2016 Summer Institute at MITPP

160 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 · Telephone: (212) 496-2858
Email: mitppnyc@aol.com • Website: www.MITPP.org
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The New York State Education Department has approved these courses for contact hours (CEUs) for LMSWs and LCSWs. A certificate will be emailed upon request to those who attend all sessions, complete an evaluation and pay an administrative fee of $5. There is no charge for those affiliated with MITPP, MCMH or MSPP.

Instructor: Vivian Eskin, Ph.D.
This five-week mini course is designed to provide participants the opportunity to learn about couple psychotherapy. This special couple and theory focus is behind the approach of the Tavistock Center for Couple Relationships in London, UK. This 5- week introductory course is designed to provide participants the opportunity of learning about couples work and this particular lens highlights the unconscious choice of partner; highlights object relations residing in one and projected on another; an unconscious belief that couples have towards each other and how to introduce new ways of thinking and relating. The concept of projective identification and its use among couples will be addressed and the containing object of the therapist can be of value to couples seeking help in their relationship. This mini course will be helpful to all psychotherapists who work with Couples and Individuals. As individual therapists we do not have the opportunity to see the partner our patients might be involved with and hearing case vignettes of couple treatment can shed light on obstacles patients have around issues related to dependency, vulnerability, separateness and difference, ambivalence and commitment.

Participants will: 1) Be able to name three of the complex factors that arise in the psychoanalytic treatment of couples, 2) Be able to identify and understand the importance of the individual patients negotiating separation from their primary relationships and the necessity of psychic separation in order to facilitate a couple bond, 3) Be able to identify three components of the Tavistock method in the treatment of couples.

WEDNESDAYS, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM 7.5 Contact Hours FEE: $125
666 West End Avenue

Instructor: Buffy Smith, Ph.D.
While many therapists agree that involving parents in a child or adolescent’s psychotherapy is helpful and important, many struggle with how to implement that involvement. This mini-course will address ways to engage parents in collateral work and ways to structure that work according to the specific needs of the child. Problems that can arise when parents are involved in collateral work with a therapist, such as resistance, competition, and the limits of confidentiality will also be discussed. Time permitting, participants will have the opportunity to discuss scenarios involving their own collateral work with parents of their child and adolescent patients.

Participants will: 1) Develop an understanding of why parents may feel resistant to psychotherapy for their child, and will have strategies to address these various concerns in early sessions with parents, 2) Gain strategies for implementing various models of working collaterally with parents; including parent consultation, parent guidance and education, treatment via the parents, and transference parenting, 3) Gain strategies for developing a positive working alliance with the parents while maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the child’s treatment.

SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
145 West 96th Street, #1E (at Amsterdam Avenue)

Instructor: Barbara L. Reichenthal, LCSW, BCD
This three-hour workshop is designed to help clinicians building a private practice in this challenging era of Managed Care, The Affordable Care Act, demands from insurance companies for evidence based treatment and results, and very active competition for the available pool of traditional patients. The focus will be on the mechanics of building a practice, and will include: assessing needs for office space; locating an office,; determining whether or not to participate on managed care panels; issues in fee setting; marketing; developing a referral network,: HIPAA (Privacy Law) requirements; confidentiality issues and requirements; the use of published patient reviews; licensing restrictions; and developing collegial and supervisory supports. The clinical dimensions that arise around these issues will also be raised. Special attention will be paid to the frame issues that arise where aspects of clinical phenomena get lost in managed care rules and regulations around the frequency of sessions, payments for missed appointments, telephone sessions and digital communications, and other such matters. Names of insurance panels and information on how to contact them will be provided.

Participants will: 1) Be able to identify two ways to comply with HIPAA laws around confidentiality in building and maintaining private practice, 2) Be able to identify two marketing strategies to build and/or expand their practice and how to best use them to improve their practice and safeguard patient confidentiality, 3) Be able to identify two frame issues that may get blurred or lost in navigating managed care rules/regulations and ensure they get built into the treatment structure.

SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 12:00 NOON – 3:00 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
120 East 34th Street, #11G (between Park & Lexington Avenues)

Instructor: Paul Cooper, MS, LP
The British psychoanalyst, Wilfred Bion (1897-1979) and the Soto Zen master, Eihei Dogen (1200-1253), were both highly creative thinkers whose works share many areas of overlap. Both exerted a radical impact on their respective disciplines. Despite the highly regarded philosophical and theoretical complexity of their ideas, they both strived to strengthen and deepen experiential realizational practice with an insistent emphasis on the present moment that are directly applicable to contemporary clinical work. This course includes meditation exercises and practical discussions viewed through the point of view provided by these two perspectives. People from all meditative backgrounds – experienced or with little or no experience- are welcome.

Participants will: 1) Learn two Zen meditation styles and understand the theoretical and philosophical background of each, 2) Identify two similarities and two differences between Bion’s technical recommendations and Dogen’s instructions for meditation, 3) Demonstrate two explicit methods and two implicit methods for integrating Zen practice and teachings into clinical technique.

TUESDAYS, JUNE 14, 21, 28 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 4.5 Contact Hours FEE: $75
145 East 35th Street, #5FE (between Lexington and 3rd Avenues)

Instructor: Shelly Petnov-Sherman, LCSW
It is the analyst’s job to be attuned to the patient’s affect as well as to co-construct the narrative in the treatment room. How do therapists come to know what patients mean when the narrative is unfolding? It is often easier to assume that we understand what a patient is attempting communicate than to stay with the much more difficult concept of holding onto the idea that we don’t know and are trying to learn. How do we stay in the “not knowing?” How do we unpack a “word” that contains specific meaning to a patient? This workshop will “unpack” our understanding of what our patients are trying to share with us. We will draw on the experiences of both the instructor and workshop members. Participants are invited to present a brief process recording of clinical work with a patient.

Participants will: 1) Expand and deepen their understanding of technique through “unpacking” the patient’s communications, 2) Facilitate their ability to tolerate “not knowing” in the analytic setting, 3) Facilitate the patient’s curiosity and expand their understanding of the importance of their communications.

THURSDAY, JULY 14 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
2000 Broadway, #10G (between 68th and 69th Streets)

Instructor: Jill Bellinson, Ph.D.
Child therapy cases often start well; patients come willingly, talk or play freely, improve quickly. But as time goes on, it sometimes gets bogged down: patients start to cancel sessions or ask to stop; family members sabotage treatment; sessions feel repetitive and lifeless; progress slows and stalls; we reach impasses. This workshop will focus on work with children and young teens whose treatment revolves around play and action more than conversation and who often act out their feelings about the therapy rather than discuss it. We will explore the specific ways that child therapy can get stuck: children refuse to come; parents refuse to bring them; children are oppositional; parents try to supervise the treatment; children play the same games over and over and over. Or, in some cases, the treatment itself is satisfying — children are cooperative and well-behaved, family shows up reliably, sessions feel comfortable and productive — but the presenting symptoms do not improve. The workshop, including case examples from the presenter and the audience, will offer ways to understand these treatment blocks in child therapy – particularly in their nonverbal communication – and strategies for resolving them.

Participants will: 1) Be able to recognize signs that clinical treatment with children is not progressing, 2) Be able to explain the meaning of the lack of progress in treatment with children, 3) Be able to identify effective methods of working through the clinical impasse so that the treatment can continue to be effective.

Please note: This workshop is open only to those currently seeing children in play therapy who want to work on child cases that are stuck.

SUNDAY, JULY 17 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM 3 Contact Hours FEE: $50
229 West 71st Street (top floor walk-up, West of Broadway)



JILL BELLINSON, PH.D. Certificate in Psychoanalysis, William Alanson White Institute. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Program; William Alanson White Institute, Adelphi University, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Supervisor: Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs of CUNY and Columbia University. Psychological Consultant: New Alternatives for Children and Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. Author: Children’s Use of Board Games in Psychotherapy and papers on psychodynamic treatment of children and adults.
PAUL C. COOPER, M.S., LP. NYS Licensed Psychoanalyst, Certified Psychoanalyst: National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. Faculty: Metropolitan Institute For Training In Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Senior Member, Faculty, Training Analyst, and Supervisor: NPAP, The Institute for Expressive Analysis, The Harlem Family Institute. Board of Directors: International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education. Advisory Board: HFI. Poet and Author including: The Zen Impulse and the Psychoanalytic Encounter (Routeledge, 2010).
VIVIAN ESKIN, Ph.D. Certificate in Psychoanalysis, New York Freudian Society, Graduate of NYFS/IPTAR Anni Bergman Parent-Infant Program. Faculty: The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Training and Supervisory Analyst at New York Freudian Society. Member: New York Freudian Society, American Psychoanalytic Association, International Psychoanalytical Association, CIPS, NASW.
SHELLY PETNOV-SHERMAN, L.C.S.W. Certificates in Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, American Institute for Psychoanalysis. Certificate in Intervention, Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Forensic Mental Health Associates. Training in Child and Adolescent Program, National Institute for the Psychotherapies. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult and Child and Adolescent Programs. Senior Faculty, Supervising and Training Analyst: American Institute for Psychoanalysis. Chairperson, Membership Committee: International Association for Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Mental Health Consultant: Corlears School, New York City.
BARBARA L. REICHENTHAL, L.C.S.W., B.C.D. Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult and Child and Adolescent Program. President: Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists. President: Board of Trustees of the Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
BUFFY SMITH, PH.D. Certificate in Clinical Training in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Program. Supervisor: Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Study. Faculty: Bank Street College of Education, Department of Special Education. Member: American Psychological Association.


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Return to:

Joyce A. Lerner, LCSW, Director, MITPP
160 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024

Telephone: (212) 496-2858 Email: mitppnyc@aol.com

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