Philosophy Thursday: Philip Kitcher


Click Here to Read: Philip Kitcher on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read:  Philip Kitcher on the Department of Philosophy of the Columbia University of the City of New York Website.

Click Here to Read: The Ethical Project by Philip Kitcher on the Harvard University Press Website.

Click Here to Read: Things Fall Apart By Philip Kitcher in The New York Times on September 8, 2013.

Click Here to Read: Interview with Philip Kitcher by Phil Gasper in The Human Nature Review Human Nature Review 2004 Volume 4: 87-92 (7 February).

Click Here to Read:  life after faith: Interview by Richard Marshall on the 3:Am magazine website.

Click Here to Read: Science and the Common Good: Thoughts on Philip Kitcher’s Science,
Truth, and Democracy by Helen E. Longino Philosophy of Science, 69 (December 2002) pp. 560–568.

Click Here to Read: Book Review: Ethical dilemmas Review of The Lives to Come: The Genetic Revolution and Human Possibilities, by Philip Kitcher, Reviewed by by Ronald M. Green in Issues in Science and Technnology Volume XIII Issue 1, Fall 1996.

Click Here to Read: Science in a Democratic Society by Philip Kitcher, Reviewed by Matthew J. Brown on the University of Notre Dame website.

Click Here to Read: Science in a Not So Well-Ordered Society. A Critique on Philip Kitcher’s Account of Procedural Democracy by Huub DijstelbloemScientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), The Hague / Dept. of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam (UvA) Paper presented at the Workshop Science in Transition: Communication and Democracy, Utrecht, June 28, 2013.

Click Here to Read: The Ethical Project by Philip Kitcher on the University of Oregon website.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Philosophy Thursday on this website.