Master Class Supervision with Zvi Lothane at WSI


Supervisor: Dr. Henry Zvi Lothane
Candidate: Gail Israel

Thursday, December 18, 2014, 8:30-10:30 PM, 41 E. 11th St., 4th Fl., Lecture Hall
No registration needed: Regular fee $25 * Student fee $10
* Refreshments Served *

Henry Zvi Lothane, MD
Dr. Lothane is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, and a faculty member at Washington Square Institute. He is a distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a member of the American and International Psychoanalytic Associations, and author of the definitive In Defense of Schreber Soul Murder and Psychiatry (expanded version Seelenmord und Psychiatrie Zur Rehabilitieung Schrebers) . Dr. Lothane is also known for his historical research on the life and work of Sabina Spielrein and most recently as co-chair and presenter at the winter meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association and as invited discussant after the showing of Ken Wydro’s “Secrets” and papers on the methodology of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. In 2009, Dr. Lothane created the concept of dramatology, an entry in Wikipedia, and a paper in Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology. He maintains a private practice of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis in Manhattan.

Gail Israelson
Gail Israelson is a senior psychoanalytic candidate at Washington Square Institute. She began her psychoanalytic training at IPTAR in their Respecialization Program. In addition to working with individuals, Gail has worked with groups for over 20 years. Gail’s background is in Italian literature and language and she speaks Spanish and Italian fluently.

Jane Genende, LCSW-R
Director of Continuing Education