With pleasure and pride CAPA announces the birth this week of sextuplets:

6 Two-year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Programs.

Delivered by: CAPA five, Washington Psychoanalytic Institute one.

Place of Birth: CHINA.

Statistics: Each program is 30 weeks long, conducted via Skype, and consists of
1 hour 15 minutes/week theory class
1 hour 15 minutes/week technique class
1 hour 15 minutes/week continuous case seminar
1 hour of individual supervision/week
3-7 days face-to-face training a year

Each class has 10 students. People are already on the waiting list for next year.

In addition, there are now 26 people in analysis, 11 in psychotherapy and another 29 (not part of the Two-year program) in supervision. There are waiting lists in all modalities

The proud parents of these endeavors are the almost 150 CAPA members.
Please join us. It takes an analytic horde to train a country.

Elise Snyder, Midwife