The Dangerous Method, place for men, women and God, depression and mom’s face from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

First of all I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday season and wish you a peaceful and healthy 2012.
Despite the stresses of the season, this week has been busy on the international psychoanalytic website.  Below are my highlights for the week.  I did not include the Dangerous Method Category, as I am sure you are all following it, just at I am.

1)  Different messages (?) regarding Feminist Psychology : Hedda Bolgar***s life story &/or The Changing Face of Feminist Psychology.
 Must we chose?
Click Here to Read the Bolgar Article

Click Here to Read the Feminist Article

2) Please read Charles Hanly’s address on the IPA website about the state of our profession.
Click Here to Read this Article

3) So do we need a God when science fails to give us answers?
Click Here to Read This Article

4)  Read re place where women reigned supreme *** the ballet and a ***forever change*** for American men.
Click Here to Read This Article

5)  All the papers listed are wonderful *** Elio Frataroli***s 2 part paper on conflict in psychoanalysis, Jacob Arlow***s paper on definition of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy,  a most delightful letter from the ***Periginating Psychoanalyst*** and a thoughtful paper on reaction of hospital staff to psychiatric patients.

Click Here to Read the Fratarroli Paper

Click Here to Read the Arlow Paper 

Click Here to Read the Jackson and Gardner Paper 

6) Finally, diagnosing depression by looking at photos of mother***s face  is an intriguing study.
Click Here to Read This Article:

Below is the list of contents:

A. In the DANGEROUS METHOD     Category:

        I. Brilliant minds star in superb ***Dangerous Method***    

***a) Keira Knightley and Michael Fassbender in ***A Dangerous Method.***By Robert Horton on the Heraldnet website on December 23, 2011. b)  Other Posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To view and read a) & b) please go to _______________________________________________________________
II.  A Dangerous Method: Sigmund Freud Battles Carl Jung!
   By J. Hoberman on the  Seattle Weekly website on December 21,  2011.
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III.  Review of Jung vs. Freud in A Dangerous Method
a) by John M. Grohol, PsyD on the World of Psychology website. b) ***A Dangerous Method*** and Hollywood***s blocked feelings about psychiatry By Lewis Beale in the Washington Post on  December 17, 2011.

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IV.  Out of Frame: A Dangerous Method
  by Martin Austermuhle on the DCist website.

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B.  In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

V. Discussion of Freud***s Last Session at NYPSI

***Theater Series
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd,
NY, NY, 10028***212-879-6900***

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Mark St. Germain, Playwright***Jack Thomas, Producer***The Rev. Daniel Simons, Trinity Wall Street***Dan Prezant, NYPSI***Fred Sander, NYPSI Psychoanalytic Couple and Family Therapy with Fred Sander at NYPSI
Extension Committee
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd,
NY, NY, 10028
PSYCHOANALYTIC COUPLE & FAMILY THERAPY***Fred Sander, M.D., 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month, 7:30 *** 9 pm***January 3, 2012 *** May15, 2012, Dates may vary slightly

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C.  In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VII. After Drugs and Dark Times, Helping Others to Stand Back Up
by Benedict Carey in the New York Times on December 18, 2011.
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VIII.  Hedda Bolgar, Now Aged 103
a) Hedda Bolgar, Age 98, Video on the Beauty of Aging website. b) At 99, she***s living life for others  by Steve Lopez on the Los Angeles Times websote on September 14, 2008.
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IX.  The Changing Face of Feminist Psychology
******Video on the Psychology***s Feminist Voices website.
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D.  In the BOOKS Category

X. Oy vey! Yiddish making a comeback at colleges

  By Dorie Turner in Contra Costa Times on December 21, 2011.   Serving up a blast from a Yiddish-writing past on other posts on Sholem Aleichem on this Website.
  Researchers Start Job of Sorting Out Yiddish Writer***s Papers on this Website.

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XI.    An Analysis Of Freud***s Jewish Identity, Review of The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud, edited by Arnold Richards

  Reviewed by Evelyn T. Hartman,

This Article originally appeared as:  Hartman, E. (2011).  Review of The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud, ed. Arnold Richards, Contemporary Psychoanalysis  47:4.  and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.
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XII.  Jamieson Webster***s The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis
Jamieson   On Unconscious Desire and its Sublimation*** Karnac Books, 2011, Reviewed  ***by Tracy D. Morgan on the New Books in Psychoanalysis website on  December 16, 2011.
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XIII. An Entrepreneurial Solution To The Problem Of Getting Local Food To Local Tables: Trust, Convenience, And Perceived Value
by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on December 19, 2011.
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XIV.    Atlantic Philanthropies and Charles F. Feeney: How Wealth-in-Action Redeems Us All

  by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on December 20, 2011.
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F.  In the EDITORIALS Category:

XV. Charles Hanly outlines a New Initiatives Programme to address ***troubling trends***
From the President: Charles Hanly outlines a New Initiatives Programme to address ***troubling trends***on the IPA website.

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XVI.  The search for the God particle goes beyond mere physics
a) By Michael Gerson in the Washington Post on December 15, 2011. b)  Higgs Boson Search: CERN Releases New Data Said To Narrow Hunt For ***God Particle on this website.

To read a) & b) please go to

G.  In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XVII.  ***I was positively uninterested in the dance.***

1915  ***I was positively uninterested in the dance.***  on the Museum of Public Relations website.
Michael and Vera Vokin, Russian court dancers, in the ballet ***Scherezade.***
Please view photo and read more at _______________________________________________________ ______
XVIII.  An Israeli study reveals the secrets of children***s conversations
Thanks to digital technology, it is possible to study the
conversational patterns of young children without their feeling observed. The results reveal a surprising level of social
sophistication and cooperation By Zvia Walden on the Ha***aretz website on November 30, 2011.

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XIX.  Oy vey! Yiddish making a comeback at colleges
a) By Dorie Turner in Contra Costa Times on December 21, 2011.   b) Serving up a blast from a Yiddish-writing past on other posts on Sholem Aleichem on this Website.
  c) Researchers Start Job of Sorting Out Yiddish Writer***s Papers on this Website.

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XX.  Chinese Campuses Expand Counseling Services for Stressed-Out Students
by Ricky Wong in  The Chronicle of Higher Education on December 4, 2011.
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XXI.  After Drugs and Dark Times, Helping Others to Stand Back Up
by Benedict Carey in the New York Times on December 18, 2011.
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XXII.    Kim Jong-Il: Psychoanalysis of a Dictator

by Jason Goldman on the Real  Clear Science website on December 20, 2011 .
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XXIII.  Private Torment Trumps Terrorism

  Claire Danes as a C.I.A. officer in Showtime***s ***Homeland,*** a post-Sept. 11 thriller that ended its first season Sunday. By Alessandra Stanley in the New York Times on  December 18, 2011.
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XXIII.  The Meaning of Hanukkah

a) A celebration of religious freedom, the holiday fits well with the American political tradition by John D. Levenson in the Wall Street Journal on  December 16, 2011.

b) 62nd U.of C. Hillel Latke-Hamantash Debate 2008 Part 1 & 2:.  on YouTube.  Speakers include:  Gary Tubb, Thomas Ginsburg,  Roy Weiss, Rabbi Morris, Elizabeth Davenport, & Daniel Libenson.

c) Chanuka, Oh Chanukah! Sung by Theodore Bikel on YouTube.
To read and view a), b) & c) please go to

H.  In the MOVIES Category:

XXIV. ***It***s a Wonderful Life***: A Cure for the Holiday Blues

Happy Holidays

I had never heard of It***s a Wonderful Life  until one winter night in the early eighties.  I was feeling out of sorts.  I don***t remember the particular details but I know that I was feeling down, unfulfilled, frustrated, disappointed, perhaps lonely, unconfident, worried and otherwise unhappy.  Those who have never felt that way need not read on.  That night, I felt that there was only one thing I could do***turn on the television.  I happened onto a quaint looking black and white film that begins with a discussion in heaven about the assignment of a guardian angel to a man who was in a similar mood to my own.  As I watched and became increasingly involved, my perspective changed so that when the film was over, I had tears in my eyes and felt much better about myself***

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XXV.  ***Miracle (of Fantasy) on 34th Street

Happy Holidays

For the past few winters, my teaching schedule has me reading Anna Freud***s monograph, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense at around the same time that I come across the Christmas classic, Miracle on 34th Street. One wouldn***t think that they have much in common, but each year I am re-reminded of passages in the book that come to life in the film.
Miracle on 34th Street is a light, beautifully constructed story about a bearded, white haired portly gentleman (Edmund Gwenn) who insists, and clearly believes, that he is the real Santa Claus. Although he gives as his address an old age home in Great Neck instead of the North Pole, he does go by the name of Kris Kringle. From the  ***.
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I.  In the OBITUARIES Category:

XXVI. Obituary of Abraham Zaleznick

This obituary of Abe Zaleznik,  was written by Prof Manfred Kets de Vries: Professor Abraham Zaleznik (Abe) of the Harvard Business School, a pioneer in the study of leadership and applied psychoanalytic organizational consultation, died November 28 in Boston at the age of 87.
To quote Voltaire, *To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.* After working through the grief, I had to consider how to honor***..

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XXVII.    In Memoriam: Christopher Hitchens, 1949***2011

a) In Memoriam: Christopher Hitchens, 1949***2011 By Juli Weiner in Vanity Fair on December 15,  2011.
b) Polemicist Who Slashed All, Freely, Dies at 62 By William Grimes in the New York Times on December 16, 2011.
c)Christopher Hitchens delivers the Daniel Pearl Memorial Lecture at UCLA  on YouTube.
d) The Tenth Man ; The key to Christopher Hitchens wasn***t his iconoclasm; it was his desire for belonging***and the proof can be found in an unexpected place By Marc Tracy on the Tablet website on December 19, 2011.
e) Regarding Christopher by Katha Pollitt on The Nation website on December 19, 2011.

to read more from a) to e) please go to ________________________________________________________________
J.   In the PAPERS Category:

XXVIII. Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy Part 2 by Elio Frattaroli

PSYCHOANALYSIS IN CONFLICT: ORTHODOXY AND HERESY: Part 2***By Elio Frattaroli, MD. Introduction: Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor***Frattaroli argues that conflict in our discipline was inevitable: in part I, he shows that Freud***s ambivalent heresy and orthodoxy became played out in his disciples, who, however became either heretics (Reich, Fromm, Adler) or orthodox (Strachey, Jones, Hartmann).  Frattaroli studies our discipline as an organism with its own psychic dynamics: understanding these more clearly may permit us to master the conflicts, rather than perpetuate them in a repetition compulsion.

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XXIX.  The Peregrinating Psychoanalyst (Try Repeating): Chuck and Leah Fisher now in Argentina

By ***N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

A treat. Chuck Fisher and his wife Leah are taking a six month travel sabbatical. Prior to this break, Chuck spent time with the Acuar of South America on their dream rituals.  He generously shares his experiences and photos with International Psychoanalysis readers. Last report was his visit in South Africa on Mark Solms estate. Today, we voyage through tangos, glaciers, water falls in Argentina, and a secret loma steak meal with David and Estella Rosenfeld. (Chuck will send  ***..

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XXX.  Toward a Definition of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

by Jacob Arlow.

Introduction to Jacob Arlow***s paper:***Toward A Definition of Psychoanaltytic Psychotherapy***.***I thought I would begin, what will be ***

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XXXI.  Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy, Part 1, by Elio Frattaroli
Introduction: Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor***Here, we readers face a challenge and a treat. Since 1985, Elio Frattaroli has been thinking and writing about the conflict inherent in our field. He reads our history as if psychoanalysis were an organism, a being with its own psychodynamics. ( readers know that Arnie Richards has been writing about our community in a similar Fleckian vein.)***In the first half of this article, which you see this week, Frattaroli presents his hypothesis: Freud ***s intrapsychic conflict was being both heretic (the idol-smasher, the sex unveiler, the dream revealer) and orthodox (the ***excommunicator of Adler, Jung and a few others); his followers carried on***.
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XXXII.  Gender Matters by Wynn K. Jackson and Charles G. Gardner
Introduction to Gender Matters.
          This article samples your interest in brief clinical observations.           Gardner and Jackson are both analysts trained at Columbia and both practicing in Greenwich Ct. for some decades. They note here that at their community general medical hospital and some outpatients, the staff and ..
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K.  In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXIII. UCLA neuroscientists demonstrate crucial advances in ***brain reading***
By Jennifer Marcus on the website on December 21, 2011.
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XXXIV.  Depression and Mother***s Face
  a) Can A Picture Of Your Mother Diagnose Depression?***By Jonah Lehrer on the Wired website on December 20, 2011.
  b) Can Depression be Diagnosed by Response to Mother***s Face? A Personalized Attachment-Based Paradigm for Diagnostic fMRI by Xian Zhang1, Zimri S. Yaseen, Igor I. Galynker, Joy Hirsch & Arnold Winston3 on the PLOS website.

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XXXV.  New Planets: Earth-Sized Kepler Exoplanets Discovered

****** by Timothy Stenovek on the Huffington Post website on  December 20, 2011.
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XXXVI.  As Permafrost Thaws, Scientists Study the Risks

By Justin Gilis in tbe New York Times on  December 16, 2011.
Katey M. Walter Anthony, a scientist, investigated a plume of methane, a greenhouse gas, at an Alaskan lake. Dr. Walter Anthony is a leading researcher in studying the escape of methane

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Again, I hope you will enjoy the fare during this holiday week, will comment on the website, and I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde