Virtual Psychoanalytic Museum season 2


Dear friends and colleagues, ENJOY

I am pleased to announce the launch of our second season! As always, you can enter the museum from its Entry Hall at

Rather than overwhelm the senses with a multiplicity of exhibits all at once, we will be mounting exhibits throughout the season. Today we begin with two galleries rich in audio and visual treasures:

The Images Gallery opens with “The Optical Unconscious: Vignettes of Images & Text,” a five-part exhibit by Terrance McLarnan, curated by Nancy Goodman. You can access that exhibit directly via this link:

The Jazz Gallery: Listening Is Key, put together by guest curator Jane Hall, features six exhibits in addition to her Welcome Message. You can access the Jazz Gallery directly via this link:

Lastly, please participate by sharing your comments. You have an opportunity to leave comments at the bottom of each gallery and exhibit page. (Comments will be moderated to control for spam.)

We hope you will visit often!

Nancy R. Goodman Ph.D.