Memories – history: individual, psychoanalysis, the holocaust & more from Sasha Rolde

Dear Colleagues:

Although we speak of free association, transference and the unconscious, the fact it that we rely on discussion of memories in our consulting rooms in order to produce insight.
How apropos is Memorial weekend for turning to the posts on our international psychoanalytic blog, looking back as well as creating more memories? Please enjoy the following with memories in mind.
Note that I am attempting not to list the posts that were present in the 2 preceding weeks.

As usual I will list may preferences followed by the full menu.
My choices are as follows:

1) to begin the memories: Please read about Maria Altmann, and her quest for the Klimt painting which she inherited. The article contains the history and fate of Jewish material culture in Vienna. ***Maybe 80 percent of Gustav Klimt***s iconic portraits were commissioned by Jewish patrons, assimilated Jews, intermarried Jews, baptized Jews, ennobled Jews, or converted Jews with names like Heymann, Wittgenstein, Pulitzer, Lederer, Langer, Loew, Eisler, Markhof, and Friedmann. You could say that by rendering fashionable and beautiful Jewish women in the iconoclastic format of the modern Viennese aesthetic, Klimt was providing the fusion necessary for his subjects finally to belong to Austrian culture. We know that was a tragic failure.***
Read the rest to capture the entire ambiance of the era.

Click Here to Read This Article

2) Both posts in the AUDIO/VIDEO Category give a recounting of the past (memories) affecting the present:
a) Synopsis of the Film “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” with Prof. Otto F. Kernberg
Click Here to Read This Article

b) Pope Francis Shown South Florida Holocaust Album
Click Here to Read This Article

3) the books all represent memories hence I could not really chose. Try:
a) Writing a Memoir:
Click Here to Read This Article

b) The Last Asylum:
Click Here to Read This Article

c) The Culture of Criticism: What do we owe the Enlightenment
Click Here to Read This Article

4) The podcast lectures on psychoanalysis:
Click Here to Read This Article

5) and the ***unwanted memories*** – Kubrick***s lost holocaust film:
Click Here to Read This Article

6) Howard Schlossman***s memories at 100
Click Here to Read This Article

7) his ( and my fond ones) memories of Erich Fromm:
Click Here to Read This Article

Below is the Table of Contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Jasper Journal for the Advancement of Scientific Psychoanalytic Research Cover

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II. YIVO Announces $1,160,000 Challenge Grant for International Project to Preserve Prewar Library and Archives

Funds Will Support The YIVO Vilna Collections *** A Landmark Digital Initiative on the website

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III. Comparing Repression & Dissociation: A Theoretical & Clinical Discussion at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 8 p.m.
Comparing Repression & Dissociation: A Theoretical & Clinical Discussion Frances Sommer Anderson, Wilma Bucci, Richard Gottlieb, Leon Hoffman
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B. In the ART Category:

IV. Woman in Gold and an Old Toyota

Remembering Maria Altmann, the uncompromising Klimt owner behind Helen Mirren***s portrayal in ***Woman in Gold*** By Frances Brent on The Tablet Website on May 18, 2015.

Photo: Detail of ***Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I,*** 1907, by Gustav Klimt. (** 2015 Neue Galerie New York Photograph by Hulya Kolabas for Neue Galerie New York)

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V. Assistant for 30 Years: Life With Louise Bourgeois

By Katy Diamond Hamer on the Vulture website on December 18, 2014.
Louise Bourgeois and her assistant Jerry Gorovoy in Carrara, Italy, in 1981. ** The Easton Foundation. Photo: The Easton Foundation
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VI. Modernist Furniture Designer Maciej Markowicz Premieres Objets D***art at ICFF
Global d**but of Wiczny Armchair, inspired by Felix Augenfeld***s 1930 chair made for Sigmund Freud, and other new works by acclaimed Polish artisan Markowicz on the PR Web Website.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VII. Pope Francis Shown South Florida Holocaust Album

By Ari Odzer on the 6 South Florida News website on May 21, 2015.
Decades after discovering a photo album in her late father***s closet, Shari Unger-Klages showed it to Pope Francis at the Vatican two weeks ago for his blessing

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VIII. Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Dr. Otto F. Kernberg
A film by Peter Zagermann on the website.

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D. In the BOOKS Category:

IX. The Book of Aron

by Jim Shepard, Reviewed by Geraldine Brooks in The New York Times on May 22, 2015.


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X. Memoir recounts days in mental asylum

by Barbara Taylor, Reviewed By Suzanne A. Levingston in the the Washington Post on May 23, 2015.

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XI. On William James: the father of psychology

a) By Ellis Washington on the Renew of American Website.

b) Philosophy Thursday: W illiam James on this website.

To read a) & b)please go to

XII. The Culture of Criticism What do we owe the Enlightenment?
By Jacob Soll on the New Republic Website on May 20th 2015.
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XIII. Who Influenced America***s Greatest Writers?

by David S. Wolf on the Daily Beast website on May 18, 2015.
Ted Thai/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

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XIV. Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany

Collection of fairytales gathered by historian Franz Xaver von Sch**nwerth had been locked away in an archive in Regensburg for over 150 years by Victoria Sussens-Messerer on The Guardian website on March 5, 2012.

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XV. Science and Culture: Using fiction to make the case for basic research
Review of Jellyfish Have Eyes by Joram Piatigorsky, Reviewed by Joel Shurkin i PNAS Journal vol. 112 no. 14 4185***4186.

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XVI. Pharmageddon is the story of a tragedy

by Dr. David Healy on his website.

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XVII. ***We hear and we disobey*** Review of Two Books by David Nirenberg Anti-Judaism

***We hear and we disobey***by Carlos Fraenkel

Anti-Judaism: The History of a Way of Thinking by David Nirenberg Head of Zeus, 624 pp, **25.00, July 2013, ISBN 978 1 78185 113 5.
Neighbouring Faiths: Christianity, Islam and Judaism in the Middle Ages and Today
by David Nirenberg Chicago, 320 pp, **31.50, October 2014, ISBN 978 0 226 16893 7
In scope and ambition David Nirenberg***s Anti-Judaism: The History of a Way of Thinking is***.

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XVIII. A German Generation

Review of: An Experiential History of the Twentieth Century by Thomas Kohut, Reviewed by Anna Fishzon on October 6, 2014.

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XIX. For Reviewers, How Close Is Too Close?

by Margaret Sullivan in The New York Times on May 16, 2015.
photo: Margaret Sullivan

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XX. The Pilgrimage of Malcolm X

Review of: The Autobiography of Malcolm X with the assistance of Alex Haley and Malcolm X Speaks edited by George Breitman Reviewed by I.F. Stone in The New York Review of Books in the November 11, 1965 Issue.
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XXI. What Really Happened: Writing a Memoir

a) By Morris Dickstein on LA Review of Books website on May 16, 2015.
b) The Reformation of Morris Dickstein: For Author and Scholar, More Than One Way To Be Jewish on the Tablet Website on April 4, 2015.
c) Other posts on Morris Dickstein on this website.

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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XXII. Petitioning for Involuntary Hospitalization and The Involuntary Petitioning of Psychoanalysis

by Linda J. Young, Ph.D. on the Academy for Psychoanalytic Arts Website.
Please read more at _______________________________________

F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXIII. Credibility of Evidence: A Reconsideration of the Logic and Strength of Our Healthcare Decisions

photo: decision-cube

by Ross Koppel and Stephen Soumerai on The Health Care Blog on May 22, 2015.
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XXIV. Infidelity Lurks in Your Genes

by Richard J. Friedman in The New York Times on May 22, 2015.
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XXV. Ireland Says ***Yes*** to Marriage Equality

by Tom Sykes on the Daily Beast website on May 23, 2015.

Paul Faith/AFP/Getty

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XXVI. Glimpse of Bronze Age girl***s daily life from hair, clothes
By Michael Casey on the CBS NEWS website on May 21, 2015.

A photo of the remains of a Bronze Age high status female found inside an oak-coffin in a monumental burial barrow at Egtved, Denmark. The Egtved Girl***s garments are extremely well preserved and her exceptional wool costume consists of several wool textile pieces as well as a disc-shaped bronze belt plate, symbolizing the sun. ROBERTO FORTUNA, WITH PERMISSION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF DENMARK
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XXVII. Boko Haram***s Calculated Campaign of Sexual Violence
By Carol Giacomo in The New York Times on May 20, 2015.

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XXVIII. ***War on terror*** psychologist gets giant no-bid contract
The Army has handed a $31 million deal to Dr. Martin Seligman, who once blasted academics for ***forgetting 9/11*** by Mark Benjamin on the Salon Website October 14, 2010.

Release to the public and to Congress, immediately upon its completion, the Hoffman report investigating APA complicity with the Bush administration***s torture program on the website.
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XXIX. The Bush boys: No sibling rivalry, but maybe something deeper
By Peter Wolson on the Rueters news website on May 21, 2015
President George W. Bush (R) bids farewell to his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, as they step off Marine One at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, May 9, 2006. REUTERS/Jason Reed

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XXX. Severe Mental Illness Found to Drop in Young, Defying Perceptions ChildrenMentalIllness

By Benedict Carey in The New York Times on MAY 20, 2015.

(photo) Dr. Mark Olfson of Columbia University was the lead author of a new study on the rates of childhood mental disorders. CreditSam Hodgson for The New York Times

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XXXI. Release to the public and to Congress, immediately upon its completion, the Hoffman report investigating APA complicity with the Bush administration***s torture program

on the website.

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XXXII. Yale President Calls on Graduates To Commit to Tikkun Olam
photo: PeterSalovey

Yale President Calls on Graduates To Commit to Tikkun Olam ***Your purpose in life *** is simply this: to improve the world*** By Yair Rosenberg on the Tablet website on May 19, 2015.

photo: Yale University President Peter Salovey addresses graduating seniors, May 16, 2015. (YouTube)

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XXXIII. Psychologists Abandon the Nuremberg Ethic

photo: Nurembergtrial

Concerns for Detainee Interrogations by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP and Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D. on Kenneth S. Pope***s website.
This article was published in International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol.32, #4, pp. 161-166; May-June, 2009.
doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2009.02.005. Copyright ** 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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XXXIV. A Liberator, But Never Free

David Wilsey A Liberator, But Never Free: An Army doctor helped free the Dachau concentration camp in 1945, meticulously documenting his experiences in letters home to his wife. Hidden for the remainder of his life, the letters have resurfaced, and with them, questions about the G.I.***s we know only as heroes. By Steve Friess Photographs by John Clark in The New Republic on May 17, 2015.

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XXXV. Psychoanalysis Podcast Lectures

on the website.

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XXXVI. Israel and Occupied Palestine: Campaign to Alleviate Suffering in One Middle East Conflict

on The Amnesty International Group 11 New York website.

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XXXVII. The Psychoanalytic Evolution of Anni Bergman and Her Work with Margaret Mahler

a) An Interview and Collaboration with William Fried in the Division Review journal of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association in the Summer 2012 issue.

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b) Anni Bergman Interview at Sigmund Freud University Vienna 2012 on YouTube.

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G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXVIII. John Nash, wife, ***A Beautiful Mind*** inspiration, die in NJ
by Bruce Shipkowski on the Aol news wbsite on May 24th 2015.

XXXIX. Alex Garland***s Ex Machina: Will artificial intelligence replace human efforts?

By Dorota Niemitz on the World Socialist Web Site on May 29, 2015.


a Movie by Urith Aviv on the Couch and website.

XLI. Kubrick***s Lost Holocaust Film

America***s greatest Jewish director was haunted by the Nazi horror***too much to address it directly in film By Abby Margulies on The Tablet website on March 28, 2013.

photo: Stanley Kubrick on set during the filming of 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Warner Bros. Entertainment, courtesy LACMA)

H. In the MUSIC Category:

XLII. Symphony Space Music.

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I. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XLIII. Jewish refugee who became an eminent cultural historian Peter Gay: June 20th, 1923 *** May 12th, 2015

photo: PeterGay;jpg

a) on the Irish Times website on May 22, 2015.

b) Peter Gay, Historian Who Explored Social History of Ideas, Dies at 91 By William Grimes in The New York Times on May 12, 2015.

To read a) & b) please go to
http:// _____________________________________

XLIV. Robert Wistrich 1945-2015

Photo: Robert-Wistrich

a) SPME Mourns the Loss of Robert Wistrich on the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Website.

b) Robert Wistrich: In Memoriam on the Algemeinenr website on May 20, 2015.
To read a) & b) please go to
http:// _____________________________________

J. In the PAPERS Category:

XLV. Reconnecting the Dots *** Reinterpreting Industry***Physician Relations
photo: Lisa Rosenbaum

by Lisa Rosenbaum, M.D. in the New England Journal of Medicine 2015; 372:1860-1864 on May 7, 2015 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMms1502493

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XLVI. Con-Verse-ations: Re-Verse-ing Uni-Verse and Re-Visioning Psychoanalysis as Multi-Verse

photo: Gloria E. Cruice, Ph.D.

by Gloria E. Cruice, Ph.D. on the Academy of Psychoanalytic Arts website.
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XLVII. Interiority and Exteriority: Levinas and Psychological Practice
photo: Emanuel Levinas

by David Flaxer on the Seattle University website.

a) Philosophy Thursday: Emmnuel Levinas on this website.

b) ***Levinas and Post-deconstructive Subjectivity*** from Iran Book News Agency, which announces that Mehdi Parsa translated Simon Critchley***s ***Levinas and Post-deconstructive Subjectivity*** into Persian.
To read a) & b) please go to

XLVIII. Howard Schlossman at 100
photo: ***HowardSchlossman

a) Analysts on the Front Lines: Four WW-II Veterans Recall their Combat Experience (Part 1) on this website.

b) Part 2 of the World War II Panel on this website.

c) My War with the Germans and the US Army: From Civilian to Major to Civilian by Howard Schlossman.

d) WW II: Character Changes in Battle by Howard Schlossman.
To read a),b),c),& d)please go to

IXL. Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Reality

Photo: ErichFromm

by Erich Fromm on the website.

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L. The ***Full Training Illusion*** and The Myth of Functional Equivalence
photo: Tod Tessig

by Todd Essig, Ph.D.******This article appeared in Spring, 2015 (Volume XXX, No. 2) issue of The Round Robin: Newsletter of Section 1 Psychologist-Psychoanalyst Practitioners, Division of Psycho-analysis (39), APA.

To read more please go to


LI. Philosopher Thursday: Epicurus

photo: Epicurus

a) Epicurus on Wikipedia.

b) Epicurus on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy website
c) PHILOSOPHY *** Epicurus on YouTube.

d) Epicurus & Epicurean Philosophy on the website.
e) Epicurians on the Philosophy for Life website.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to ___________________________________________

L. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

LII. 10 Jaw-Dropping Photos From The 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

photo: Arches National Park

by Carly Ledbetter in The Huffington Post on May 11, 2015.
***I was out in the Arches National Park to take night pictures, but the clouds moved in. I waited for about two hours in the car and finally the sky cleared and I got this image.***
Photograph and caption by Manish Mamtani/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

To read and view please go to

LIII. Sigmund Freud + his mother Amalia, 1926

photo: ***Sigmund and Amalia Freud

To read and view please go to

LIV. A photographer took 12 stunning pictures to capture how depression and anxiety can feel

curatored by Laura Willard on the Upworthy website.

To read and view please go to

M. In the PLAYS Category:

LV. Whether Villains or Martyrs They***re Lions*** Lunch

Photo: Poliuto-Glyndebourne

by Paul Levy his Plain English blog on May 22, 2015.

Michael Fabiano as Poliuto **Tristram Kenton

To read please go to _________________________________________________

LVI. High Society no Longer Exists, but it***s Worth Making a Song and Dance about It

by Paul Levy on his Plain English blog on May 20, 2015.

photo: Kate Fleetwood

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LVII. Psychology Sunday: Wilma Bucci

photo: Wilma Bucci

a) Wilma Bucci on The Refferencial website.

b) An Interview with Wilma Bucci, Ph.D., on Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Science by David Van Nuys, Ph.D. on the Seven Counties Services Website.

c) The Need for a ***Psychoanalytic Psychology*** in the Cognitive Science Field Wilma Bucci, Ph.D. Adelphi University Psychoanalytic Psychology 2000, Vol. 17, No 2, 203 224 Copyright 2000 by the Educational Publishing Foundation.

to read a),b) & c) please go to _________________________________________


LVIII. Writer***s Wednesday: Nadine Gordimer

photo: Nadine Gordimer

a) Nadine Gordimer on Wikipedia.

b) Nadine Gordimer, Novelist Who Took On Apartheid, Is Dead at 90 By Helen T. Verongos in The New York Times on July 14, 2014.

c) Nadine Gordimer, The Art of Fiction No. 77 Interviewed by Jannika Hurwitt in the Paris Review Summer 1983 Issue.

to read a),b, & c) please go to

Please comment on the website after you have read YOUR favorite posts and enjoy reviewing memories.

respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde