The Couple World with Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, M.D. and Peter Mezan, Ph.D. at NYPSI

The Couple World with Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, M.D. and Peter Mezan, Ph.D.

Wed., March 1, 2017 at 8 pm, 247 East 82nd Street, NYC
FREE. All are welcome. Register HERE, visit or call 212.879.6900

Works in Progress Seminar: The Couple World
In the course of sharing observations from the simultaneous treatment of couples and individual partners, Drs. Mezan and Abelin-Sas Rose concluded that two individuals, with their own stories and their own inner worlds, come together to create a third, powerfully meshed unconscious organization. Enriched by the two dissimilar individualities, this new entity, the couple, will in due time acquire its own distinctive features. They came to refer to this third psychic organization as the Couple World.

Their observation that intimacy involves a continuous dynamic relationship between a Couple World and the partners’ individual worlds undermines the notion that there is a basic polarity to our lives, with autonomy, individuality and distance on one side and attachment, intimacy and closeness on the other, and that as partners in a relationship we are endlessly searching for a happy medium.

To the presenters’ way of thinking, these binary pairs, typically located at the two ends of a linear continuum are not in fact opposites. Rather, autonomy and intimacy are two different types of experience within an intimate relationship, occurring in two different psychological worlds that we inhabit at the same time. In this presentation Drs. Mezan and Abelin-Sas Rose explore which aspect of one partner’s personality contributes and may be reinforced by the other partner’s to interfere with the level of intimacy at different phases of their relationship.

Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, M.D. is a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine and of CAPS (Center for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis). She served for several years as the Foreign Editor of The Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis and as a member of the Committee for Foreign Book Reviews for The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. She founded and chaired the New York Psychoanalytic Institute Colloquium with Visiting Authors, opening a dialogue with different schools of thought. Among her papers: “To Mother or Not to Mother: Abortion and its Challenges”; “The Headless Woman: Scheherazade’s Syndrome”; “Discovering One’s Own Responsibility in a Judgmental System”; “The Internal Interlocutor”; “Malignant Passionate Attachments”; “Coupledom”; “The Perilous Road to Hope.” She co-edited with Leticia Glocer Fiorini, Freud’s Femininity, a book edited in 2010 by the IPA under the Contemporary Freud Series. Dr. Abelin-Sas Rose is in private practice and conducts private seminars and supervisions.

Peter Mezan, Ph.D. is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. Earlier in his career he was Senior Psychologist and Psychotherapy Supervisor at North Central Bronx Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Mezan was educated at Harvard College, Harvard Medical School, Christ’s College, Cambridge, and The City University of New York. While at Harvard, he worked with inner city adolescent gangs under the supervision of Erik Erikson. In London, where he lived for many years, he worked with R.D. Laing and, as a free-lance journalist, introduced Laing to the American public in cover articles in major American magazines and contributions to several books. Dr. Mezan was a lecturer on family systems in Laing’s Philadelphia Association. He was also Supervisor in Renaissance English literature and modern American poetry at Christ’s College, Cambridge, and an editor at Nature, the British science journal.

Since 2006 Dr. Abelin-Sas Rose and Dr. Peter Mezan have worked in close collaboration studying couple relationships. Together they have written numerous papers that have been presented at national and international psychoanalytic conferences on the psychoanalysis of couples.

No CME or CE credits will be offered.

Francis Baudry, M.D., Chair
Works in Progress Seminar


247 East 82nd Street, NY, NY 10028
