Will Self’s Kafka Journey: A Prague Walking Tour


Click Here to Read: Will Self’s Kafka Journey: A Prague Walking Tour from London Review of Books (LRB) on YouTube.

Click Here to Read: Franz Kafka’s badly healed wounds, Review of Kafka: Die frühen Jahre by Reiner Stach, Reviewed by Carolin Duttlingner in The Times Literary Supplement on June 24, 2015.

Click Here to Read:  Viewing Franz Kafka Through Lens of his Sexuality Is Repressed Homosexuality Key To Understanding Work? By Peter Ephross in The Jewish Daily Forward on June 10, 2013.

Click Here to Read: Kafka’s Last Trial by Elif Batuman in the New York Times on  September 22, 2010.

Click Here To Read:  Opened safe-deposit boxes reveal unseen Kafka manuscripts Among the many manuscripts is one of a well-known short story by the Jewish writer, in the author’s own hand writing By Ofer Aderet on Ha’aretz website on Wednesday July 21, 2010.

Click Here to Read: Dear Diary: ‘Exclusive’ Notes from Kafka by 
Thu. Aug 21, 2008 The Jewish Daily Forward website on the Thu. Aug 21, 2008.

Click Here To Read: Franz Kafka’s Papers Finally Made Public.