Movies Monday: To Kill A Mockingbird


Click Here to Read: To Kill a Mockingbird on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Reviewed by Bowsley Crother in The New York Times on February 15, 1963.

Click Here to Read:  To Kill a Mockingbird Reviewed by Rogert Ebert on the Roger website on November 11, 2011.

Click Here to Read: To Kill A Mockingbird found two paths to masterpiece status By Ryan Vlastelica on the A.V. Club website on July 13, 2015.

Click Here to View:  To Kill A Mockingbird full movie on YouTube.

Click Here to Read: Read TIME’s Original Review of the To Kill a Mockingbird Movie by Lily Rothman on the Time Magazine website on July 14, 2015.

Click Here to Read: To Kill a Mockingbird, film review: Robert Mulligan’s deft adaptation of Harper Lee’s story of racial intolerance in the Deep South was an Oscar-winning triumph by Marc Lee on the Telgraph website on February 3, 2015.