Do Babies Remember Trauma? Conference on October 1, 2011


 Do Babies Remember Trauma?
October 1, 2011 Conference on The  Register Now at the Early Rate!

Psychology and Neurobiology of Early Trauma

Did you know that until 1990, throughout much  of the U.S., surgery on babies was routinely performed without anesthesia? It is true that babies don’t remember, in the sense of linear, episodic, narrative memory. But it is not true that they don’t remember at all. So what do they remember?

In this interdisciplinary colloquium, we consider the developmental, neurobiological, and psychological consequences of trauma in infancy, and explore “what babies remember” . . .

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. . . through case presentations of children traumatized before one year of age, and through the scientific study of the effects of pain and trauma in infancy. What do infants experience when they are exposed to overwhelming threat and pain? What do these experiences do to their developing brains, bodies, and senses of self? What is their meaning for the infant? What significance does the answer to these questions have for our treatment of traumatized infants and their families, and what does this mean in terms of our priorities in health care planning on a national level?

Our speakers, listed below, include renowned clinicians and researchers in pediatric trauma who bring their extraordinary knowledge and experience to this critical subject.

 K.J.S. (“Sunny”) Anand, MBBS, D.Phil
Susan Coates, PhD
Theodore Gaensbauer, MD
Karen Gilmore, MD
Alexandra M. Harrison, MD
Henri Parens, MD
Maria C. Sauzier, MD
Susan Scheftel, PhD
Lenore Terr, MD
Susan Vaughan, MD