More Summer Reading

Recommended Summer Reading:

Sidney J. Blatt, Polarites of Experiences: Relatedness and Self-definition in Personality Development, Psychopathology and the Therapeutic Process, Washington, DC: APA Press, 2008.  

Alma Halbert Bond, Margaret Mahler: Biography of a Psychoanalyst, Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing, 2008.

Sandra Buechler, Making A Difference in Patient’s Lives: Emotional Experience in the Therapeutic Setting.  New York: Routledge, 2008.

Andrea Celenza, Sexual Boundary Violations: Therpeutic Supervisory and Academic Contexts, Lanthan, NJ: Jason Aronson, 2007.

Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, New York: Picador, 2001. 

Irwin Hirsch, Coasting in the Countertransference: Conclits of Self Interest Between Analyst and Patient, Mahwah, NJ: The Analytic Press, 2008.

Barbara Kafka, Microwave Gourmet, New York: William Morrow, 1998. 

Barbara Kafka, Vegetable Love, New York: Artisan, 2005.  

Robert Langs, Beyond Yahweh and Jesus: Bringing Death’s Wisdom to Faith, Spirituality, and Psychoanalysis, Latham, MD: Jason Aronson, 2008.  

Robert Langs, Love and Death in Psychotherapy, London and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006. 

Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Sensuality and Sexuality Across the Divide of Shame, New York: Routledge.  

Leo Rangell , My Life in Theory, New York: Other Press, 2004.
Joseph Schachter, ed. Transforming Lives. Psychoanalyst and Patient View the  Power of Psychoanalytic Treatment, Rowman and  Littlefield, 2005. 

Herbert Schlesinger, Promises, Oaths and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising, New York: The Analytic Press, 2008.

Brent Willock, Comparative-Integrative Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective for the Discipline’s Second Century, Mahway, NJ, The Analytic Press, 2008.

Jerome Winer and James William Anderson, Spirituality and Religion: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Mental Health Resources, 2007.