The Triumph of Bad Science

 Whitaker’s article reveals how a member of the FDA who also is an expert witness for Wyeth and Pfizer, has not only opposed the FDA’s warning on SSRI’s causing increased suicidality in children/adolescents, but also, has apparently published research that according to colleagues has distorted the statistical data to favor his preexisting bias.

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

“Gibbons was a member of the FDA panel that voted in favor of the black box warning (Of increased suicidal risk in children/adolescent with SSRI’S — NS),…However, he was one of the dissenting eight, …Ever since then, he has published a number of articles that dispute the FDA’s finding that SSRIs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. ….he has also served as an expert witness for Wyeth and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in cases related to antidepressants and suicide. His findings, it is fair to say, help make him a valuable witness for the makers of SSRIs.”

Click Here to Read: The Triumph of Bad Science by Robert Whitaker on the Mad in American website on July 11, 2012.