Introducing Lacan: On the Three Registers at Après-Coup



Introducing Lacan: On the Three Registers

October 8 & 22 Mark Stafford, Unconscious
November 19 & December 10 Paola Mieli, Drives
January 14 & February 4 David Lichtenstein, Language
February 25 & March 12 Adriana Passini, Repetition
April 8 & 29 Martin Winn, Mirror Stage
May 20 & June 10 Lillian Ferrari, Angst

This seminar, which requires prior familiarity with Freud’s basic texts, is intended as an introduction to Jacques Lacan’s theory of the Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary as structuring human subjectivity.

Lacan’s conceptualization of these registers is an essential tool for understanding both the impact of Freud’s Copernican revolution on 20th-century thought and the direction of treatment in psychoanalysis. Our goal is to show how all three registers are operative in these central psychoanalytic concepts: the subject of language, the mirror stage, the unconscious, angst, repetition, and the drives.

SUGGESTED READING FOR WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10TH: J.Lacan, Chapters XIII and XIV from Seminar 11, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis.

This seminar meets on Wednesdays from 8:00–9:30pm on the dates above at The School of Visual Arts, 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY. Please ask at the front desk for the room number.

This event is free and open to the public.
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