Check Out the New Website Design at


Please visit our new website at  It has been redesigned to make it easier to see and use.  Several more interesting titles will be added soon for purchase and are in our coming soon section, including two volumes of Arnold Richards’s collected papers (Psychoanalysis: Critical Conversations: Selected Papers of Arnold Richards Volume 1 and Psychoanalysis Perspectives on a Thought Collective: Selected Papers of Arnold Richards Volume 2) The Unknown Freud: Five Plays by Robert Lippmann, Applied Psychoanalysis: Explorations and Excursions,  a volume of the collected papers of by David S. Werman, The Holt Rapaport Correspondence, and Nodal Points: Critical Voices in Contemporary Psychotherapy / Psychoanalysis by Joseph Schachter, M.D., PhD. & Horst Kächele, M.D., PhD.

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