Shrinks, mass murder, suicide, EHR from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

As I struggle with the question of why a doctor would not report a patient who is a danger to himself and others to the authorities and a few other questions regarding individuals who get framed, arrested and convicted of crimes they did not commit, as well as with questions about political decisions domestic and international, questions of why are the humanities not important to study anymore, etc., I am reminded of the fact that we live in an unfair and imperfect world, that society does not ask us for our opinion and that if we want to make an impact we need to “speak up”! The international psychoanalytic website does just that, and gives you an opportunity to “speak up” for yourself and make a difference, so please write your comments this week as you read.

I will list my favorites followed by the table of contents as usual.

My choices are as follows:

1) though very long, the article about Lonni Sue Johnson, an artist with a profound amnesia is intriguing and raises questions about how personality relates to memory, if indeed it does.
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2) Surely you have a comment on Jeffrey A. Lieberman’s assertion about “Freudian conceit” in his book ‘Shrinks’ – please read the article by Natalie Angier:
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3) Massachusetts requires M.Ds to take an online 3 hr. course on the use of electronic health records (EHR) prior to renewing their license. As I struggle to find the time to do this, I welcomed reading the following:
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4) Of the number of post on the plane crash in the Alps, I chose one, closest to my way of thinking. Please comment,
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5) The Movies category contains a description of a number of films, but I was especially intrigued by

a) the review of the “Birdman” in which the reviewer is baffled that the film is considered a comedy:
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b) I also recommend, for obvious reasons, a post “Why Holywood went crazy for Freud”
One of the major cultural innovations of the 20th century was the motion picture, and madness as a subject turned out to be tailor-made for the cinema. Immediately after the First World War, the first classic silent film that revolved around mental illness was made in Germany.
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6) and then there is “the Empirical Status of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy- An UPdate: Bambi’s Alive and Kicking” ( a study conducted in Clinic of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Giessen, Germany) It was the title that intrigued me – still don’t quite get it:
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Below is the Table of Contents for the week:

A. In the Announcements Category:

I. ***Infidelity as Manic Defense*** with Shelley Nathans, PhD at CFS
Discussants: Mary Morgan and Francis Grier

Friday, June 19, 2015, 8:00-10:00pm

The paths leading to infidelity in a couple***s relationship are manifold and diverse; there is no singular cause, no simple, linear route. Using a contemporary Kleinian ***

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II. Keeping psychodynamic diagnostic constructs relevant in the psychiatric nomenclature with Daniel Winarick at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, April 15, 2015, (Rescheduled from March)m 8 p.m.
Keeping psychodynamic diagnostic constructs relevant in the psychiatric nomenclature: Empirical support for distinguishing schizoid and avoidant personality disorders
with Daniel Winarick, Ph.D.
Free and open to the public

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B. In the ART Category:

III. Life Lines: For an artist with amnesia, the world takes place through her pencil

by Daniel Zalewski in The New Yorker in March 30, 2015.

A virus essentially obliterated Lonni Sue Johnson***s hippocampus, and she can no longer recall what happened five minutes earlier. Her life has become an endless series of jump cuts.CREDITPHOTOGRAPHS BY PHILLIP TOLEDANO

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IV. The Story Behind ***Woman in Gold***: Nazi Art Thieves and One Painting***s Return

By Patricia Cohen in The New York Times on March 30, 2015.
photo: Gustav Klimt***s ***Adele Bloch-Bauer I*** (1907) was returned to the owner***s heirs. CreditNeue Galerie New York

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V. Exhibition in Berlin: Rediscovery of a Russian revolutionary art school
By Sibylle Fuchs and Verena Nees on the World Socialist Web Site on March 31, 2015.

photo: Exhibition of student***s work on ***Evidence and expression of mass and weight*** School year 1927-1928 ** The Schusev State Museum of Architecture Moscow

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C. In the BOOKS Category:

VI. Death of a Yiddish Giant Remembering I.L. Peretz, who died 100 years ago this week

By Eddy Portnoy on the Tablet Website on April 2, 2015.

photo: Detail of micrographic portrait of Peretz. The image is comprised of the entire text of the poem Monish. (YIVO Institute for Jewish Research)

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VII. Howard Kaplan on Manuscript Smuggling and the KGB

by Elizabeth Rowe on the Bookish website on November 20, 2014.

a) Junior Year, 1959 by Morris Dickstein
Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

b) Finding My Way: Junior Year, 1959 by Morris Dickstein on the Columbia Today Website.

c) Interview with Morris Dickstein and other posts on Why Not Say What Happened on this website.

d) Reviews of Why Not Say What Happened,*** by Morris Dickstein on this website.

e) The Zionist Dream in the Poconos Excerpt from Why Not Say What Happened,*** by Morris Dickstein

To read a) to e) please go to

VIII. ***Shrinks,*** by Jeffrey A. Lieberman with Ogi Ogas
By Natalie Angier in The New York Times on March 26, 2015.
photo: After World War II, psychiatry came into its own, balancing talk therapy with hard science.CreditGetty Images/SuperStock
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D. In the BUSINESS and FINANCE Category:

IX. Meaningful Use Stage 3 Proposed Rule: 5 Takeaways for Physicians
by Margalit Gur-Arie on the HIT Consultants website on March 24, 2015.
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E. In the CHINA Category:

X. Picture of the Day: Northern Guangxi Province, China
on the Twisted Sifter website.

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XI. Lessons from the East *** China***s Rapidly Evolving Health Care System
by David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P., and William Hsiao, Ph.D. in the New England Journal of Medicine 2015; 372:1281-1285 on April 2, 2015.
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XII. Therapist from the Depths: A Conversation with Michael Eigen
by Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel in Tikun on May 21, 2013.

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XIII. Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy Puts The Body *** and Love *** Back In Mental Healthcare

by Laura K. Kerr on the Social Justice Solutions Website on April 1, 2015.
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XIV. Germanwings Crash: Should Pilots Surrender Medical Records?
By Andy Eckardt, Alastair Jamieson and Natasha Lebedeva on the NBC News website on April 1, 2015.

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XV. In Treatment, but in Which Language?

By Anastasia Piatakhina Gir** in The New York Times on March 31, 2015.
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XVI. Psychotherapy *** Melanie Klein

from the School of Life on YouTube.

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XVII. Role of Illness in Germanwings Crash Raises Worry About Stigma
By Erica Goode in The New York Times on March 30, 2015.

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XVIII. Every Monday, Two Psychologists Dish Out Free Therapy To Those Who Can***t Afford To Pay

By Elena Santos on the Huffington Post website on March 30, 2015.
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XIX. Don***t Blame It on Depression: That***s not what made the Germanwings co-pilot murder 149 people

By Anne Skomorowsk on the Slate website on March 29, 2015.
Relatives stand at a monument to honor the victims of Germanwings flight 4U9525 in front of the mountains near the crash site on March 26, 2015, in Le Vernet, France.Photo by Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images
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G. In the MOVIES Category:

XX. ***Birdman***: The Unexpected Virtue of Psychosis
Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

by Herbert H. Stein

In the spirit of full disclosure, I must tell you that I may have a particularly subjective view of the film, Birdman, as I set about commenting on it to you. Obviously, all examinations of film have some subjectivity assumed, but in this case I seem to be outside the mainstream. I say it because I was totally baffled to learn that the film is widely considered to be a comedy. It is described as such in reviews and, as if to codify the point, it was nominated for a Golden Globe award for comedy.

I did not experience it as a comedy at all. I found myself in rapt attention in a continual state of tension, anxiety, anticipation, even worry over what would happen next. When it was over, I texted that I had just seen it and didn***t know if I loved it or hated it.
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XXI. Madness at the movies: Why Hollywood went crazy for Freud
on the Sydney Morning Herald website on April 3, 2015.

photo: Jack Nicholson tries to buck the system in One Flew Over The Cuckoo***s Nest.

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XXII. The Devil Is a Woman

on March 30, 2015 *** April 5, 2015 at the Museum of Modern Art on the New York Review of Books website.

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XXIII. LEONARD NIMOY: 1931-2015 by Harvey Roy Greenberg
Photo: LEONARD NIMOY: 1931-2015

Leonard Nimoy had enjoyed reasonable success before taking on the role of Lieutenant Commander Spock, the Vulcan science officer of Star Trek***s USS Enterprise. Nimoy***s performance in the 1964 pilot was not particularly auspicious, chiefly because of inauspicious scripting.. He played a minor role, and few of Spock***s famous signatures were evident except for his oversized elfin ears.

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XXIV. Tackling life head on: The films of Uzbek-Soviet director Ali Khamraev
By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier on the World Socialist Web Site on March 28, 2015.]

White, White Storks

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H. In the MOVIES MONDAY Category:

XXV. Movies Monday: Jakob the Liar and Jakob, der L**gner
a) Jacob the Liar (1975 film) on Wikipedia.

b) JAKOB, DER L**GNER (JACOB THE LIAR) (1975) on the Rotten Tomatoes.
c) Jakob the Liar 1999 Movie on Wikipedia.

d) Jakob The Liar Movie Trailer 2010 on YouTube.

e) Jakob the Liar reviewed by Roger Ebert on the website.
to read a),b),c),d) & e) please go to __________________________________________

I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXVI. The Empirical Status of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
An Update: Bambi***s Alive and Kicking by Falk Leichsenring, Frank Leweke, Susanne Klein, and Christiane Steinert
in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2015; 84:129***148.

To read more please go to


XXVII. Philosophy Thursday: Hugo Bergmann

a) Hugo Bergmann on Wikipedia.

b) Another Zionism: Hugo Bergmann***s Circumscription of Spiritual Territory by Scott Spector in Journal of Contemporary History, 1999, New Delhi, Vol 34(1), 87***108 on the University of Michigan website.
c) Hugo Bergmann on the Knowledge QB website.

d) On Shmuel Hugo Bergman***s Philosophy edited by Abraham Zvie Bar-On on the Google Book;s website.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to ___________________________________________

K. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXVIII. Photography Friday: Wiola Rebecka

Mother and Child by Wiola Rebecka, taken in Tanzania- Zanzibar a long-term volunteer mental hospital

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L. In the PLAYS Category:

XXIX. Yiddish Theater to Join Forces With Heritage Museum
Partnership could give group a permanent home for the first time in more than four decades By Jennifer Smith in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 2015.

Jonathan Raviv and Russell Arden Koplin in the National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene***s production of ***Lies My Father Told Me.*** PHOTO: MICHAEL PRIEST

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XXX. Psychology Sunday: Leon Festinger

a) Leon Festinger on Wikipedia.

b) Cognitive Dissonance Experiment on the Explorable Website.
c) Leon Festinger, 1919***1989 A Biographical Memoir by Stanley Schacter.
d) Leon Festinger *** Introduces theory of cognitive dissonance, Continues research at the New School on the Psychology Encyclopedia website.

e) Cognitive dissonance on Wikipedia.

f) Other posts on Psychology Sunday on this website.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to ______________________________________

N. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXI. NASA video shows the dark side of the moon

INCREDIBLE: NASA video shows the dark side of the moon by Elivokim Cohen on the Jews News Website on February 10, 2015.

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XXXII. Writer***s Wednesday: Bernard-Henri L**vy

a) Bernard-Henri L**vy on Wikipedia.

b) Interview with Bernard-Henri L**vy, interviewed by Charlie Rose on

c) Bernard-Henri Levy urges French voters to reject Front National Philosopher publishes list of allegations against FN candidates and says far-right party has not changed by Kim Willsher on the Guardian website on March 25, 2014.

To read a),b)& c) please go to

Clearly there is a lot of material to read through on this holiday weekend, but I am hoping that you will find the time to read and comment on the website. World news and events are now so accessible that our input is crucial to not just help our patients but to make society and the world a better place.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde

Alexandra K. Rolde, M.D.
27 Fields Pond Rd.
Weston, MA 02493
tel. (781) 894-2177
fax.(781) 891-9419