MITPP Summer Institute Mimi-Courses and Workshops in June and July

160 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024, Phone: (212) 496-2858,  Email: Website:
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Instructor: Barbara Stimmel, Ph.D.
The fee is a vexing and constant reality. In every treatment process: Regardless of one’s theoretical and clinical orientation,
regardless of the level of sophistication and experience of the therapist, regardless of the amount, regardless of the financial reality of the patient, and always with the therapist’s attitudes toward earning money for helping others- the fee is a critical and often less appreciated aspect of the treatment relationship. This relationship will be discussed and explored clinically in this workshop. Participants are invited to bring in vignettes and questions that will form the basis of our conversation. Participants will: have a greater appreciation of a centerpiece of the clinical work, have a greater understanding of how to think about the fee, be able to develop a more comprehensive and thoughtful approach to setting the fee – which is in the best interest of both patient and therapist.
MONDAYS, JUNE 12, 19 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM 4 Contact Hours FEE: $65
1185 Park Avenue (between 93rd & 94th Streets)

Instructor: Hadassah Ramin, LCSW
The initial consultation is the stage in which the patient presents us with the cast of his/her internal object world. With the help of clinical vignettes the instructor will demonstrate how she listens to decipher deeper symbolic meaning hidden in the manifest content. She will also demonstrate how such deeper understanding facilitates the therapist’s capacity to formulate interventions that will be accessible and useful to the patient. Clinical material with theoretical background will be provided and participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own clinical vignettes for discussion. Participants will: understand the difference between hearing and listening, be sensitized to the value of non verbal communication, learn the value of reliance on countertransference as a tool to deepen the therapist’s understanding of the patient’s relationship with his/her internal objects.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
675 West End Avenue, #1A (between 92nd & 93rd Streets)

Instructor: Arnold Richards, MD
Dr. Richards will draw on his life experience to show how he moved from his training as an orthodox Freudian, to one who values modern conflict theory and dialogue with those who work differently. Dr. Richards has been a seminal figure in opening the field of psychoanalysis/psychoanalytic psychotherapy, bringing parties from different “schools” into dialogue. In this mini-course, participants will learn how development beyond (while respecting) tradition toward creativity, and openness has enriched our clinical work, collegial relationships and our field itself. Dr. Richards will share how his training at The New York Psychoanalytic institute, his ten years as editor of The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and his “growing up orthodox,” psychoanalytically, led to his making an ecumenical turn and transforming him from a classical Freudian ego psychologist to one who is receptive to other ways and committed to demystification. Readings will be emailed to participants in advance.
Participants will: have a good idea about the various psychoanalytic approaches to the theory and practice, learn about modern conflict theory and how it relates and develops from ego psychology, learn about the various thought models in psychoanalysis and how they relate to each other.
MONDAYS, JUNE 19, 26, JULY 10, 17 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM 6 Contact Hours FEE: $100
200 East 89th Street, #45B/C (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues)

Instructor: Vivian Eskin, Ph.D.
This workshop will explore the theory and purpose of the analytic frame in couple psychotherapy and consider the ways in which this is similar to and different from work with individual psychotherapy. The frame is an important factor in promoting containment for the couple, as a part of the therapeutic action, and is an important source of information for the therapist. We will also discuss the components of the frame in couple psychotherapy such as scheduling and boundary issues, including confidentiality, whether to meet separately or together with the partners, and the management of consultations with other professionals. Participants will learn what a couple assessment is, and what to look for to discover which dynamics the couple struggle with, how motivated they are for psychotherapy, and their willingness to work weekly. Participants will: explore the meaning behind setting a frame in psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy, discuss the purpose of setting a frame and how it impacts the course of a psychotherapy treatment for couples, assess a couple for psychotherapy.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM 2 Contact Hours FEE: $40
Upper West Side location TBA

Instructor: Steven Demby, Ph.D.
This workshop is designed to assist clinicians who work with or expect to work with children and/or adults going through separation or divorce and will provide an overview of the legal aspects of divorce in relation to children and custody in New York State. It will address what child and adult therapists need to know when asked by a parent, an attorney, or a custody evaluator to provide treatment information, offer opinions, or make recommendations. The important differences between therapeutic and forensic roles will be highlighted. Potential effects on the treatment resulting from therapist interaction with the legal system will also be discussed. Special attention will be given to clinical and ethical dilemmas that clinicians commonly face when interfacing with the legal system. Good risk management practices when treating patients going through divorce will also be covered. This workshop will be helpful to clinicians who work with children and adults when there is a separation/divorce in process or the potential for one in the future. Participants will be able to: discuss the types of information therapists are often asked to provide to the legal system when treating children or parents who are going through a litigated divorce, identify the differences between therapeutic and forensic roles, explain best clinical and risk management practices for clinicians when interfacing with the legal system in divorce cases.
WEDNESDAYS, JUNE 21, 28 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
307 Seventh Ave, Suite 2203 (between 27th & 28th Streets)

Instructor: Gino Benza, LCSW
How does the issue of self-disclosure impact our work with patients of various genders and sexual orientations? This workshop will deal with self-disclosure of personal information when working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients. Therapists often struggle with patients’ desire to know personal information about them at various points during the treatment. Variables include whether the therapist decides to disclose or keep exploring the patient’s request and helping to make meaning of the question with the patient. Also, patients are often curious if the therapist knows what it is like to have had various experiences common to the LGBTQ community such as coming out, oppression, bullying, discrimination and subtle and not so subtle forms of homophobia. The format of the workshop will include theoretical information regarding thought on this topic. Clinical material will be presented representing various aspects of self-disclosure and the impact on treatment. Attendees are invited to come with their own clinical examples and questions, thoughts on this topic. Participants will: gain an overview of classic and contemporary thought on self-disclosure, strengthen clinical decision making regarding self-disclosure in general and specifically with the LGBTQ community, understand how the decision to disclose or not impacts on treatment and clinical outcomes.
SATURDAY, JUNE 24 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
444 Central Park West, #3F (between 104 & 105 Streets)

Instructor: Jill Bellinson, Ph.D.
Children are difficult to engage in treatment, since they come because their parents and teachers require them to, rather than because they experience their own difficulties in living. They don’t talk — they shrug, or pout, or grunt one-syllable answers — and they act out rather than seek insight. This workshop will present ways to connect to children who appear for treatment, develop a productive alliance with them, and work with their actions and play to do the therapeutic work they need. Case material from students will be welcome, and many examples will be offered by the instructor. Participants will be able to: describe children’s non-verbal communication methods, apply child treatment principles in child intake sessions, provide effective therapeutic work with children using the metaphor of play.
SATURDAY, JULY 15 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
229 West 71st Street (top floor walk-up, West of Broadway)

Instructor: Iris Hellner, Ph.D.
While adolescent psychotherapy can be demanding for many reasons, clinicians often find the work with parents to be particularly challenging. After a brief overview of basic tenets and techniques in working with parents of adolescents, this workshop will focus on some challenging dynamics and scenarios that can occur. We will discuss when parents’ complicated feelings about their adolescent interferes with their child’s development or treatment (e.g. over-identifications, enmeshment) and how to work with parents’ ambivalence about the therapy itself (e.g. envy, jealousy, and when a parent’s treatment goals are at odds with the adolescent’s). How to respond to a parent’s own struggles or mental illness (e.g. anxiety, depression, trauma history) and challenges to the frame and boundaries (e.g. working with parents who are in acrimonious states with each other or with the clinician, those who test the limits of confidentiality, and those who contact the clinician either too often or too rarely) will also be discussed. If time permits, participants will be invited to bring in clinical anecdotes for discussion. Participants will:
gain an understanding of the rationale and technique for engaging parents in adolescent psychotherapy, understand factors that make working with parents in adolescent treatment challenging, such as parental enmeshment, ambivalence and hostility, conceptualize ways to work with and move beyond these difficult dynamics in order to facilitate adolescent development and treatment.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
10 West 86th Street, #1A

The New York State Education Department has approved these courses for contact hours (CEUs) for LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs and LPs. A certificate will be emailed upon request to those who attend all sessions, complete an evaluation and pay an administrative fee of $15. There is no charge for those affiliated with MITPP, MCMH or MSPP.

JILL BELLINSON, PH.D. Certificate in Psychoanalysis, William Alanson White Institute. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Program; William Alanson White Institute, Adelphi University, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Supervisor: Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs of CUNY and Columbia University. Psychological Consultant: New Alternatives for Children and Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. Author: Children’s Use of Board Games in Psychotherapy & papers on psychodynamic treatment of children and adults. GINO BENZA, LCSW Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Faculty: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Supervisor: Metropolitan Center for Mental Health. Member: Metropolitan Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists, National Association of Social Workers. STEVEN DEMBY, Ph.D. Certificate in Psychoanalysis, The Contemporary Freudian Society. Faculty: Contemporary Freudian Society. Member: Executive Committee of the Interdisciplinary Forum on Mental Health and Family Law. Board Member Emeritus and Past Co-President: NYS Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. Member: International Psychoanalytical Association, American Psychological Association. Author of papers applying psychoanalytic understanding to high conflict divorce. VIVIAN ESKIN, Ph.D. Certificate in Psychoanalysis, New York Freudian Society, Graduate of NYFS/IPTAR Anni Bergman Parent-Infant Program. Faculty: The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Training and Supervisory Analyst: NY Freudian Society. Member: NY Freudian Society, American Psychoanalytic Association, International Psychoanalytical Association, CIPS, NASW. IRIS HELLNER, Ph.D. Advanced Candidate, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Faculty: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program and Child and Adolescent Programs. Adjunct Assistant Professor and Clinical Supervisor: CUNY Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. Member: Division 39 and Section II, Division 39 of the American Psychological Association, New York State Psychological Association, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. HADASSAH RAMIN, LCSW Certificate in Psychoanalysis, New York Freudian Society. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Faculty, Training and Supervising Analyst: The Contemporary Freudian Society; Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Psychiatric Staff, Adjunct: Student Health Service, Columbia University, Health Sciences Campus. Supervisor: City College, Clinical Psychology Program. Member: International Psychoanalytical Association, NASW. ARNOLD RICHARDS, MD Certificate in Psychoanalysis, New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Faculty: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Former Editor: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA); The American Psychoanalyst. Training and Supervising Analyst: New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Recipient: Distinguished Contributor Award, American Psychoanalytic Association. Member: New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, American Psychological Association, Division 39, Section 10, New York Freudian Society, Psychoanalytic Association of New York, Western New York Psychoanalytic Society, Lake Oscawana Psychoanalytic Society. Honorary Member: American Institute of Psychoanalysis/Karen Horney Clinic, New Jersey Psychoanalytic Society. BARBARA STIMMEL, Ph.D. Certificate in Psychoanalysis, New York Freudian Society. Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Former President: New York Freudian Society. Assistant Clinical Professor: Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Medical School. Member, Faculty, Training Analyst: New York Freudian Society; Member, Training Analyst: International Psychoanalytical Association; Member: American Psychoanalytic Association. Associate Secretary: International Psychoanalytical Association, 1997-2001. Former President: Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists. North American Chair: IPA Berlin Congress, 2007.


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Joyce A. Lerner, LCSW, Director, MITPP
160 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024
Telephone: (212) 496-2858 Email:

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