Writer’s Wednesday: Pablo Neruda


Click Here to Read: Pablo Neruda on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: Pablo Neruda on the Poetry Foundation Website.

Click Here to Read: Pablo Neruda, The Art of Poetry No. 14 Interviewed by Rita Guibert in the Paris Review Spring 1971, No. 51.

Click Here to Read: The Ecstatsist: Pablo Neruda and his passions By Mark Strand In The New Yorker in the September 8, 2003 Issue.

Pablo Neruda in 1963: photo from Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: The Poetry of Neruda by Michael Wood in The New York Review of Books in the October 3, 1974 Issue.

Click Here to Read: And where are the lilacs? Adam Feinstein neatly combines the music of Pablo Neruda’s poetry and the whirl of his life by Andrew Motion in The Guardian on July 30, 2004.

Click Here to Read: Poetry: Four Poems by Pablo Neruda selected by the Nobel Library of the Swedish Academy on the Noble Prize.org website.

Click Here to Read:  Pablo Neruda Poems on the Poetry Hunter Website.

Click Here to Read: Pablo Neruda Poems on the Hello Poetry website.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Writer’s Wednesday on this Website.