IPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend



IPSOLogoIPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend
November 21-23, 2014
Knowledge as Construction, Knowledge as Experience:
Reflections on Psychic Change

The focus of the weekend will be to underline how different theoretical persuasions lead to differences in therapeutic aim, therapeutic action, and therapeutic technique.

Conference Co-Sponsored by the Contemporary Freudian Society (CFS) and the International Psychoanalytic Studies Organization (IPSO). This event is supported by an IPA CAPSA Grant with the aim of stimulating debate on different psychoanalytical theoretical and cultural perspectives and understandings, to enhance knowledge of both the details of clinical process and the range of theoretical issues related to it, and to enable participants to gain a greater sense of being a psychoanalytic citizen of the world.

Friday, November 21, 2014
Scientific Paper and Discussion
Location: Hatch Auditorium, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Madison Avenue @ 98th St, NY
Fee: $25.00

Presenter: David Bell, B.Sc., MRCP, FRCPsych (London, UK)
Discussant: Fred Busch, PhD (Chestnut Hill, MA)
Moderator: Phillida Rosnick, PhD (New York, NY)

Dr. Bell’s paper takes as its starting point Freud’s paper “Constructions in Analysis” and then moves on to discuss fundamental questions as regards how we understand the aims of psychoanalysis and touches upon important controversies in this area. The paper gives emphasis to what is termed “knowledge as experience”, as distinct from “knowledge as fact”.

Psychoanalytic understanding is viewed as an emergent process involving internal shifts within the patient and the analyst, and so it is argued that an analysis cannot be an analysis without understanding the ways in which a patient’s inner world is brought into the consulting room. As this approach continues to give emphasis to insight as the source of change and to the neutrality of the analyst, it remains wedded to a broadly classical perspective, and so differs from some more contemporary trends in psychoanalysis (such as the intersubjectivity/relational approach). The themes of the paper are illustrated with clinical examples from his work as a Kleinian analyst.

David Bell, B.Sc., MRCP, FRCPsych is a Consultant Psychiatrist in the Adult Department at the Tavistock Clinic where he directs the Fitzjohn’s Unit, a specialist service for serious/complex psychological disorders. He was a visiting Professional Fellow, Birkbeck College, University College London, and the Past President of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He was a contributing editor to Reason and Passion: A Celebration of the World of Hanna Segal (’97), and Psychoanalysis and Culture: A Kleinian Perspective (’99). In 2013, along with A. Novakavic, he edited Living on the Border: Psychotic Processes in the Individual, the Couple, and the Group, and in 2002, he authored Ideas in Psychoanalysis: Paranoia. Throughout his career he has been deeply involved in the relation between psychoanalysis and literature, philosophy and politics, and has made numerous contributions in these areas. He is one of the UK’s leading psychiatric experts in asylum/human rights.

Fred Busch, PhD is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, a Geographical Supervising Analyst of the Minnesota Psychoanalytic Institute, a Visiting Supervisor at the Vermont Psychoanalytic Institute, and a member of the Institute of Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR). His books are The Ego at the Center of Clinical Technique (’95), Rethinking Clinical Technique (’99), and most recently Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind: A Method and Theory of Psychoanalysis (’13). He has written extensively on the uses and goals of interpretation in psychoanalysis highlighting similarities and differences that are found between our many theoretical traditions. His work has been translated into seven languages, and he is a frequent presenter at clinical workshops, both nationally and internationally.

Phillida Rosnick, PhD is a Training and Supervising Analyst, as well as faculty member, at The Contemporary Freudian Society. She served as Institute Director of the CFS for six years. She was Chief Psychologist for the Outpatient Department, New York Hospital-Westchester Division, and currently has a private practice in New York City.

CE Credits: 2
Learning Objectives:

After attending this program participants will be able to:
1. Define the meaning of “construction” as it has been used by different theorists over the last century.

2. Describe differences in technique between Modern Kleinian and Contemporary Freudian psychoanalytic technique, in particular the difference in handling the transference and the place of reconstruction.

IPSO Day, Clinical Seminar for Candidates
aturday, November 22, 2014
9:00am-12:00pm & 2:00-5:00pm
Location: Hatch Auditorium, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Madison Ave @ 98th St, NY
Fee: $20.00

Sponsored by IPSO, but open to all psychoanalytic candidates. Dr. David Bell will discuss two clinical cases presented by candidates. For more information, please contact Marco Posadas (IPSO Vice President for North America) at marcoposadas@yahoo.com.
CE Credits: 6

Learning Objectives:
After attending this program participants will be able to:

1. Identify early object relations in the current state(s) of mind of the patient as revealed in the clinical material .

2. Discuss relevance of the goal of historical reconstruction as therapeutic aim versus experiencing and modifying object relations in the transference with the person of the analyst.

3. Describe the evolving transference situation as it is revealed in the associative movement in the hour.

4. Select interpretations that address dimensions of the patient’s early object relations.

Clinical Seminar for Members
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Location: TBA
Fee: $100

In a small group, one psychoanalytic case will be discussed in detail with Dr. David Bell. This seminar will be open to any graduate analyst, with attendance limited to 40 to facilitate clinical interchanges among participants. For more information, please contact Phillida Rosnick at phillida.rosnick@gmail.com

CE Credits: 3

After attending this program participants will be able to:
1. Describe the evolving transference situation as it is revealed in the associative movement in the hour.

2. Identify early object relations in the current state(s) of mind of the patient as it is revealed in the clinical material.

3. Select interpretations that address dimensions of the patient’s early object relations as revealed in the clinical process.

4. Discuss the relevance of the goal of historical reconstruction versus experiencing and modifying object relations in the transference with the person of the analyst.

Continuing Education Credit

The Contemporary Freudian Society is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education (CE) programs for psychologists. The CFS maintains responsibility for this program and its content. APA-approved CE credits are granted to participants with documented attendance of the entire program and completed evaluation form. It is the responsibility of the participants seeking APA-approved CE credits to comply with these requirements. Upon completion of this program and online survey, participants will be granted CE credits.

Social Workers:
The Social Work Boards of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia will grant continuing education credits to social workers attending a program offered by an APA authorized sponsor, provided they comply with the requirements stated above for Psychologists.

Important Disclosure Information: None of the planners and presenters of this program have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.




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Confirmation will be sent via email.

I would like to register for the following parts of the weekend:

___ Friday, November 21 (Open to the Public) $25.00

___ Saturday, November 22 (Psychoanalytic Candidates Only) $20.00

___ Sunday, November 23 (Graduate Analysts Only) $100.00

I am a member of ______________________________________ Society/Institute

I have enclosed a check made payable to The Contemporary Freudian Society for


Please mail this form, along with your check, to:

IPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend

11 Bunker Hill Drive

Manalapan, NJ 07726

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