Inside HBO’s “In Treatment”


Click Here to Listen to: Inside HBO’s “In Treatment,” An Interview with Rodrigo Garcia, executive producer, director, and writer of HBO’s “In Treatment,” Blair Underwood, an actor, he plays the role of Alex, an arrogant Navy pilot who mistakenly bombed an Iraqi madrassa, killing innocent students, and Dr. Glenn O. Gabbard, professor of psychiatry and psychoanalysis at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, author of “The Psychology of the Sopranos” and “Psychiatry and the Cinema.” on the radio show On Point on, Boston’s NPR station.

Click Here to Read: “Shrink Rap” a review of HBO’s In Treatment by Chris DeVille, on the Website Columbus Alive, the Website of the Columbus Dispatch.

Click Here to Read: 25 Reviews of the HBO’s In Treatment and comments from members of our community.

Click Here to Register for Symposium 2008, where there will be a showing of an episode of the original Israeli show on which In Treatment is based, “BiTipul.”