Training Therapists on Resolving Alliance Ruptures with J. Christopher Muran at NYPSI

Academic Research Seminar
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY

Training Therapists on Resolving Alliance Ruptures
J. Christopher Muran, Ph.D.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 8 – 9:30 pm

Dr. Muran will describe a training program developed at Beth Israel that attempts to redress the sobering failure rates in psychotherapy by improving therapists’ abilities to negotiate negative process with their patients. The program is grounded in empirical research on psychotherapy process, affect regulation and interpersonal transactions, as well as principles from contemporary relational psychoanalysis.

Dr. Muran is an Associate Dean & Professor at the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies where he serves as training director for the doctoral program in clinical psychology. Since 1990, Dr. Muran has been Director of the Psychotherapy Research Program at Beth Israel Medical Center. With support from the National Institute of Mental Health, the program has become a center for the study of the therapeutic relationship with a specific focus on the study of ruptures in the therapeutic alliance & the development of intervention models & training strategies to facilitate their resolution. Among his various accomplishments & publications, he is co-author of the book Negotiating the Therapeutic Alliance: A Relational Treatment Guide (with Jeremy Safran) and current editor of the international journal Psychotherapy Research.

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