the future of parenting. It is a unique opportunity to consider the effects of our thinking on how we raise children and on how we treat parents who are raising children in the new world that they are facing now.

Giovanna Ambrosio, Full member, Italian Psychoanalytical Association (AIPsi) and the International Psychoanalytical Association; Secretary, Italian Psychoanalytical Association (AIPsi); Chief Editor, Psicoanalisi; Chair, Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis.
Ravinder Barn, Professor, University of London; author of six text books on interracial parenting including Black Children in the Public Care System and Parenting in Multiracial Britain. Currently researching the health and social welfare needs of Bangladeshi women in London.
Rosalba Bueno-Osawa, Former Chair, Psychology Department, Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. Director, Research and International Relations, Institute of Postgraduate Studies in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.
Elsa First, Clinical Associate Professor, Psychology, New York University Post-doctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy; Training and Supervising Analyst, New York Freudian Society adult and child training programs.
Maria Teresa Flores, Full member, Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society and the IPA; COWAP European Co-chair in private practice with children and adults. Former faculty, Psychiatry and Psychopathology, Medical School of Santa Maria Hospital, Lisbon.
Carole Lapidus, Clinical Social Worker working with young children and parents who have adopted infants and toddlers internationally. Faculty, Institute for Infants, Children and Families; Assistant Director, Early Child-hood Group Therapy Service and Training Program.
Linda Mayers, Senior Supervisor and former faculty, Postgraduate Center for Mental Health; Director of Continuing Education, Washington Square Institute; Adjunct Clinical Professor, Yeshiva University, City College, and Columbia University Teachers College; Adjunct Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College.
Jessica Radin, Transnational adoption activist and consultant. Born in Thailand, adopted by a white Jewish New York woman; Past President, National Federation of Temple Youth, NYCchapter, 1993 Bronfman Youth Fellow. Graduate, Yale and Columbia University; teaches history in NYCpublic high school.
Arlene Kramer Richards, Training and Supervising Analyst at the New York Freudian Society and a Fellow of IPTAR. She has written about female sexuality and about clinical issues.
Barbara Katz Rothman, Professor of Sociology, City University of New York. Her work has focused on issues of motherhood. Her book on adoption, Weaving a Family: Untangling Race and Adoption, draws in part on her experience as a white adoptive mother of a black daughter.
Eleanor Schuker, Training and Supervising Analyst, Columbia University Psychoanalytic Center; Associate Clinical Professor, Columbia University; Author of Female Psychology: A Psychoanalytic Annotated Bibliography.
Judith Setton-Markus, Graduate in Psychoanalysis, New York Freudian Society Washington, DC; member, Western Branch Canadian Psychoanalytic Society, the IPA, and COWAP’s Canadian representative.
Sandra C. Walker, Faculty member, Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington. Past Chair, American Psychiatric Association Committee of Black Psychiatrists; member, APsaA Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity.


Early Registration:

Fees until September 15, 2007

Regular $150.00

Candidates $75.00

After September 15th:

Regular $250

Analytic Candidates* $100
& Graduate Students *

Send this form with a
stamped envelope to:

Conference Registrar
Lawrence Schwartz Partners
25-79 31 St. Astoria, NY 11102
E-mail Psypsa@aol.com
Phone / Fax: 718B728B7416
Voice Mail: 718B278B0863

Please make checks payable to:
Arlene Kramer Richards–IPA

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