Open House “From the Chair to the Couch” with the NYPSI candidates

The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute invites you to an open house with the NYPSI candidates:”From the Chair to the Couch”

Please join the candidates of NYPSI for an informal gathering at the Institute to learn about candidates’ experiences and ask all the questions you have regarding the intricacies of training: classes, supervision, personal analyses, building/expanding a private practice, Institute culture, and how to juggle training and “life”. Light refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, May 10th, 8:15 pm, The Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium, 247 East 82nd Street, NYC

Please RSVP to Amber Nemeth (

Thank you,
Amber Nemeth, PhD
Lori Pellegrino, MD
Howard Bliwise, MD