Holes in the Door Posts, Poem by Eugene Mahon

Through the holes
In the doorposts
You can see
Peering back at you
If you dare to see
What survives
What wouldn’t be
Cast no cold eye
Put your ear
To the holes in the doorposts
The screams that you hear
Are your own.
–Eugene Mahon

Click Here to Read: Witnessing the death of Yiddish language and culture: Holes in the Doorposts by Arnold Richards.

“This was the end. This was the sum total of hundreds of generations of living and building.of Torah and piety, of free thinking, of Zionism of Bundism of struggles and battles, of the hopes of an entire people – this empty desert.I Iooked around me at what had been the Jews of Warsaw. I felt one hope and, I feel it now., May this sea of emptiness bubble and boil, may it cry out eternal condemnation of murderers and pillagers, may it forever be the shame of the civilized world which saw and heard and chose to remain silent.”

(Goldstein, B., 2005)
Epigraph form  Holes in the Doorposts by Arnold Richards

Click Here to Read: Holocaust Posts on this website.