Money and the Psychotherapist with Joseph Cronin at MITPP

The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy,
The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health and
The Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists
Invite you to a Scientific Meeting
Friday, February 6, 2015 – 7:30 PM * (please note earlier time)
Presenter: Joseph Cronin, L.C.S.W.

The therapist’s fee is a fundamental part of day-to-day clinical practice. Setting and collecting the fee, establishing a contract that covers the handling

of missed and cancelled sessions, as well as negotiating financial arrangements for vacation and travel time represent central elements of the therapeutic frame. Fee issues stir up transference feelings within our patients, and can activate archaic internal relational experiences which get played out in the therapeutic relationship. Dealing effectively with our patient’s feelings and struggles with the fee is an important element of our daily work. However, unlike other frame issues in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, the fee represents an aspect of the therapist’s financial self- interest that may cause the therapist to experience uncomfortable feelings toward a patient, including greed, envy, guilt, anger, shame, anxiety, and competitive feelings to name a few. There is an uneasy tension, recognized or not, as our financially self-interested desires and needs naturally enter into the consulting room and form the basis of a certain ‘countertransference readiness’ with our patients. That said, taking personal responsibility for one’s emotions in relation to economic well-being can make one a better psychotherapist, as well as a more financially secure professional. We will consider the psychotherapist’s fee as an element of daily practice, as well as an element of the therapist’s personal overall economic life. We will address such questions as: How do early career therapists develop and define a professional identity which includes a vision of one’s economic goals, value, and self-esteem? How to establish a fee, billing practices, and collection policies with patients that meaningfully connects with psychodynamic principles, including specifically, an effective engagement with countertransference feelings?

JOSEPH CRONIN, L.C.S.W. Certificate in Adult Psychoanalysis, Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Faculty and Supervisor: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Adult Program. Training and Supervising Analyst, Faculty: Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis; Institute for Psychoanalytic Education. Faculty: Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Member: The American Psychoanalytic Association.

No registration or fee required. Refreshments served following the presentation.

Meeting Will Be Held At:
The Karen Horney Psychoanalytic Institute and Center
329 East 62nd Street (1st & 2nd Avenues)
1st Floor Auditorium, New York, NY 10021

For further information: email, visit or phone (212) 496-2858

Program Committee: Alexandra Cattaruzza, MS, LP, Co-Chair * Rosemarie Verderame, LCSW, Co-Chair * Joyce A. Lerner, LCSW * Thomas McCoy, M. Div., LCSW *
Barbara Reichenthal, LCSW, BCD * Ivy Vale, BFA

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