Art, narcissism, leadership and motherhood from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

perhaps summertime and the heatwaves generate a desire for relaxation, holidays and enjoyment of the beauty around us. The international website reflects this tendency this week in its emphasis on art. Whether it is the lives of actors (Marilyn Monroe), the effect of current technology on our psyche, or the art of Austro-Hungarian painters. This is a week of very nuanced posts.

My choices this week are as follows:

1) the sensitive description and discussion of Gustave Klimt, Gustav Klimt is best known for his famous golden paintings, portraits of society women adorned in jewels and cloaked in gold, is in my opinion a masterpiece of portraying the way his art ported the Vienna of his, qs well as S. Freud’s day and of its connection to the rise of Hitler and antisemitism.
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2) Please read and listen to the other side of Marilyn Monroe
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3) The posts on Max Eitingon give us a flavor of what he represented, the bygone era of the 20th century story “money minds and Trotsky”
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4) Slavoj Zizek’s voice will has not disappeared – please read thought of his critics and his responses.
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5) the post on Narcissism and (business ) leaders is contemporary and apt. Read and see how it may apply to other than business groups leaders.
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6) Please read the article on “Turf Wars”: who is dispensing care and why.
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7) Irene Willis’ poem “Achievement is indeed a masterpiece – please read.
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9) In “Money and Other People’s Children’ the woman’s dilemma is still unsolved.
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A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. APsaA Advocacy Activity as of June 2012

To read an announcement from The American Psychoanalytic Association on the recent work of the Committee on Government Relations and Insurance, the Service Members & Veterans Initiative and the Committee on Gender and Sexuality

please go to


II. APsaA Teacher***s Academy




A Professional Development Program for Clinical Teachers of Psychoanalysis and/or Psychodynamic Therapy in:

Psychiatry Residency Programs

Psychology Graduate Programs

Clinical Social Work Programs

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III. Nominations for NYPSI***s Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award



247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028



The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (NYPSI) formally announces the first call for nominations for the Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award for Innovation in Psychoanalysis.

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B. In the ART Category:

IV. The truth, beauty and desire: Klimt drawings evoke ferment of turn-of-the-century Vienna

by Tom Teicholz on the Jewish website on July 11, 2012.

Gustav Klimt***s ***Half-Length of a Lady in black wearing a Hat with a Feather*** (1907-1908). Image courtesy of the Albertina Museum., Vienna

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V. Absolutely-Too-Much

by Simon Critchley on the Brooklyn Rail website in the July August issue.

The Big A by Al Held, 1962, Courtesy of the Al Held Foundation

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VI. The Late Henry Moss: Sam Shepard***s final exorcism

Directed by David Fofi, produced by Ronnie Marmo at Theatre 68 in Los Angeles, June 30-July 28, 2012.

by Richard Adams on the World Socialist Website on July 7, 2012.

The Late Henry Moss Joe Dalo, Ivet Corvea and Gary Werntz [Photos: Mathew Richter]

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VII. Marilyn***s last interview

a) A rare TV documentary with audio clips from Marilyn Monroe***s last interview only weeks before her death in 1962, Part 1

b) Marilyn Monroe***s last interview only weeks before her death in 1962, Part 2.

c) Tortured Marilyn Monroe***s own account of her inner turmoil revealed for first time on this website.

d) Marilyn Monroe on the couch on this website.

To read a), b), please go to __________________________________________________________________


VIII. Is the Web Driving Us Mad?

Tweets, texts, emails, posts. New research says the Internet can make us lonely and depressed***and may even create more extreme forms of mental illness, by Tony Dokoupil in Newsweek Magazine and on the Daily Beast website on July 9, 2012.

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IX. Gelernter***s ***America Lite*** with an Introduction by Nathan Szajnberg

Gelernter***s ***America Lite***

David Gelernter, professor of computer science at Yale University, was a victim of the Unabomber who was ***on to*** Gelernter***s innovative ideas about how computers work and can work.

Recovering from being wounded by the mailed bomb, Gelernter proceeded to broaden his perspectives in his subsequent books. His newest, ***America Lite,*** sounds like an update on Alan Bloom***s The Closing of the American Mind, his complaint and lament at how Universities are failing in their task to broaden critical thinking.

Here is a short interview and also some brief words by him. (He has an apt name, which in Yiddish means ***learned one*** or ***educated.***)

to view the Video of an Interview with Galertner on the Fox Business News website on June 26, 2012.

please go to


D. In the BOOKS Category:

X. Review of Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law,

by Elizabeth Brake

Reviewed by Long in

In the 1970***s Bettelheim wrote a piece for Daedelus that marriage, for the most part of history has been an economic pact for a small businesss (the family, as Talcott Parsons might put it). As economics change and with the legal freeing up of divorce in the US (and conferring economic benefits to the spouse), marriage as economic institution has shifted and will continue to shift.

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XI. The Mystery of Max Eitingon***: An Exchange

with Stephen Schwartz, Vitaly Rapoport, and Walter Laqueur, reply by Theodore H. Draper on The New York Review of Books website on June 16, 1988.

An Era of Money, Minds and Trotsky: The Eitingons: A 20th-Century Story By Mary-Kay Wilmers and other posts about the Eitingons on this website.

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XII. Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Maternal Subjectivity by Alison Stone

Reviewed by Ewa Plonowska Ziarek on the Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews website.

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XIII. Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez***s writing career ended by dementia

The Colombian author Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez won the Nobel prize for literature in 1982.

Brother of Nobel prize-winning Colombian writer says side-effects of cancer treatment have accelerated his decline

The Nobel prizewinning author Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez is suffering from senile dementia and can no longer write, his brother has revealed.

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XIV. Back On The Couch

a) Review of After Freud Left by John Burnham, Ed., reviewed by Courtney Fiske on the Brooklyn Rail website.

b) Another review of After Freud Left on this website.


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XV. Oedipus Reborn, A Transgenerational Mythanalysis By Thierry Gaillard

Announcement of Oedipus Reborn, A Transgenerational Mythanalysis By Thierry Gaillard on **codition **ditions website in June 2012.

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XVI. Review of Textbook of Psychoanalysis

2nd Edition edited by Glen O. Gabbard, M.D., Bonnie E. Litowitz, Ph.D., and Paul Williams, Ph.D., Reviewed by Rosemary H. Balsam, M.D. in the American Journal of Psychiatry 2012;169:762-763. 0.1176/appi.ajp.2012.12020221 on July 01, 2012.


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XVII. Texas GOP Declares: ***No More Teaching of ***Critical Thinking Skills*** in Texas Public Schools***

By Danny Weil on the TruthOut website on July 7, 2012,

Textbooks, which are assigned and shared, in a classroom at Hutto High School in Hutto, Texas, April 5, 2012. (Photo: Ben Sklar / The New York Times)


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XVIII. Reviews of Slavoj **i**ek and His Response

a) The Violent Visions of Slavoj **i**ek by John Gray in The New York Review of Books on July 12, 2012,

b) Less Than Nothing by Slavoj **i**ek *** review A march through Slavoj **i**ek***s ***masterwork*** by Jonathan R**e on the website on June 27, 2012.

c) Slavoj **i**ek responds to his critics by Slavoj **i**ek on the website.

d) the thirst for the visual has reached China, in search of the past:” Old photograph fever is currently sweeping China. A new and intense appetite for images of the country’s past has resulted in a publishing phenomenon – sales of books of historical photographs have rocketed.”

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XIX. The Author of the Civil War

By Cynthia Wachtell in The New York Times on July 6, 2012.

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E. In the BUSINESS and FINANCE Category:

XX. Joseph Stiglitz: ***Jail the Bankers***

By Ben Chu, The Independent UK website on July 7, 2012.


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XXI. Beyond the Blink

By Frank Partnoy in The New York Times on July 6, 2012.


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F. In the CHINA Category:

XXII. The search for photos of China***s past

on the BBC News Magazine website on July 10, 2012.

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G. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXIII. Kantor & Kantor, LLP: Ninth Circuit Issues Final Ruling That Requires Health Plans to Cover Residential Treatment for Eating Disorders

on the PR Newswire website on July 12, 2012.


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XXIV. Some thoughts on the recent events in Penn State

by Bennett Roth PhD.


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XXV. Columbia University Oral History Project

(CCOH). The site offers a public archive, which holds more than 8,000 interviews, in audio, video and text formats, on a wide variety of subjects, research updates, and information on their educational programs.


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XXVI. The history of psychoanalytic theory enriched by the vitality and dynamism of contemporary psychoanalysis

To read : The history of psychoanalytic theory on the Oregon Psychoanalytic Center website please go to


XXVII. Two-Way Mirror: Facing a Daughter***s O.C.D.

By Beth Boyle Machla in The New York Times on July 9, 2012.

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XXVIII. From Harvard Business Review: Narcissism and (Business) Leaders

Here is an excerpt from this article:

***Only an individual who feels genuinely invigorated by the growth, development, and success of others can become an effective leader of an enterprise. And it remains the most common obstacle of success for those trying to make that leap.***

The other side of narcissism is generativity, the gratification in seeing the success of others. (Ekman uses the Yiddish term, ***naches*** for a similar emotion.)

– N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

To read ***Narcissism: The Difference Between High Achievers and Leaders*** written by Justin Menkes,

please go to


XXIX. Time Is Up for ***Freud***s Last Session***

By Patrick Healy in The New York Times on July 9, 2012.

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XXX. Good News for Mental Illness in Health Law

By Richard A. Friedman M.D. in The New York Times on July 9, 2012.

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XXXI. Was it a Psychotic Episode in Ron Hubbard That Led Him to Found the Church of Scientology?

by Dr Raj Persaud and Dr Peter Bruggen on the Huffington Post website on July 9, 2012.

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XXXII. Turf Wars by Steve Balt

by Steve Balt on the Carlat Psychiatry Blog: Thought Broadcast.

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H. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXIII. The Surprising Queer Roots of the Blues

by David Hajdu on the New Republic website on July 11, 2012.

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I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXIV. The Classical Psychoanalytic Technique Revisited

by Robert L. Lippman, Ph.D.

This paper is previously unpublished.

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J. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXXV. How They Were, and Where It Ended

By Paula Span in The New York Times on July 6, 2012.

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K. In the POETRY Category:

XXXVI. Achievement, A Poem by Irene Willis

Look of triumph on the anorexic***s face,

subtle swagger as she moves past stove and fridge ***

skeletal and needing nothing.

Skeletal, needing nothing. Cats suffice.

The empty place in bed

fills with their warm presence every night.

Filled with their warm presence every night,

she dreams the pleasure of forsaking lust,

pleasuring herself, yet bodiless.

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L. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXVII. The Triumph of Bad Science

Whitaker***s article reveals how a member of the FDA who also is an expert witness for Wyeth and Pfizer, has not only opposed the FDA***s warning on SSRI***s causing increased suicidality in

children/adolescents, but also, has apparently published research that according to colleagues has distorted the statistical data to favor his preexisting bias.

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

***Gibbons was a member of the FDA panel that voted in favor of the black box warning (Of increased suicidal risk in children/adolescent with SSRI***S ***

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XXXVIII Study identifies how muscles are paralyzed during sleep

on the Science Blog.

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M. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXXIX. Money and Other People***s Children

By Mona Simpson in The New York Times on July 13, 2012.

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As you could tell, this rather daunting list of posts is actually not only manageable, but very interesting and hopefully inspired you to write comments on those you read.

respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde