To Have and To Hold: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Desire to Own with Steven Kuchuck & Galit Atlas-Koch at NIP

2010 – 2011 FOCUS SERIES 

Sunday, January 23rd, 11AM-1:30 PM
National Institute for the Psychotherapies
250 West 57th Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10019

To Have and To Hold:
 Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Desire to Own
Steven Kuchuck & Galit Atlas-Koch

This presentation is an investigation into the psychodynamic and cross-culturally determined underpinnings of the desire to own and be owned as they manifest in our clinical work. We will be looking at these issues through the lens of a female Israeli analyst and her male Israeli patients living far from their original homes, and also an American born, Jewish male analyst with strong ties to, criticisms of and longings for his ancestral homeland.  Broadening our scope, we will look beyond nationality and reflect on additional ways in which owning, very often related to gender and sexuality, serves as a means for processing personal and cultural trauma. Sharing the experience of co-writing this paper, we will raise the question of how two people can create a “third” and still feel ownership both of their original ideas and the joint product. Can two parents equally own one baby? Can two nations equally own one land? We hope that an examination of these clinical, internal and interpersonal struggles will help clarify patients’ experiences in and out of treatment and  clinicians’ transference-countertransference responses around the desire to own and be owned.

Steven Kuchuck LCSW: Faculty, NIP and ICP and co-editor of the journal Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Faculty, supervisor, Board of Directors, Dean of Training, Institute for Expressive Analysis (IEA). Formerly Adjunct Associate Professor at NYU and Chair of Trauma Committee, International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education. Author of articles on relational psychoanalysis, book chapter and encyclopedia entry.

Galit Atlas-Koch Ph.D: Psychoanalyst, licensed creative arts therapist and clinical supervisor in private practice in Manhattan, board member and faculty member of the Institute for Expressive Analysis (IEA), Editorial Consultant, Psychoanalytic Perspectives, author of several psychoanalytic articles and a former psychology columnist for SBC publishing house, Israel.

There is no charge for admission. Light snacks will be served.


 For additional information, please contact:
Sharyn Leff at 212.931.0909, Lauren Zehner at 917.670.9280