Violence: the Olympics, Aurora, Penn State & fairytales from Sasha Rolde on

 Dear Colleagues,

While some of us try to take time out to relax by seaside, lake side or pool side and enjoy midsummer’s nature despite the changing climate, the psychoanalytic website continues to be a source of information about the latest scientific, medical, political and financial events subject to psychoanalytic scrutiny. Though seemingly tranquil, the weather is unpredictable and the Olympic games remind us of previous ones. The website picks up these themes and others.

There are many posts this week and though I list quite a few, please also glance at the last two “Uncategorized” posts on physically and emotionally distressed children.

My choices this week are as follows:

1) Congratulations are due again to Elise Snyder who is the recipient of the coveted Sigmund Freud Award.

Click Here to Read This Article

2) Oddly, the ART category this week revealed in a Paris exhibit a chilling reminder of the greatest enactment of prejudice and genocide in modern history. – The Exhibit shows the archives of French Jews deported from France not by the Germans but by the French police in July 1942. The world has attempted to gain analytic/political understanding of Hitler and the Nazi movement but not much attention has been paid to this particular event and many have been unaware.

Click Here to Read This Article

3) I love Nathan Szajnberg’s pitch for keeping fairies in Fairy Tales – to keep the development of children on track. Please read.

Click Here to Read This Article

4) Marilyn Monroe as a representative of the women’s movement?

Click Here to Read This Article

5) Intriguing juxtaposition of 2 books – Freud as a young man in love and Freud as the Late Bloomer – both quite fascinating.

Click Here to Read This Article on Young Freud in Love

Click Here to Read This Article on Freud the Late Bloomer

6) Maternity Leave? It depends on who you are.

Click Here to Read This Article

7) the London Olympics bring up the ’72 Munich Massacre, the 1938 Munich conference and the Spielberg’s film “Munich”, reviews of which will be of interest to all of us and to all generations.

Click Here to Read This Article

8) In the psychoanalytic tradition, Henry A. Giroux comments that the Colorado Shooting Is About More Than Gun Culture – it is about violence in the culture. Henry A. Giroux currently holds the Global TV Network Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department. His most recent books include: Youth in a Suspect Society (Palgrave, 2009); Politics After Hope: Obama and the Crisis of Youth, Race, and Democracy (Paradigm, 2010); Hearts of Darkness: Torturing Children in the War on Terror (Paradigm, 2010); and others.

Please read his carefully written article.

Click Here to Read This Article

9) the issue of “did your brain make you do it” is, in my opinion, one of the most crucial questions in our violence ridden society. Please read and write your thoughts on this important topic, especially in light of the latest Aurora shooting and the Penn State revelations.

Click Here to Read This Article


List of all posts:



A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Conference: *On Madness* with The St. Louis Lacan Study Group

organized by the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups and the St. Louis Lacan Study Group * an affiliate of the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Society * will be held October 5-7, 2012, in St. Louis, Missouri.

Starting from Freud*s observation that the symptoms of psychosis are not the problem but the attempt at a solution for the psychotic, psychoanalysis has taken a position very much at odds with the psychiatric emphasis on*

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II. Elise Snyder to Receive the Sigmund Freud Award 2012

The American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians is pleased to announce that Elise Snyder, MD is the recipient of its Sigmund Freud Award for 2012. The Award is presented to a distinguished individual in and contributor to the field of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Previous laureates include Otto Kernberg, Arnold Richards, Glen Gabbard, Aaron Beck,

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II. APsaA Teacher*s Academy




A Professional Development Program for Clinical Teachers of Psychoanalysis and/or Psychodynamic Therapy in:

Psychiatry Residency Programs

Psychology Graduate Programs

Clinical Social Work Programs

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III. Nominations for NYPSI*s Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award



247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028



The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (NYPSI) formally announces the first call for nominations for the Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award for Innovation in Psychoanalysis.

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IV. The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Jonathan Shedler at CFS

Contemporary Freudian Society * NY Division Annual Conference Sunday, October 21, 2012, 1:00 * 5:00 pm,

Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Hatch Auditorium,

Madison Avenue & 100th Street

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V. The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: The Talking Cure in the Era of Prozac, Managed Care, and Evidence-Based Practice Jonathan Shedler, PhD, presenter

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B. In the ART Category:

VI. When Past is Present

a)By Alan Riding in The New York Times on July 20, 2012.

b))Chilling archives of French Jews deported to Auschwitz shown for 1st time to public in the Washington Post on July 17, 2012.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VII. About Psychoanalysis

About Psychoanalysis on the International Psychoanalytic Association website,

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VIII. Isaac Bashevis Singer*s Yiddish Speech in Stockholm

a) Isaac Bashevis Singer*s Yiddish Speech in Stockholm. This audio is in Yiddish.

b) An Audio Recording of Isaac Bashevis Singer*s Nobel Lecture on the Noble website. This audio is in English.

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IX. Neelie Kroes on the role of libraries in the digital world

on YouTube.

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X. A Psychoanalysis of Bruce Wayne (Batman)

on YouTube.

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D. In the BOOKS Category:

XI. The Late Bloomer: Reading Freud*s Moses at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century

Review of Racial Fever: Freud and the Jewish Question by Eliza Slavet, Reviewed by Paul Reitter on the Humanities and Social Sciences website.


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XII. Who Took the Fairies out of Fairy Tales? Review by Nathan Szajnberg

The Big Bad (Bowdlerizing) Adult Review of Joan Acocella*s *Once Upon a Time* New Yorker, July 23, 2012 by Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor.

Review of Joan Acocella*s *Once Upon a Time* New Yorker, July 23, 2012 Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor[1]


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XIII. The secret love letters of Martha Bernays and Sigmund Freud

The emotionally decorous letters, which were kept secret until last year due to Freud family reticence, reveal a young, impatient doctor frustrated to be chained to his laboratory in Vienna, far from his beloved in Hamburg. By Benjamin Ivry on the Haaretz website on January 24, 2012.


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XIV. Neelie Kroes on the role of libraries in the digital world

on YouTube.


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XV. Psychoanalysis and the Graphic Memoir

By Valentino Zullo on the Clevland Psychoanalytic Center website on July 20, 2012,

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XVI. Marilyn Monroe: proto-feminist?

As the 50th anniversary of Marilyn Monroe*s death approaches, Lois Banner argues in this extract from her new book that the star * complex and powerful * had many qualities associated with the women*s movement by Lois Banner on the website on July 21, 2012 .


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XVII. Maternity Leave? It*s More Like a Pause

Marissa Mayer, recently named the chief of Yahoo, said that her maternity leave would be short and that she would work through it. By Elissa Gootman and Catherine Saint Louis in The New York Times on July 20, 2012.

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F. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVIII. Colorado Shooting Is About More Than Gun Culture

by Henry A. Giroux from Truthout on July 23, 2012.

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XIX. More Treatment Programs

a) More Treatment Programs By David Brooks In The New York Times on July 23, 2012.

b) New York Times* David Brooks: Aurora tragedy has nothing to do with American society By David Walsh on the World Socialist Website on July 26, 2012.

to read a) & b) please go to ________________________________________________________________________

G. In the GENERAL NEWS category:

XX. Why the IOC will never memorialize the *72 Munich massacre

a) Why the IOC will never memorialize the *72 Munich massacre By Guri Weinberg on July 27, 2012.

b) The real reason the Olympic Committee refuses to commemorate the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich and reviews of Munich by Arlene Kramer Richards and Yale Kramer on this website

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XXI. Did Your Brain Make You Do It?

By John Monterosso and Barry Schwartz in the New York Times on July 27, 2012.

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XXII. Expert Insights on Treating Depression

Expert Insights on Treating Depression, Psychiatrist Peter D. Kramer Discusses Help for Mood Disorder Symptoms By Fran Golden, Special to Lifescript on the Lifescript website on March 16, 2012.

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XXIII. Batman shooter was seeing psychiatrist who specialized in schizophrenia

By Agence France-Presse on the Raw Story website on July 27, 2012.

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XXIV. Accused Colorado gunman sent notebook to psychiatrist

by Chris Francescani and Keith Coffman, Reuters, in The Chicago Tribune on July 25, 2012.|

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XXV. Ousted Penn State president blasts report, says he was abused as a child

By the CNN Wire Staff on July 24, 2012.

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XXVI. Unplug! Too much light at night may lead to depression

By Laura Blue from on the CNN. com website on July 25, 2012.

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XXVII. More Older People Treated for Depression

By Paula Span in The New York Times on July 25, 2012.

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XXVIII. An Amorous Professor

The Ethicist An Amorous Professor By Chuck Klosterman in The New York Times on July 20, 2012.

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XXIX. The Anxiety of Waiting for Test Results

By Jan Hoffman in The New York Times on July 23, 2012.

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XXX. Crime, punishment and hypocrisy in the Penn State scandal

a) Crime, punishment and hypocrisy in the Penn State scandal on the World Socialist Website on July 25, 2012.

b) Group Narcissism and the Penn State Situation by Carl Bagnini on this website.

to read a0 & b) please go to ________________________________________________________________________

XXXI. Colo. university mum on theater shooting suspect

By Nicholas Rrccardi, Associated Press, on the SF Gate website on July 23, 2012.

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XXXII. Politics: Global Warming*s Terrifying New Math

by Bill McKibben on The Real website on July 24, 2012.

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XXXIII. My babysitter, the sex bomb

50 years after her death, friends recall Marilyn Monroe*s little-known respite in suburban Connecticut By Jane Ridley in the New York Post on July 23, 2012.

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XXXIV. Penn State board member resigns over Sandusky scandal

By the CNN Wire Staff on the CNN US website on July 20, 2012.

Steve Garban was chairman of Penn State*s Board of Trustees when news of the Sandusky scandal broke last year

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XXXV. Dark Knight Rises: Death and fantasy in a Colorado theater

By Eli Saslow and Marc Fisher in the Washington Post on July 21, 2012,

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XXXVI. The Beach House on the Fifth Floor

By Constance Rosenblum in The New York Times on July 20, 2012 .

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XXXVII. Study shows that fathers* involvement crucial to child development

By Celeste Rosenlof Utah website on July 20, 2012.

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H. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXVIII. Sigmund Freud*s Post-Millenium Playlist

by Richard Wood on the Sabatoge Timeswebsite on July 27, 2012.

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XXXIX. Woody Guthrie * Struggle Blues Centenary of His Birth: July 14, 1912

a) Woody Guthrie * Struggle Blues on YouTube.

b) Woody Guthrie: July 14, 1912 * October 3, 1967 on this website.

c) Woody Guthrie*s Dust Bowl Novel & Smithsonian Exhibit on this website.

d) Will the Woody Guthrie Museum in Oklahoma distort the folksinger*s views on this website.

to view & read a),b),c) & d) please go to


I. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XL. For Children Who Cannot Speak, a True Voice via Technology

By Emily B. Hager in The New York Times on July 25, 2012

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XLI. Letting a Daughter with Development Disorders Grow Up

By Eileen Riley-Hall in The New York Times on July 24, 2012.

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Realizing that this is quite a long list, I hope that you had a chance to read those of interest to you and that you shared your thoughts on the website.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde