Psychology Sunday: Helen Golden

Click Here to Read: Graduation Speech for the Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychothherapy in 1982 by Helen Golden.

Click Here to Read: Review of The Curve of Life: Correspondence of Heinz Kohut 1923-1981 edited by Geojfrey Cocks Reviewed by Helen K. Golden, Ph.D. in Psychoanalytuc Psychology (1995) Vol. 6:1.

Click Here to Read:  Graduation Speech for the Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychothherapy in 2007 by Helen Golden.

Click Here to Read: Some Thoughts on Psychoanalytic Change: A Self Psychological View by Helen Golden Contemporary Psychoanalysis,  (1988)  Vol. 24, No. 1.

Click Here to Read: A Self Psychology Perspective: The Protesting Patient by Helen K. Golden in Psychoanalytic Psychology (1992(, 9(3), 279-288.

Click Here to Read:  Westchester Center for the Study ofPsychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: 25^^ Anniversary Weekend Retreat Lakeville, Connecticut May 1, 1999 The Psy Who Came in from the Cold by Helen K. Golden, Ph.D.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Psychology Sunday on this website.