Message from Prudence Gourquechon of APsaA

Dear colleagues,

APsaA’s advocacy arm–the Gender and Sexuality Committee, Committee on Advocacy Relations, Jim Pyles our legislative representative and Geralyn Lederman, Director of Public Information have all been closely following the progress on court challenges to the federal Defense of Marriage Act and the California Proposition 8 with close attention. Our position statements have been made available for advocates.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced it will review the decisions in *U.S. v. Windsor* in which the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit struck down the definition of marriage in the Defense of Marriage Act and in a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision that invalidated Proposition 8, a California referendum that prohibited same sex marriage in the state.
PROPOSITION 8: the case that will be reviewed is *Hollingsworth v. Perry* (formerly *Perry v. Brown*), a constitutional challenge to California*s Proposition 8. Enacted in November 2008, Proposition 8 eliminated the fundamental freedom of gay and lesbian Californians to marry. With friday’s order, the Supreme Court will consider whether Proposition 8 violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

DOMA: The Supreme Court granted review in *United States v. Windsor*, a challenge to the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Enacted by Congress in 1996, DOMA nullifies the marriages of gay and lesbian couples for all purposes of federal law.


Prudy Gourguechon

Chair, Social Issues Department