Aging, childhood, Hitler, 9/ 11, Einstein, Freud and War from Sasha Rolde

The world political landscape this week is concerned with inclusion and acceptance (contract with Syria, refugees, new contenders for US presidency) our psychoanalytic societies struggle with similar issues, and our website this week attempts to be all inclusive as do I in my choices as usual followed by the full week’s menu of posts:
1) Please look at the books as always:

a) on the wish for return to childhood:
Click Here to Read This Article

b) about aging:
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Click Here to Read This Article

c) on dealing with stress in a relationship:
Click Here to Read This Article

d) on Hitler’s World & Killers of the Republic
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Click Here to Read This Article

2) Did you ever feel that way: EVERYONE has heard of the Peter Principle: Managers rise to the level of their incompetence. Today, however, a whole class of hyper-competent Americans will never find their level of incompetence. Instead, they will suffer a similar principle in which they rise to their level of misery.

Here’s how it works: Ambitious, hard-working, well-trained professionals are lifted by superiors to levels of increasing prestige and responsibility. This is fun and exciting, until it isn’t. People generally have a “bliss zone,” a window of creative work and responsibility to match their skills and passions. But then the problems start.
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3) Jack Drescher helps us remember 9/11
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Click Here to Read This Article

4)How Einstein & Freud tackled human aggression and war- Please read.
Albert Einstein & Sigmund Freud Exchange Letters and Debate How to Make the World Free from War (1932) on the Open Culture website on September 3rd, 2015.

Einstein and Freud’s correspondence took place under the auspices of the League of Nation’s newly-formed International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, created to foster discussion between prominent public thinkers. Einstein enthusiastically chose Freud as his interlocutor.

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5) What you always wanted to know about Bambi:
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Below is the Table of Contents for the last week:
A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Save the Date: APM Symposium ***On The Body*** May 6-7, 2016
Save the Date: APM Symposium ***On The Body*** May 6-7, 2016
At the dawning of psychoanalysis in Freud***s project and throughout his writings, the intertwining of body and psyche was elemental but Since Freud, the body has been progressively undertheo-rized. The APM Symposium ***On the Body*** addresses the imperative to bring the body back to center stage and to consider the challenges it poses to our current ways of understanding our pa-tients. Does the contemporary ideology of the body, an ideology of an omnipotent mind that transcends the limits of the body, produce different kind of patients from those of the times of Freud? How do we think of hysteria today and of the psychosomatic symptoms that we are en-countering more ******
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II. Upcoming Continuing Education Programs at CFS
Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

For additional information and registration, please see attached fliers.
One Session Program (2 Contact Hrs)
***Changing Sex, Changing Psychoanalysis***
Presenter: Patricia Gherovici, PhD ***.

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III. A Taste of Systems-Psychodynamic Thought and Experience: Managing Ourselves in Our Multiple Roles in Turbulent Times at IPTAR
IPTAR: THE LJGOULD CENTER FOR SYSTEMS-PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDES Workshop: A Taste of Systems-Psychodynamic Thought and Experience: Managing Ourselves in Our Multiple Roles in Turbulent Times
Four Fridays: October 16,23,30 and November 6, 2015 *** 11:30 to 1:30 PM IPTAR West Conference Room *** 140 W. 97TH Street NYC
Registration: *** Questions? Contact:

Focus & Learning Objectives: This workshop will introduce participants to practical applications of psychoanalytic ideas that will help us become more effective in our roles in our lives and professions, and the organizations and systems we inhabit. These skills are most critical during this time of intense social media and rapid technological ***..

.To read more please go to: _______________________________________________
B. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

IV. Teenage Witness: The Fanya Heller Story
Friday, September 11th, 2015
Photo: Fanya Heller

on YouTube.
Please read at : ______________________________________________
V. Homo Naledi, New Species in Human Lineage, Is Found in South African Cave
by John Noble Wilford in The New York Times on September 10, 2015.

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VI. Harold Bloom on The Band


A literary critic fetes the leathery authenticity and spirituality of The Band***s ***The Weight*** in the Wall Street Journal on September 1, 2015.

The Band: The Weight on YouTube.
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C. In the BOOKS Category:

VII. History of Psychology: American Psychoanalyst A.A. Brill

By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. Associate Editor on the PsychCentral Website.
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VIII. Available Now! Below the Line in Beijing by Richard Seldin from
T lilSeldin-Front-Cover-C

by Richard Seldin on

Below the Line in Beijing is a provocative exploration of love, psychoanalysis, dissociative mental states and male sexuality. Without apparent cause, the novel***s protagonist, a 61 year-old attorney and former track star, awakens next to his wife in his Baltimore home unable to speak. He questions whether his sudden muteness is due to loss of sexual desire for his wife, but this isn***t new. For several years, he***s been undergoing a second psychoanalysis to understand his physical indifference to her as well as powerful fantasies about hooking-up with young women. These fantasies have intensified following the appearance of Jim, his alter ego******

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IX. Coming Soon from IPBooks: Saving Beauty by Harvey Kaplan lil’SAVINGBEAUTYFRONTCOVER(2)

A Memoir of Love, Healing of Multiple Sclerosis by Harvey Kaplan from This book is a joint imprint from Contemporary Freudian Society and IPBooks.

About Saving Beauty:

Dr. Kaplan***s book is about his personal odyssey with his wife***s multiple sclerosis, but it is more than that. It is about the way love can and must change when an event of that enormity befalls a relationship. No one can predict when or if such a thing will happen to them. No one can truly imagine how they will handle it if it does. People have a consuming interest in these stories, and that makes the general public a natural audience for this book.

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X. Hitler***s World

by Timothy Snyder in The New York Review of Books in the September 24, 2015 Issue.

A Nazi propaganda poster with Ukrainian text that says ***Hitler, Liberator,*** circa 1941
XI. The Killers of the Republic

by Vincent Nouzille By Anthony Torres on the World Socialist Web Site on September 9, 2015.

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XII. 10 Novels Written While Under the Influence
Photo: Susan Sontag

by Alison Nastasi on the Flavorwire website on September 5, 2015.
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XIII. Timothy Snyder***s ***Black Earth*** Puts Holocaust, and Himself, in Spotlight
By Jennifer Schuelssler in the New York Times on September 7, 2015.
***What honoring leads to is a lot of respectful silence. That has its place, but it doesn***t generate knowledge.*** TIMOTHY SNYDER, author of ***Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning***

Credit Andrew Sullivan for The New York Times

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XIV. Erica Jong***s ***Fear of Dying*** Defies the Sunset of Sex Photo: EricaJ ong

By Alexandra Alter in The New York Times on September 7, 2015.
***I thought, I have to write about an older woman who is sexual, attractive and wants to reach out for life. That***s not celebrated, sadly. *** ERICA JONG, author of ***Fear of Dying***

CreditKrista Schlueter for The New York Times

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XV. Filter Fish: At life***s end, rediscovering the joys of a childhood favorite OliverSacks5

by Oliver Sacks in The New Yorker in the September 14, 2015 Issue.

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D. In the CHINA Category:

XVI. China: World***s largest supplier of educated workers
By Annalyn Censky CNN Money website on June 15, 2012.

Doctoral graduates from Nanjing University in China pose for a photo.
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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVII. Not Just About the Psychologists

by Brigadier General (Ret) Stephen N. Xenakis, M.D. on the Huffington Post blog on September 8, 2015.

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XVIII. Rising to Your Level of Misery at Work

by Arthur C. Brooks in The New York Times on September 5, 2015.
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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XIX. A Pause to Bind Up the Wound in Our Heart

a)by Jack Drescher in The New York Times on September 11, 2002.
b) New York Disaster Counseling Coalition on the Manta website.
To read a) & b) please go to ________________________________________
XX. Some Analytic History: AA Brill

Photo: Brill and Freud

on the PsychePractice website on April 10, 2015.

Last night I was in the library of the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (NYPSI), and I couldn***t stop myself from taking this photo:

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XXI. Irena Sendler


a)on the website.

b)Host Life in a Jar the Irena Sendler Story on the website.
c) Irene Sendler on the Wikipidia website.

Irena Sendler
Died: May 12, 2008 (aged 98)
Warsaw, Poland

During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. ***

To read a),b) & c) please go to ________________________________________
XXII. Erica Jong Is Out of Touch, But That May Be a Good Thing ericajong (1)

BY Alison Herman in The New York Times on September 8, 2015.
New York, NY *** October 03, 2013 : Author Erica Jong At Her Apartment In New York, NY On October 03, 2013. Fear Of Flying, Celebrating Its 40th Anniversary, Is A 1973 Novel By Erica Jong, Which Became Famously Controversial For Its Attitudes Towards Female Sexuality, And Figured In The Development Of Second-Wave Feminism. (Photo By Melanie Burford/Prime For The Washington Post)

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XXIII. Love, Hate and Suicide

By G. Collerone in The New York Times on September 8, 2015.
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XXIV. Albert Einstein & Sigmund Freud Exchange Letters and Debate How to Make the World Free from War (1932)

Photo: einstein-freud

on the Open Culture website on September 3rd, 2015.

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XXV. Nazi Criminals Were Given Rorschach Tests at Nuremberg
by Douglas Main in Newsweek Magazine on September 7, 2015.
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H. In the HISTORY FRIDAY Category:

XXVI. History Friday: Lewis Bernstein Namier

Photo: Sir Lewis Bernstein Nanier

a) Lewis Bernstein Namier on Wikipedia.

b) Namier, Sir Lewis Bernstein (1888***1960) on the Making History Website.
c) Lewis Namier The eccentric historian who changed British postwar culture by By Clive James on the Slate website on March 8, 2007.
d) Former historians in the department Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier on the Manchest University Website. ******

To read a), b), c), & d) please go to ____________________________________
I. In the LETTERS TO EDITORS Category:

XXVII. Violence and Mental Illness

Letters to the Editor of The New York Times on September 8, 2015.
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XXVIII. How Reliable Are Psychology Studies?

Letters to the Editors of the New York Times on September 8, 2015. _________________________________________
J. In the LYRICAL TUESDAYS Category:

XXXIX. Announcing: Lyrical Tuesdays on the IPBlog
Monday, August 31st, 2015
Each Tuesday I will be selecting a lyric to post on the IPBlog. Starting today, September 1, 2015.
Please send comments and if the idea is popular, it will continue. The great american songbook cannot die. I will include a few lines about the composer and encourage you to google him/her/them if you like. Thank you Arnie for this opportunity *** I feel that lyrics qualify as poetry. The first selection is dedicated to Arnie, Founder and Editor in Chief of

Cole Porter *** You***re The Top Lyrics

At words poetic I***m so pathetic
That I always have found it best
Instead of getting it off my chest
To let ***em rest unexpressed ***..

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K. In the MOVIES Category:

XL. Noah Baumbach***s Mistress America offers some hints of humanity Mistress_America

By Christine Schofelt on the World Socialist Web Site on September 10, 2015.

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XLI. Richard Gere in ***Time Out of Mind,*** a Life Adrift on the Margins By A. O. Scott in The New York Times on September. 8, 2015.

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L. In the MOVIEW MONDAY Category:

XLII. Movies Monday: Bambi

a) Bambi on Wikipedia.

b)Walt Disney Movies full cartoon movie classic on YouTube.
c) This Day in Jewish History, 1869 The Man Who Wrote Bambi and Didn***t Make a Dime From the Movie Was Born. Bambi learned of life***s perils, observed the judge; pity Salten didn***t know of the danger lurking in copyright protection by Alona Ferber on the Haaretz website on September 06, 2015.

d) Bambi (1942): ***Bambi,*** a Musical Cartoon in Technicolor Produced by Walt Disney From the Story by Felix Salten, at the Music Hall in the New York Times on ***.

to read a),b),c),& d) please go to ________________________________________________

M In the MUSIC Category:

XLIII. Woman: The confessions of R&B singer Jill Scott

By Hiram Lee on The World Socialist Web Site on September 9, 2015.

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XLIV. Philosophy Thursday: George Berkeley

Photo: George Berkeley

a) George Berkeley on Wikipedia.

b): George Berkeley on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Website.
c) Berkeley***s Immaterialism on the Philosophy Pages website.
d) Berkeley***s Life and Works on the University of Illinois at Chicago Website.
E) The Principles of Human Knowledge by George Berkeley on the Earl;y Modern Texts website***..

To read a), b), c), d)& e please go to _________________________________
O, In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XLV. The Mohawks Who Built Manhattan

(Photos)on the White Wolf Pack website.

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P. IN the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XLVI. Review: ***In the Mind Fields*** by Casey Schwartz
by Casey Schwartz in the Chicago Tribune on September 10, 2015.
Casey Schwartz***s ***In the Mind Fields*** tracks the marriage of psychoanalysis and neurology and the figures, such as Mark Solms, who made the match.

(Ikon Images / Getty)

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Q. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XLVII. Modernism, Psychoanalysis and the Embodied Mind on NYPSI T NEW YORK PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY & INSTITUTE:
Scientific Meeting
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Two-day Conference co-sponsored by Scientific Program Committee and UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Modernism, Psychoanalysis and the Embodied Mind
To register: (click on events and lectures)

Friday, September 18, 2015***7:30 pm *** 9:30 pm
Saturday, September 19, 2015***9:30 am *** 5 pm

The international conference, Modernism, Psychoanalysis and the Embodied Mind, will engage an interdisciplinary network of scholars and practitioners who bring the radical insights of modernist literature, as well as performance and the visual arts, into dialogue with clinical practice in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, psychiatry, neuropsychology, and the mental healthcare offered at the end of life. Presentations will focus on the resources modernism offers for creatively understanding the experiences of body and mind that form the core material of the psychoanalytic encounter, but are poorly served by realist models of self.

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XLVIII. Photography Friday: Steve Harp
Sand-Man by Steve Harp. This image is from Mysteries of Domestic Space, a book by Mr Harp that is a response to Sigmund Freud***s essay, ***The Uncanny.*** Mr. Harp is Associate Professor and Media Art Area Director at DePaul University in Chicago.

If you would like to have your photography considered for***s Photography Friday, please send your jpegs to Joel Seligmann, the Photography Editor.

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Writer***s Wednesday: Eug**ne Ionesco
PHOTO: Eugene_Ionesco_01

A) Eug**ne Ionesco on Wikipedia.

B) Eugene Ionesco, The Art of Theater No. 6, Interviewed by Shusha Guppy in the Paris Review in the Fall 1984 Issue.

C): Eug**ne Ionesco (1912-1994) on the website.
D) The Ionesco Festival, a production of Untitled Theater Co. #61 Eug**ne Ionesco: Man of the Theatre/Theatrical Man 1909 (Slatina, Romania) *** 1994 (Paris, France) on the Untitled website. ******

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,d) please go to ______________________________________
Please read ,enjoy , and comment on our international website posts and share your opinions with the rest of our world colleagues,we have a lot to contribute.

respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde