The Shakespeare Whodunit

Click Here to Read:  The Shakespeare Whodunit: A scholar tackles doubters on who wrote the plays; Hollywood weighs by Alexandra Alter in the Wall Street Journal on April 2, 2010.

Click Here to Read: Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? By James Shapiro, Reviewed by Boyd Tonkin on the Independent Boosk Website on March 26, 2010.

Click Here to Read: The Psychology of the Authorship Question by Richard Waugaman in the online Journal Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Click Here to Read: The pseudonymous author of Shakespeare’s works by Richard Waugaman in the Princeton Alumni Weekly.

Click Here to Read: Chapter 1: Four Pivotal Sonnets: Sonnets 20, 62, 104, 129 from What Silent Love Hath Writ: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Shakepeare’s Sonnets by Martin S. Bergmann and Michael Bergmann.

Click Here to Read: Chapter 2 from What Silent Love Hath Writ by Martin S. Bergmann and Michael Bergmann