WHY NOT JUST INVITE THEM TO TEA?: Sullivan’s Vision of Treatment – Unpublished Lectures at WAWI

The William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society Collquia
2009 – 2010 Academic Year

Multiplicities within Psychoanalytic Thinking:
Views from Outside the Box

The Society Cordially Invites Your Presence on

FRIDAY,  MAY 21, 8:00 PM

“Sullivan’s Vision of Treatment – Unpublished Lectures”

Speaker: John Kerr, Ph.D.

On Friday, May 21st,   Dr. John Kerr is coming to the White Institute.
John Kerr is an extraordinary person, editor, writer and thinker. With a sweet yet wickedly incisive sense of humor and irony , John can
recreate in dramatic form and with profound insight the essence of Harry Stack Sullivan and his work.

Dr. John Kerr, author of the proclaimed,  “A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Freud, Jung and Sabina Spielrein”,  has been rigorously
and tenaciously researching  the life and work of Harry Stack Sullivan for some time. John will be narrating and explicating from Harry Stack
Sullivan’s previously unpublished letters (and other sources.)

Harry Stack Sullivan was a complex, brilliant and intriguing man and professional. John will bring us a step closer to the man and to his
vision and his spirit.

This long awaited event will be the final White Society Colloquium of the 2009-2010 academic year.  The light fare and wine and the
informative and inevitably pleasant conversation among guests which follows such a colloquium is likely to be heightened as the series
itself is appreciated and feted.  A full crowd (and then some) is expected so we strongly advise that you make your reservation(s)

This event will take place at The William Alanson White Institute 20 West 74th Street,  New York, New York 10023 (between Columbus Avenue and Cenral Park West)
There is no fee for this offering although reservations are required in order to provide for the comfort of all.  Kindly email your intention
to be present to s.wilk@wawhite.org   We suggest that you respond as soon as possible and we thank you for this courtesy.
Reservations will be held in the order in which they are received.

Please visit the White Institute’s website at  www.wawhite.org