Eichmann ‘wasn’t a bad person’


Click Here to Read: Eichmann ‘wasn’t a bad person,’ says his daughter-in-law, dooming her political career: Carmen Bretin Lindemann was running for mayor in a village in Argentina. Then she gave a TV interview in which she blamed the Jews for falsifying history BY JTA and Times of Isreal Staff on October 23, 2015.

Click Here to Read: Film Review: Hannah Arendt and the “Banality of Evil” by Raymond Barglow on the Tikkun website on June 10, 2013.

Adolf Eichmann on trial in Jerusalem, 1961 (AP, File)

Click Here to Read: “Hannah Arendt” and the Glorification of Thinking by Richard Brody in The New Yorker in the May 30, 2013 Issue.

Click Here to Read: Reflections on Violence by Hannah Arendt in the New York Review of Books on July 11, 2013.

Click Here to Read: Hannah Arnedt on Philosophy Thursday on this website.

Click Here to Read: Lonely Thinking: Hannah Arendt on Film on this website

Click here to Read: Hannah Arendt and the Study of Evil With Elisabeth Young-Bruehl on this website.