NYState Psychological Association Division of Psychoanalysis Videos of 10/4/15 Conference on Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis


NYState Psychological Association Division of Psychoanalysis Videos of 10/4/15 Conference on Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis with Mark Solms, Lewis Aron Wilma Bucci, Michael Moskowitz and Jeremy Safran  parts 1 and 2… on U Tube at the links below

Accessible either through the NYSPA Channel or Directly at the links below

Click Here to View:  NYSPA Channel on YouTube.
Click Here to View:  Psychoanalysis Video Part 1: on YouTube.
Click Here to View:  Psychoanalysis Video Part 2:on YouTube.  

There are two videos. What each video contains:

Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis Conference, October , 4, 2015
Annual Conference of the Division of Psychoanalysis, New York State Psychological Association,
co- sponsors:New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis,
and the Division of Neuropsychology, New York State Psychological Association

Part 1, Professor Mark Solms, PhD. Neuropsychologist and Psychoanalyst
Professor Solms is the Chair, Department of Neuropsychology, University of Capetown, South Africa and Chair of the Research Committee of the International Psychoanalytic Association.
” If the ID is Conscious, then what and where is the unconscious?”
Part 2. Panel discussion with Professor Mark Solms and
Lewis Aron,PhD, Director NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

Wilma Bucci, PhD, Professor Emerita, Derner Institute, Adelphi University
Co-chair, Committee on Research Education, American Psychoanalytic Assoc.

Michael Moskowitz, PhD, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, NYU Postdoctoral Program, and the NYU Silver School of Social Work

Jeremy Safran, PhD, Chair and Professor of Psychology, New School for Social Research
With many thanks to Dee Fisher Golden for her wonderful assistance in uploading these for all of us to view. The links above may be shared for professional and educational purposes. The videos contain virtually all of the proceedings of the conference.