William Shakespeare’s Birthday: April 23rd, 1564


Click Here to Read: How Shakespeare Lives Now by Stephen Greenblatt in The New York Review of Books Issue on April 21, 2016 Issue.

Click Here to Read: Freud on Shakespeare: A Approach to Psychopathic Chararcters by by Chin-Jung Chis in the Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 5:1 (April 2012), 33-56.

Click Here to Read: Psychology Sunday: William Shakespeare on this website

Click Here to Read:  Writer’s Wednesday:  William Shakespeare on this website.

Click Here to Read:  Shakespeare scholar disputes decision-reversal by journal  by Matthew Reisz on The Higher Education Times on September 11, 2014.

Click Here to Read:  Shakespeare, a Difference: Reinterpreting Hamlet and Other Plays by Simon Critchley & Jamieson Webster on the International Festival of Art and Ideas website,  Presentation on June 22, 2013 at the Yale University Art Gallery.

Click Here to Read:   Call of the Wild:  The Connection Between Shakespeare and Maurice Sendak By Stephen Greenblatt in The New York Times on February 8, 2013.

Click Here to Read: Ralph Fiennes directs Shakespeare’s Coriolanus with an eye to contemporary events By Stefan Steinberg  on the World Socialist Website on March 13, 2012.

Click Here to Read:  ‘Anonymous’ Director Believes Shakespeare Was ‘A Fraud’  by Josh Wigler on the MTV News website on September 09 2011.

 Click Here to Read: Anonymous Movie Trailer on the MovieNewz website on April , 2011.

Click Here to Read: Justice Stevens Renders an Opinion on Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays and other articles on Shakepease’s authorship on this website.

Click Here to Read: “May your pupik (belly button) always be clean and lint-free” by Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Skolic on the Schmoozing with the Word Mavens blog on April 23, 2010.

Click Here to Read: The Shakespeare Whodunit on this website.

Click Here to Read:  Institute Of Psychoanalysis Event Explores Shakespeare’s Troilus And Cressida on this website.