IPA Web News 16

It is very important to me that ipa.world becomes a forum for psychoanalysts to express their thoughts and beliefs on how psychoanalysis affects them in their countries, homes and work. As such, I would like to share with you this month the views of our colleagues in the USA on prejudice; news from a fast developing Society in Mexico; an event in London which challenges the role of siblings in psychoanalysis; and the views of a patient who has experienced both CBT and Psychoanalysis but concludes that psychoanalysis is superior. We hope that you enjoy it.

Romolo Petrini
Chair of the Website Editorial Board

If you would like to share with us articles of interest on the topic of psychoanalysis, or feedback on anything you have read, please do not hesitate to contact us. Editor_webEB@ipa.org.uk

A return to public mourning online
bowie #RIPDavidBowie was a hashtag, yes; it was also a funeral. The outcry of love and sadness after the news of Bowie’s death that heavy sense that the world had been permanently dented was, on top of everything else, evidence of the new way of mourning. Taking to the Internet to share and cry and commiserate is now part of how we cope with a loss. It is what we do. But it is also, just as importantly, what is done.

CBT or Psychoanalysis?

“If my nine years on the couch have taught me anything, it’s that the mysterious, conflicted, self-deceptive, and self-subversive vision of the mind that comes down to us from the Freudian tradition — in which our happiness depends on a level of self-knowledge that our own minds make exceedingly difficult to achieve — comes much closer to hitting the mark.” Damon Linker (The Week).

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mlkUSA: The rise of Islamophobia and Xenophobia
photo Public opinion is often formed by the masses who read mainstream media. Even in a world of significant social media, it is rare that we hear the thoughts of our psychoanalytical colleagues around the world. Richard Reichbart, President of IPTAR and the Board of Directors of APA, are keen to share the views of psychoanalysts in the United States through their statements regarding the current rise of Xenophobia and Islamophobia taking place in America. “American psychologists are challenged to acknowledge the impact of the post-9/11 climate of fear, bias and discrimination facing our Muslim colleagues, students, clients and communities.”

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MexicansocietylogoMexican Association for Psychoanalytic, Practice, Training and Research
photo We are delighted to introduce a new feature of the WebNews where we will be focussing on a new Society every Month. This month we bring you a message from Mexico: “We believe sharing a psychoanalytic perspective can contribute to prevention and early detection within community settings.”


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What is the place of siblings in Psychoanalysis?
Date: Saturday 5 March 2016 Location: London
“Psychoanalysis seems to have largely ignored the place of siblings in the subject’s psychic economy and personality development. Juliet Mitchell has argued that siblings are crucial not only to metapsychology but also to clinical practice.


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